A breakdown of Certifications in Canada
A breakdown of Certifications in Canada categorized into:
- Designation
- Brief description &
- Website of certifying body.
Professions are in:
- Accounting/Finance
- Architecture/Design
- Aviation
- Bank/Insurance
- Engineering
- Education
- Health
- HR
- Community / NGO
It is important to note that some jobs require certifications to practice while some are not legally required. However, having a certification 'might' increase chances. Look through the website and contact if you have questions. Especially if it can be issued outside Canada.
1. CPA (Chattered Professional Accountant): The CPAs are recognized as some of the best Canadian accountants.
Link: CPA CanadaCPA
2. CFP (Certified Financial Planner): They are recognized by the Financial Planning Standards Council and what they do is assess client portfolios and optimize their returns.
Body: Financial Planning Standards Council.
Link: FP Canada
Read also : Some I.T(Information Technology) certifications.
3. CFSA (Certified Financial Services Auditor): They are internationally recognized by The Institute of Internal Auditors Canada. This designation audits financial institutions.
Link: tiny.cc/txj3iz
4. CGAP (Certified Government Auditing Professional): This is by the Institute of Internal Auditors and they specialize in public-sector auditing.
Link: tiny.cc/n9s3iz
5. CIA (Certified Internal Auditor): This is by the Institute of Internal Auditors and what they do is inspect companies finances to reduce losses.
Link: tiny.cc/0dt3iz
6. CFA (Chattered Financial Accountant) – (Edmonton)
Link: tiny.cc/bgt3iz
7. CFA (Chattered Financial Analyst) – Calgary: This designation is given to members accepted into the internationally renowned organization the CFA Institute.
Link: tiny.cc/xzt3iz
9. CIWM (Certified International Wealth Manager)
Link: tiny.cc/dnu3iz
9. CIM (Chattered Investment Manager): This is recognized by the Canadian Securities Institute and a CIM is one of the highest-rated investment managers.
Link: tiny.cc/mau3iz
Read also : Who is a Business Analyst? : Job duties,skills,roles,categories and certifications.
10. CLU (Chartered Life Underwriter): The CLU is recognized by the Institute for Advanced Financial Education and what they do is optimize clients’ life insurance plans.
Link: bit.do/fqd9u
1. CCCA (Certified Construction Contract Administrator)
Link: tiny.cc/uev3iz
2. CEC (Construction Estimator Certified)
Link: bit.do/fqedp
3. Architect
Link: bit.do/fqedS
4. BEFA (Broadly Experienced Foreign Architect)
Link: bit.do/fqedS
5. CA (Chartered Appraiser): The Chartered appraisers are recognized by the Ordre des évaluateurs agréés du Québec and they assess the value of a variety of assets.
Link: Ordre des évaluateurs agréés du Québec
6. CEC (Construction Estimator Certified)
Link: bit.do/fqeeE
7. LEED AP (LEED Accredited Professional)
Link: tiny.cc/9uv3iz
1. A.A.P (Accredited Airport Professional)
Link: bit.do/fqeo7
2. A.E.E. (Accredited Airport Executive)
Link: bit.do/fqeo7
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1. CCSA (Certification in Control Self-Assessment)
Link: tiny.cc/rwy3iz
2. CRMA (Certification in Risk Management Assurance)
Link: tiny.cc/9xy3iz
3. CHS (Certified Health Insurance Specialist): They are recognized by the Institute for Advanced Financial Education and what they do is handle health insurance claims.
Link: bit.do/fqeAs
4. CIP (Chartered Insurance Professional):
Link: tiny.cc/55y3iz
5. R.F.P. (Registered Financial Planner)
Link bit.do/fqeBk
6. CSWP (Chartered Strategic Wealth Professional)
Link: bit.do/fqeBT
7. PFP (Personal Financial Planner)
Link: bit.do/fqeBT
8. MTI (MTI Estate and Trust Professional)
Link: bit.do/fqeBT
1. CET (Certified Engineering Technologist): bit.do/fqeE3
2. AScT (Applied Science Technologist):
Link: bit.do/fqeFo
3. CCIT (Certified Computer Information Technologist)
Link: bit.do/fqeFo
Read also : how you can start learning about FB ads today.
4. CET (Certified Engineering Technologist)
Link: bit.do/fqeFo
5. C. Tech (Certified Technician)
Link: bit.do/fqeGN
6. OLS (Ontario Land Surveyor)
Link: bit.do/fqeG7
7. P. Tech (Professional Technologist)
Link: bit.do/fqeHA
1. GC (Guidance Counsellor)
Link: bit.do/fqeJe
1. T.M. (Medical Technologist)
Link: bit.do/fqeJK
2. Occupational Therapist
Link: tiny.cc/gv03iz
3. Registered Midwife
Link: bit.do/fqeKf
4. CACFI Acupunturist
Link: bit.do/fqeKH
5. Certified Audiologist – Aud(C) and Speech-Language Pathologist
Link: bit.do/fqeK2
6. Chiropractor
Link: bit.do/fqeLi
7. Paramedic
Link: bit.do/fqeLv
Nursing, Doctor and Dentistry have all been omitted from list.
Read also : How to write an academic Curriculum Vitae (CV).
1. CHRP (Certified Human Resources Professional)
CHRL (Certified Human Resources Leader)
CHRL (Certified Human Resources Executive)
Link: bit.do/fqeNQ
2. PCP (Payroll Compliance Practitioner)
CPM (Certified Payroll Mgr)
Link: bit.do/fqePH
3. CPLP (Certified Professional in Learning and Performance)
Link: astd.org/certification
4. RPT (Registered Professional Trainer)
Link: bit.do/fqeRq
5. CCS (Certified Career Strategist)
CIS (Certified Interview Strategist)
CRS (Certified Resume Strategist)
CEM (Certified Employment Strategist)
Link: bit.do/fqeRy
Worthy of mention:
CCPE (Canadian Certified Professional Ergonomist)
CHSC (Certified Health & Safety Consultant)
CHSMSA (Certified Health and Safety Management System Auditor)
COHN (Certified Occupational Health Nurse)
Read also : 6-Step strategy to help with changing your career path.
CRSP (Canadian Registered Safety Professional)
CRST( Canadian Registered Safety Technician)
ROH (Registered Occupational Hygienist)
ROHT (Registered Occupational Hygiene Technologist)/
i have also made an article on some I.T certifications
Author : Kekeocha Justin