Peace Studies and Conflicts Resolution summary by GST UNIBEN PDF free download

GST UNIBEN Peace Studies and Conflicts Resolution summary PDF, was published in 2020 and uploaded for 100-level General studies students of University of Benin (UNIBEN), offering GST121 course. This ebook can be downloaded for FREE online on this page.

Peace Studies and Conflicts Resolution summary ebook can be used to learn conflict, conflict resolution, citizenship development, conflict management, peace building, peer meditation, peace clubs, alternative dispute resolution.

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Books related to Peace Studies and Conflicts Resolution summary

Peace And Conflict Studies

Author: Ho-Wong Jeong

School: Anchor University, Lagos

Department: General studies

Course Code: GST202

Topics: peace, conflict, conflict management, International cooperation, security, culture, social values, continuity, discontinuity, zone of instability, direct violence, structural violence, cultural violence, negative peace, positive peace, conflict analysis, social order, traditional management strategies, dispute settlement, conflict resolution, conflict transformation, peace building, peace research, social environment, policy orientation, war, war theory, human nature, frustration-aggression hypothesis, psychoanalytic perspectives, relative deprivation, basic needs, identity formation masculine values, patriarchy, domination, feminism, political economy, economic disparities, free market economy, class relations, international capitalism, International war, economic integration, globalization, social transition, population growth, environmental security, balance of power, collective security, peace keeping operations, humanitarian intervention, Non-provocative defense, civilian based defense, confidence building, disarmament, arms control, peace conversion, negotiation, enquiry, arbitration, judicial settlement, conciliation, mediation, problem solving workshop, second track diplomacy, reconciliation, post-conflict reconstruction, preventive diplomacy, preventive intervention, Human rights, human rights abuses, self-determination, multi-ethnic state, nation-state building, growth-oriented development model international economic imbalance, dependency theories, import substitution industrialization, Human centered development, endogenous development, self-reliance, environmental politics, International policies, Free trade, international organizations, global order, governance, realism, neorealism, international regimes, functionalism, neofunctionalism, world government, anarchism, global civil society, peace movements

Peace and Conflict

Author: Adamu Bala

School: Air Force Institute of Technology

Department: General studies

Course Code: GST202

Topics: peace, conflict, conflict resolution, international organization and conflict resolution, conflict resolution, conflict management, conflict transformation, conflict suppression, negotiation, mediation, arbitration, conflict handling styles, preventive diplomacy, peace making, peace keeping, peace enforcement, peace building, violence, conflict theories, terrorism, insurgency, human security, conflict analysis, conflict profile, conflict dynamics, conflict analysis tool

Peace studies and conflict resolution

Author: Aduloju Ayodeji Anthony

School: Edo University

Department: General studies

Course Code: GST221

Topics: Peace studies, conflict resolution, conflict, violence, peacemaking, peace enforcement, peace building, peace mediation, peace keeping, Alternative Dispute Resolution

Social science perspectives to peace and conflict ,volume 2

Author: Augustine Onu, John Eze, Kingsley Udegbunam

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: General studies

Course Code: GSP202

Topics: peace studies, conflict studies, peace, conflict, violence, Psychological violence, Conflict Prevention, Conflict Management, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Arbitration, Negotiation, mediation, Conflict Resolution, conflict transformation, Multi-Track Diplomacy, social conflict, terrorism, Conflict handling Styles, violent resistance, Non violent resistance

Introduction to Conflict Resolution Processes 1

Author: Oche Ogaba

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: PCR115, PCR715

Topics: Conflict Resolution Processes, conflict resolution, conflict transformation, mediation, negotiation, Peace Building Agent, Build Lasting Peace, peace building

Theories in Conflict Management

Author: Emmanuel Remi Aiyede

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: PCR811

Topics: Conflict Management theories, Conflict management styles, Third Party Intervention, mediation, negotiation, Arbitration, African Traditional Conflict Management, Conflict Transformation, Peace-Building, Early Warning Systems, Peace-making, Peace Keeping, Disarmament, Arms Control, Multi-Track Diplomacy, Post-Conflict Reconstruction, Ethnicity, Public Policy Making, United Nations, United Nations Peace Initiatives, United Nations intervention Strategies, Global Civil Society, Post Conflict Reconstruction

