Regulation of ionic concentration by ZLY310 PDF free download

ZLY310 Regulation of ionic concentration PDF, was published in 2015 and uploaded for 300-level Science and Technology students of University of Ilorin (UNILORIN), offering ZLY310 course. This ebook can be downloaded for FREE online on this page.

Regulation of ionic concentration ebook can be used to learn marine fis, freshwater fish, kidney.

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Books related to Regulation of ionic concentration

Ionic and osmotic regulation

Author: ZLY310

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: ZLY310

Topics: Ionic regulation, Hyperosmotic living, terrestrial living

Osmoregulation in terrestial vertebrates

Author: ZLY310

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: ZLY310

Topics: osmoregulation, excretion

Integrated Principles of Zoology, Seventh edition

Author: Cleveland Hickman, Susan Keen, Allan Larson

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: ZLY103, ZLY106, ZLY202, ZLY304, ZLY301, ZLY306, ZLY310, ZLY406

Topics: cellular metabolism, cell, genetic, development, taxonomy, phylogeny, unicellular eukaryotes, sponge, placozoan, cridarian, ctenophore, acoelomorpha, platyzoa, mesozoa, polyzoa, kryptrochozoa, mollusc, annelid, allied taxa, ecdysozoans, trilobites, chelicerates, myriapod, crustacean, hexapod, chaetognath, echinoderm, hemichordate, chordate, fish, tetrapod, amphibian, aminote, nonavian reptile, bird, mammal, support, protection, movement, homeostasis, digestion, nutrition, nervous coordination, nervous system, nervous coordination, sense organ, chemical coordination, immunity, animal behavior, animal distribution, animal ecology

Mammalian Kidney and Functional Unit

Author: ZLY

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: ZLY106

Topics: Kidney, Ureter, Bladder, Urethra, urinary system

Nigerian Fisheries presentation

Author: ZLY314

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: ZLY314

Topics: Nigerian Fisheries, hydrology, water resources, Mangrove ecosystem, Fish species, Freshwater Fish, fisheries, fishermen, Fishing season, Fishing gear, Traditional ban, Small Reservoir, Natural Lake, Fishery Statistical Data, Fishery Legislations, Fishery Surveillance

Natural Products Chemistry Sources, Separations and Structures

Author: Raymond Cooper, George Nicola

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CHE276

Topics: Natural Products Chemistry Sources, Natural Products Separations, Natural Products Structures, metabolites, Ethnobotany, marine sources, animal sources, venoms, toxins, Water-Steam Distillation, Supercritical Fluid Extraction, Solvent Partitioning, Refined Isolation Techniques, Chromatography, Polar Compounds separations, charcoal reverse phase resins, High-Performance Liquid Chromatography, Capillary Electrophoresis, Polyamide Gel Chromatography, Size-Exclusion Chromatography, Structure Elucidation, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Ultraviolet Spectroscopy, Infrared Spectroscopy, Mass Spectrometry, Circular Dichroism, X-Ray Crystallography, isomers, building blocks, Terpenes, Isoprene Rule, Shikimate Pathway, Mevalonate Pathway, Polyketides, Carbohydrates, sugar, fat, Fructose, sugar complexity, Glucose, Disaccharide Sucrose, Polysaccharides, Galactomannan, Polysaccharides Immuno Properties, Echinacea, Ganoderma, mushroom Polysaccharides, fats, lipids, soaps, detergents, waxes, Triglycerides, Glycols, fatty acids, omega oils sources, fish oil Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Prostaglandins, Thromboxanes, Leukotrienes, Phenolic Compounds, Flavonoids, Flavones, Isoflavones, Flavone Glycosides, Anthocyanins, Tannins, Lignin, Lignans, Lignan Structural Units, Phytoestrogens, Nitrogen-Containing Compounds, Proteins, Peptides, Amino Acids, proteins components, Protein–Peptide Building Blocks, amino acids detection, Indoles, Alkaloids, Nucleic Acids, protein sythesis, Euphorics, morphine, morphine isolation, codeine, heroin, Cannabis, cocaine, Anti-Infectives, Antimicrobial β-Lactams, Penicillin isolation, Cephalosporin, Cephalosporin C isolation, Monobactams, Nocardicins, Carbapenem, Thienamycin isolation, Antibiotic Macrolides, Erythromycin, Antiparasitic Drugs, Avermectins, Tetracyclines, Statin drugs, steroids, Neem oil, Antimalarial Drugs, Quinine, Artemisinin, Anticancer Drug, Bryostatins, Carotenoids, β-Carotene, β-Carotene isolation, Lutein isolation, Zeaxanthin, Zeaxanthin isolation, Lycopene, Lycopene isolation, Vitamin C, Vitamin C isolation, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Sweeteners, Xylitol, Aspartame, Sucralose, Stevia, Licorice, Agave, spices, tea, Tea Catechins, tea growing, Theaflavins, Toxic Mushroom, Marine Toxins, Conus Snail Toxins, Poisonous Frogs

