Statistical Methods in Medical Research by Charan Singh Rayat PDF free download
Charan Singh Rayat Statistical Methods in Medical Research PDF, was published in 2018 and uploaded for 200-level Science and Technology students of University of Ilorin (UNILORIN), offering STA201 course. This ebook can be downloaded for FREE online on this page.
Statistical Methods in Medical Research ebook can be used to learn Theories of Probability, priori probability, Axiomatic theory of probability, Collecting Statistical Data, Tabulated Presentation of Data, Diagrammatic Presentation of Data, Graphic Presentation of Data, Central Tendency, Dispersion, Dispersion, Correlation, Chi-Square Test, Normal Curve, Sampling Distribution, Normal Distribution, Statistical Decision, Variance-Ratio Test, Analysis of Variance, ANOVA, Nonparametric Statistical Tests, Statistical Quality Control in Clinical Laboratories, Quality Control Measures, Applications of Microsoft Excel in Statistical Methods.