Understanding Chemistry by GODWIN O. OJOKUKU PDF free download

GODWIN O. OJOKUKU Understanding Chemistry PDF, was published in 2010 and uploaded for 100-level Science and Technology students of Nnamdi Azikiwe University (UNIZIK, NAU), offering ICH 101 course. This ebook can be downloaded for FREE online on this page.

Understanding Chemistry ebook can be used to learn understanding chemistry.

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Books related to Understanding Chemistry

Shriver & Atkin's inorganic chemistry

Author: Peter Atkins, Tina Overton, Jonathan Rourke, Mark weller, Fraser Armstrong, Michael Hagerman

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CHE126

Topics: Inorganic chemistry, atomic structure, atomic orbitals, molecular structure, bonding, Lewis structure, valence bond theory, Molecular orbital theory, ionic solids, ionic bonding, semiconduction, acid, base, Brønsted acidity, Lewis acidity, oxidation, reduction, reduction potentials, redox stability, Molecular symmetry, isomerism, coordination compounds, chirality, spectroscopy, chemical analysis, Magnetometry, periodic trends, Group 1 elements, Group 2 elements, hydrogen, Group 13 elements, Group 15 elements, Group 14 elements, Group 16 elements, d-Block elements, Representative compounds, Electronic spectra, Magnetism, Coordination chemistry, Ligand substitution reactions, Ligand substitution, Redox reactions, Photochemical reactions, Lanthanoid chemistry, Actinoid chemistry, ligands, Solid-state chemistry, materials chemistry, Metal oxides, nitrides, fluorides, Chalcogenides, intercalation compounds, Hydrides, inorganic pigments, Semiconductor chemistry, Molecular materials, fullerides, catalysis, Homogeneous catalysis, Heterogeneous catalysis, Hybrid catalysis, Characterization, fabrication, Nanomaterials, nanoscience, nanotechnology, Self-assembled nanostructures, Bioinorganic nanomaterials, Biological inorganic chemistry, Catalytic processes, Biological cycles, Chelation therapy, nitrogen cycle, hydrogen cycle, acid-base catalysis, Tethered catalysts, Electrocatalysis, Alkene polymerization, Ammonia synthesis, Hydroformylation, Alkene metathesis

Introduction to Basic organic chemistry material


School: Nnamdi Azikiwe University

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: ICH101

Topics: organic chemistry, bonding, homologous series, functional group, organic compounds classification, Alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alkanols, halogenoalkanes, alkanals, alkanones, alkanoic acid, alkanoates, acid chloride, acid anhydride, acid amide, amines, nitrides, cyclocompunds, qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis



School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CHM101

Topics: chm101 catalyst introduction to chemistry

Chemistry ,14th Edition

Author: Theodore Brown, Eugene LeMay, Bruce Bursten, Catherine Murphy, Patrick Woodward, Matthew Stoltzfus

School: Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CHM101

Topics: matter, energy, atom, molecule, ion, chemical reaction, Reaction Stoichiometry, thermochemistry, electronic structure, chemical bonding, molecular geometry, bonding theorues, gases, liquid intermolecular forces, solids, solutions, chemical kinetics, Chemical Equilibrium, Acid–Base Equilibria, Aqueous Equilibria, chemical thermodynamics, electrochemistry, nuclea chemistry, transition metals, coordination chemistry, organic chemistry, biological chemistry, chemistry of life

Solution to Exercise Chemistry the central science ,12th edition

Author: Roxy Wilson

School: Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CHM101

Topics: matter, energy, atom, molecule, ion, chemical reaction, Reaction Stoichiometry, thermochemistry, electronic structure, chemical bonding, molecular geometry, bonding theories, gases, liquid intermolecular forces, solids, solutions, chemical kinetics, Chemical Equilibrium, Acid–Base Equilibria, Aqueous Equilibria, chemical thermodynamics, electrochemistry, nuclea chemistry, transition metals, coordination chemistry, organic chemistry, biological chemistry, chemistry of life



School: Nnamdi Azikiwe University

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: ICH101

Topics: Alkanols, monohydric Alkanols, esterification, Lucas test

Short Summary of IUPAC Nomenclature of Organic Compounds


School: Nnamdi Azikiwe University

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: ICH101

Topics: Alkanes, Cycloalkanes, IUPAC Nomenclature, Aromatic Ketones, Polysubstituted Benzenes, Benzene, Monosubstituted Benzenes, Disubstituted Benzenes, Naming Carboxylic Acid Derivatives, esters