GSP202 Compilations

Author: Nick, Ugwuodo Emmanuel

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: General studies

Course Code: GSP202

Topics: peace studies, conflict studies, peace, conflict, violence, Psychological violence, Conflict Prevention, Conflict Management, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Arbitration, Negotiation, mediation, Conflict Resolution, conflict transformation, Multi-Track Diplomacy, social conflict, terrorism, Conflict handling Styles, violent resistance, Non violent resistance

Dispute resolution ,6th edition

Author: Stephen Goldberg, Frank Sander, Nancy Rogers, Sarah Rudolph Cole

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: General studies

Course Code: GST202

Topics: Disputing Procedures, Negotiation, Mediation, Fairness, Arbitration, Dispute Resolution Process, Dispute Resolution System, Dispute Resolution, Justice System, Dispute Resolution Problems

Third Party Intervention in Conflict Resolution

Author: Sampson Ebimaro

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: PCR371, PCR771

Topics: Conflict Resolution, conflict, conflict resolution, conflict theories, Conflict Resolution environments, Peace Makers, peace Spoilers

Introduction to Conflict Resolution

Author: Godwin Okeke

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: PCR114, PCR714

Topics: conflict resolution, Community Peacebuilding Practices, Conflict handling Styles, Conflict Resolution Process, Conflict Escalation, conflict analysis, anger management, mind control, conflict mapping, Attitude Change, Persuasion, mental preparedness, emotional preparedness, building trust, Facilitative Mediation Process, mediators job

Summary of social science perspectives to peace and conflict ,Vol 2

Author: Okolie Chidera Obinna

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: General studies

Course Code: GSP202

Topics: social science, Peace and Conflict Studies, theories of conflict, conflict, Ethnicity, conflict analysis, Conflict handling style, conflict management, Nonviolent resistance, terrorism, International organization, peace

Environmental Security and Conflict Resolution

Author: Chinasa Ugwuanyi

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: PCR851

Topics: Environmental Security, Conflict Resolution, Environmental Security Analysis, Green Political Theory, political ecology, National Environmental Laws, Multilateral Environmental Agreements, Treaties, International Environmental Law development, Conflict Resolution Techniques, conflict, Conflict Management, Environmental Conflict, Environmental Challenges, Natural Resources

Introduction to Social Sciences and Citizenship Education textbook [Module 1-16]

Author: Mobolaji Hakeen-Ishola, Adisa rasaq, abdulraheem mahumud, Ijaiya Muftau Adeniyi, Afolabi Hafsat Olatanwa

School: University of Ilorin

Department: General studies

Course Code: GNS212

Topics: Social Sciences, Citizenship Education, Bank, interest rate, non-interest banking, Islamic banking, Mass media, News, Journalist, Conflict, microfinance, cashless policy, electronic banking, cashless economy, food insecurity, business in Nigeria, business environment, Dress code, human clothing, Clothing pattern, corporate failure, corporate governance, business failure, citizen, citizenship, citizenship education, Development, process, development process, development plan, Nigeria development process, Sociology, Anthropology, Nigerian policies reform, Nigerian development plan, Nigerian development policy, institution, corruption, Constitution, 1999 Nigerian constitution, Organs of government, Sustainable development, Sustainable development Goals, economic growth, socio-cultural sustainability issues, conventional federalism, Nigerian federalism, revenue collection, government revenue

Contemporary Conflict Resolution

Author: Oliver Ramsbotham, Tom Woodhouse, Hugh Miall

School: Edo University

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: HIS214

Topics: Conflict Resolution, contemporary conflict, Preventing Violent Conflict, Ending Violent Conflict, Post-Settlement Peace-Building

Issues in peace and conflict studies filler

Author: Nwanna Izuchukwu

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: General studies

Course Code: GSP202

Topics: Peace, conflict, conflict studies, social conflict, theories of social conflict

Handbook of Peace and Conflict Studies

Author: Charles Webel, Johan Galtung

School: Edo University

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: HIS214

Topics: Peace studies, Conflict Studies, negotiation, international conflict, mediation, peace studies, peace politics, disarmament, nuclear disarmament, creating peace, nonviolence, human rights, peace, reconciliation, peace business, peace journalism, peace psychology, peace education, international law

African Traditional Methods of Conflict Resolution

Author: OB Olaoba

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: PCR831

Topics: Conflict Resolution, Indigenous Conflict Resolution, Adjudication Method, Reconciliation Method, Mediation Method, Negotiation Method, Arbitration Method, resolution timing, Training Reconciliators