Basic petroleum geology

Author: Peter Link

School: Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PEE315

Topics: earth structure, lithosphere, mantle, core, specific gravity, Earth's magnetic field, plate tectonics, continental drift, continental margin, geologic time, historical geology, stratigraphy, relative time, absolute time, radiometric time scale, geologic time scale, palentology, Minerals, rocks, weathering, erosion, deposition, Marine erosion, Marine deposition, depositional basin, Lacustrine environment, Desert environment, Glacial Environment, subsurface water, Diagenesis, structural geology, petroleum traps, petroleum, reservoir, recovery techniques, exploration techniques, igneous rock, sedimentary rock, metamoprphic rock, rock cycle, mechanical weathering, chemica weathering, weathering products, downslope movement, floodplain deposits, delta deposits, stream deposits, Marine depth zones, Marine currents, wave types, wave refraction, erosional features, marine shoreline, marine deposition, Basin, Lake basin, lacustrine deposition, lacustrine deposits, desert erosion, desert deposition, desert deposits, Glacier, glacial deposition, glacial deposits, groundwater classification, aquifer, water table, water well, ground water processes, groundwater products, lithification, induration, diagenesis, fracturing, stress, strain, faults, folds, strike, dip, superposition, decriptive geometry, stereographic projection, hydrocarbon traps, structural traps, stratigraphic traps, combination traps, unconformity traps, crude oil, natural gas, reservoir performane, reservoir pressure, resevoir loss, reservoir destruction, reservoir rocks, clastic reservoirs, carbonate reservoirs, seals, pressure-data, geometry, fluid content, Rock sampling, fluid flow, porosity, permeability, reservoir properties, surface geology, surface data, surface geology, drilling operations, well cuttings, cores, electric logging, radioactivity logging, acousting logging, sonic logging, spontaenous potential logs, self potential logs, resistivity logs, induction logs, dual induction-focused logs, electrode logs, radioactivity logs, acoustic logs, drill stem tests, geophysical surveys, geochemical surveys, maps, cross-sections

Agnatha and Gnathostomata

Author: ZLY304

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: ZLY304

Topics: fish, Ostracoderm, Conodont, Lamprey, Petromyzontiformes, Hagfish, Myxini, Lamprey, Petromyzontiformes, jawed fish, Placodermi, acanthodia, chondrichthyes

Respiratory system

Author: ZLY410

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: ZLY410

Topics: gill, lung, Ventilatory Mechanism, Muscular Mechanism, Water-Breathing Fish, Air-breathing Fish, Amphibian

Microbial ecology

Author: Ezeanya chinyere

School: Edo University

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: MCB211

Topics: Microorganisms, microbial interactions, commensalism, Parasitism, neutralism, predation, amensalism, competition, Archaea microbes, Bacteria Microbes, Fungi microbes, Protists Microbes, Viruses’ microbes, Prions microbes, adaptation, ecosystems, freshwater ecosystems, terrestrial ecosystems, marine ecosystems

Environmental Microbiology

Author: Alan Varnam, Malcolm Evans

School: Edo University

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: MCB412

Topics: Environmental Microbiology, aquatic environments, marine environment, freshwater environment, terrestrial environments, soil, terrestrial habitats, extreme environments, high temperature environments, extremely acidic environments, highly alkaline environments, non-alkaline environments, highly saline environments

Freshwater fisheries

Author: ZLY314

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: ZLY314

Topics: fishery, fishing, fishing gear

Fisheries and Wildlife

Author: AA Alarape, AO Sololu

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: AFS220

Topics: Fisheries, Wildlife, aquatic life, aquatic evolution, fish production, fish management, Fishery Biodiversity Conservation, Water Quality Management, Fish Diseases, fish nutrition, fish marketing, fish Post Harvest Handling, Order Rodentia, Order Carnivora, order Perissodactyla, Order Artiodactyla, Primates, Proboscidea, Insectivora, Chiroptera, Pholidota, Lagomorpha, Reptiles, Birds

Fish Health Management

Author: RM Bashir

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: AFM317

Topics: Fish Health Management, fish parasites, Viral Infection, Bacterial Infection, Fish Diseases, Sensitivity test control, Fish Allergy, bony fish anatomy, Ciliates, Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, Chilodonella, Tetrahymena, Trichodina, Ambiphyra, flagellates, Hexamita, Spironucleus, Ichthyobodo, Piscinoodinium, Cryptobia, Myxozoa, Microsporidia, Coccidia, Gyrodactylus, Dactylogyrus, Monogenean Trematodes, Camillanus, Capillaria, Eustrongylides, Cestodes, parasitic crustacea, Cestoda, Acanthocephala



