Handbook of Family Medicine , Fourth edition by Bob Mash PDF free download
Bob Mash Handbook of Family Medicine , Fourth edition PDF, was published in 2017 and uploaded for 500-level Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science students of University of Ilorin (UNILORIN), offering FAMILY MEDICINE500 course. This ebook can be downloaded for FREE online on this page.
Handbook of Family Medicine , Fourth edition ebook can be used to learn consultation, family-orientated primary care, primary care, common symptoms, community-orientated primary care, leadership, clinical governance, primary care team, family medicine ethics, evidence-based family medicinePatient centeredness, Facilitation, Active listening, Communication skills, Thinking, Clinical reasoning, Self-management, Collaboration, Negotiating, Mutual decision-making, behavioural change counselling, Breaking of bad news, elderly patients, children, babies, adolescent, thinking family, genogram, family conference, Informational continuity, medical records, promoting wellness, promoting health, clinical care, preventing disease, rehabilitation, palliative care, abdominal pain, dyspepsia, sedation, sexual assault, child abuse, intimate partner violence, elder abuse, anal symptoms, anal pain, anal bleeding, anal discharge, back pain, anal itch, Rabies prophylaxis, Tetanus prophylaxis, Prophylactic antibiotics, breast symptoms, breast examination, chest pain, burns, emergency care, collapse, seizure, constipation, cough, dysuria.