Peace and conflict studies lecture note book

Author: University of Nigeria Press Limited

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: General studies

Course Code: GSP201

Topics: Peace studies, conflict studies, Economic Systems, economics, Theory of Production, Theory of Demand, Theory of supply, geography, human society, Environmental Security, conflict, peace, politcal science, contemporary society, Psychology, politics, Public Administration, religion, social work, social problems, sociology, anthropology, social sciences, sociology

Language and Information Management in Peace & Conflict Resolution

Author: Aderibigbe Nurudeen Adeniyi

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: PCR375

Topics: Language, conflict Language Barrier, information, interpersonal communication, Language Barrier, Control Communication, Conflict Resolution, Effective Communication, communication theories, listening

Research Method in Peace and Conflict Resolution 1

Author: Joshua Olusegun Bolarinwa

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: PCR716

Topics: Research Method in Peace and Conflict Resolution 1

Past Questions related to Peace Studies and Conflicts Resolution summary

Citizenship and peace studies by Uko Etido Maurice

Year: 2019

School: University of Uyo

Department: General studies

Course Code: GST123

Topics: Citizenship, peace studies, Nigerian constitution, health, disease, drug rational use

Citizenship and Peace Studies 2012&2017

Year: 2017

School: University of Uyo

Department: General studies

Course Code: GST123

Topics: Citizenship, Peace Studies

525 Introduction to Social Sciences and Citizenship Education by MO Sanni

Year: 2013

School: University of Ilorin

Department: General studies

Course Code: GNS212

Topics: conflict, bank, governance, economy, petroleum subsidy, interest, interest rate

Nigeria and Africa cultural development 2016-2019

Year: 2019

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: General studies

Course Code: GST201

Topics: Nigeria cultural development, Africa cultural development

Entrepreneurial studies for universities students with likely exam question and study material by Mr. Ohms

Year: 2018

School: Nnamdi Azikiwe University

Department: General studies

Course Code: GSS301

Topics: entrepreneur, entrepreneurial process, entrepreneurship, business plan, innovation, Hoselitz's socio-cultural theory, economic theories, economic development, new business, feasibility study, venture capital, bank loans, management, entrepreneurship barriers, record management, cash flow statement, activity records, production records, records management system, business threat, SWOT analysis, ICT, Marketing marketing functions, production

Nigerian and african cultural development-2012-2015

Year: 2018

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: General studies

Course Code: GST201

Topics: Sahara desert, culture, social science, Nigerian culture, political systems, cultural development

Introduction to Social Sciences and Citizenship Education by plato, reviewed by premier and Mufti Khayr

Year: 2017

School: University of Ilorin

Department: General studies

Course Code: GNS212

Topics: Bank, contract, interest, interest rate, Microfinance, government, federalism, fashion, Corporate governance, Sociology, Anthropology

Q&A English Legal System by Gary Slapper and David Kelly

Year: 2015

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Law

Course Code: JIL101

Topics: Rule of law, Human rights, sources of law, Legal Reform, judicial reasoning, courts, appellate process, criminal process, civil process, legal services, judges, juries, Alternative Dispute Resolution, judge, jury


Year: 2019

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: BLD201

Topics: construction, building

Engineering management, law and contracts

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ENG405

Topics: Engineering management, engineering law, engineering contracts, patent, arbitration, arbitration hearing, contract, tender instructions, architect functions, motivation, trademark, management information systems, copyright, tender bonds, professional ethics, control management, participative management techniques, PERT, leadership, professional liability, personal management, public works, human resources management

Crystallography, X-ray and electron microscopy 2014, 2016, 2018, 2019

Year: 2019

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: MME505

Topics: Crystallography, x-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, crystal structure, lattice constant, diffraction methods, camera resolution, Bragg law, crystallographic planes, crystallographic directions, diffractometer detector circuit, Weiss zone law, X-rays characteristics, crystal, symmetrical operation, plane of symmetry, X-ray diffractometer, X-ray spectrometer, optical microscope limit of resolution, linear absorption coefficient, mass absorption coefficient


Year: 2019

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: QTS507

Topics: building, economics, appraisal

Principles of food quality management and experimental design

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: FST407

Topics: Food quality management, null hypothesis, alternative hypothesis, Analysis of variance, ANOVA, food quality control authority, food quality control, food quality assurance, control chart, quality control chart, process variation, process predictability, sampling, variable data, attribute data, X-bar charts, R-chart, P-charts


Year: 2019

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: ARC403

Topics: Building drainage, water supply, water distribution, cistern