School: Federal University of Technology, Minna

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: ANB321

Topics: Hydrobiology, LenticHabitat, Limnology, fresh water ecology, littoral zone, lake, lentic communities, lotic habitat, Estuaries, Estuarine nutrient cycling, marine environment, marine organisms

Microbial Ecology

Author: MCB206

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: MCB206

Topics: microorganism, aquatic environment, marine bacteria, salt lake, glacier, iron spring, sulphur spring

Mechanisms of adaptation of microorganisms to their environment


School: University of Ilorin

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: MCB206

Topics: soil water, Salinity, temperature, pH, Radiation, pollution, Benthic region, marine bacteria, Tundra soils, Salt lakes, extreme aquatic environments, Glaciers

Nephrotic syndrome

Author: Adedoyin

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science


Topics: Hypoalbuminemia, GLOMERULONEPHRITIS, URINARY TRACT INFECTION, ACTUE KIDNEY INJURY, CHRONIC RENAL FAILURE, END-STAGE RENAL DISEASE, RENAL REPLACEMENT THERAPY, Potter’s syndrome, Unilateral agenesis, aplasia, Hypoplasia, Multicystic kidney, Medullary sponge Kidney, Solitary cyst, Horse-shoe kidney, Ectopic kidney, Hydramnious, Pelvic Hydronephrosis, Ureterocele, RENAL BIOPSY, HYPERTENSION, ENURESIS

Amphibians - A tetrapod

Author: Shittu olalere

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: ZLY202

Topics: Carboniferous Radiation, Caecilians, Gymnophiona, Salamander, Caudata, Amphibian, Paedomorphosis, Frog Life Cycle, frog, Tadpole, Fish

Basic Chordate Zoology lecture note

Author: ZLY202

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: ZLY202

Topics: chordate, hemichordata, rattus rattus, mammal, bird, aves, amphibian, fish

Past Questions related to Regulation of ionic concentration


Year: 2018

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: BIO308

Topics: fish, marine

472 bio151 questions

Year: 2018

School: Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: BIO151

Topics: cell, kidney, polysaccahride

The Mammalian Body and theory of practical-1997,2001-2006,2008,2009

Year: 2009

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: ZOO112

Topics: waste product, food, osmoregulation, excretory organ, Mammal, kidney, excretory system, Meiosis, mitosis, hormone, heart blood, cartilage, joint, bone

Principles of aquaculture

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: FAT303

Topics: Aquaculture, Fish production system, fish harvesting, fish stocking, exotic fish species, non-endemic fish species, pond fertilization, pond liming, fish pen, earthen pond, plastic tank


Year: 2019

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: EVT407

Topics: statistical interference, experimental error, pig, piggery, fish, linear model, ANOVA, Bernoulli trial

FISH NUTRITION-2017,2018&2019

Year: 2019

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: FAT309

Topics: fish nutrition, fish feed, dietary lipids, fish

Fish systematic and taxonomy

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: FAT307

Topics: Fish systematic, fish taxonomy, fish identification keys, perca flavescens, African catfish, Clarias gariepinus

End of M1 posting exam

Year: 2013

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: M1

Topics: skin, hair, lung cancer, diarrhea, gynaecomastia, glomerular filtration, kidney failure, myasthenia gravis, renal failure, renal syndrome, multiple myeloma, sterile pyuria, adrenal insufficiency

FISH SYSTEMATICS-2017,2018&2019

Year: 2019

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: FAT307

Topics: fish, fisheries management, habitat diversity, fish preservation, taxonomic


Year: 2018

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: FAT303

Topics: aquaculture, fish farming, fish culture, pond, fertilizer


Year: 2018

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: FAT304

Topics: hatchery, disease, parasite, fish, culture system


Year: 2018

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: FAT308

Topics: fish pond, pond profiling, pond construction, contour pond, barrage pond, oxygen depletion


Year: 2019

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: FST409

Topics: meat product, meat, rancidity, fish flour, fish, meat products processing

Pathology 3rd MBBS & resit exams 2013,2015,2017

Year: 2017

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: PAT301, PAT401, PAT402, PAT402

Topics: Jaundice, hepatic jaundice, thyroid hormones, Grave's disease, Fat-soluble vitamins, hyperlipidaemia, fasting plasma glucose, diabetes mellitus, pre-hepatic jaundice, metabolic acidosis, lumbar puncture, haemolytic jaundice, fasting blood glucose, post-prandial test, intension, granulation tissue, wound healing, heart failure, ventricular failure, renal function, creatinine, actue kidney injury, chronic renal failure, nephrotic syndrome