Chemical equilibrium


School: Nnamdi Azikiwe University

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: ICH102

Topics: Chemical equilibrium, law of mass action, equilibrium constant, solubility, solubility product

Dilute solutions


School: Nnamdi Azikiwe University

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: ICH102

Topics: Dilute solutions, colligative properties, Raoult's law, boiling point, cryoscopy, reverse osmosis

Second and third laws of thermodynamics Material


School: Nnamdi Azikiwe University

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: ICH102

Topics: thermodynamics, Kelvin-Planck's statement, reversible processes, Carnot cycle, isothermal process, irreversibility, specific heat

Cell Biology

Author: Etejere

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: PLB 101

Topics: cell, hereditary, cell division, Photosynthesis, Enzymes, Enzymatic reactions, Bioenergetics, Water, pH, buffers, respiration, Cell organelle

Arabic Reading 2

Author: AGA Abdul-Hameed, Mustafa Raheem

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: ARA283

Topics: Arabic Grammar, Arabic Language, simple nominal sentence construction, Arabic prose, Arabic poetry texts, Short Arabic Prose Texts, Reading and Understanding Vocalized Short Arabic Prose Texts, Reading and Understanding Un-vocalized Short Arabic Prose Texts, Reading and Understanding Un-vocalized Arabic Poetry Texts, Reading and Understanding Fairly Difficult Words Of Vocalized Long Arabic Prose Texts, Reading and Understanding Un-vocalized Long Arabic Prose Texts, Reading and Understanding Vocalized Long Arabic Poetry Texts, Reading and Understanding Un-vocalized Long Arabic Poetry, Arabic Simple Nominal Sentences, Tanwīn

Fundamental university organic and inorganic chemistry ,series B

Author: Abass Olajire

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CHM112

Topics: Qualitative analysis, organic compounds, hybridization, organic acids, organic bases, isomerism, organic reactions, isomerism, hydrocarbon chemistry, aliphatic hydrocarbons, alicyclic hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons, functional group chemistry, alcohol, phenol, ethers, thiols, thioethers, halohydrocarbons, amines, ketones, aldehydes, carboxylic acids, carbohydrate chemistry, amino acids, polypeptides, proteins, lipids, inorganic chemistry, bonding, transition elements, chemical industry, pollution

Arun Deep's Self-Help To ICSE Simplified Chemistry

Author: Arun Deep

School: Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CHM101

Topics: Chemistry, Periodic table, chemical bonding, acid, bases, salt, analytical chemistry, Gay Lussac's law, Avogadro's law mole concept, empirical formula, molecular formula, electrolysis, metallurgy, hydrogen chloride, ammonia, Nitric acid, sulphuric acid, organic chemistry, practical chemistry

Lamlad SSCE & UTME Chemistry

Author: FO Ayinde, FOI Asubiojo



Course Code: CHEMISTRY

Topics: Chemistry, matter, atomic structure, periodicity, chemical bonding, descriptive chemistry, stochiometry, kinetic theory, energetics, chemical kinetics, chemical equilibrium, acid, base, salt, electrochemistry, nuclear chemistry, organic chemistry, IUPAC Nomenclature, hydrocarbons, organic families, organic giant molecules, industrial chemistry, environmental chemistry, experimental chemistry, Lamlad

Chemistry - Study and Revision Guide

Author: Christopher Talbot, Richard Harwood

School: Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CHM101

Topics: stoichiometry, mole concept, gases, reacting mass, reacting volume, atomic structure, nuclear atom, electron configuration, periodicity, periodic table, periodic trends, chemical bonding, chemical structure, ionic bonding, ionic structure, covalent bonding, covalent structures, intermolecular forces, metallic bonding, thermochemistry, Hess's law, bond enthalpies, chemical kinetics, collision theory, rate of reaction, equilibrium, acid, base, pH scale, strong acid, strong base, acid deposition, redox process, oxidation, reduction redox processes.electrochemical cells, organic chemistry, functional group chemistry, periodic table, transition metals, chemical bonding, chemical structure, hybridization, energy cycles, entropy, spontaneity, reaction mechanis, .activation energy, Lewis acid, Lewis base, organic chemistry

General Chemistry ,11th edition

Author: Darrell Ebbing, Steven Gammon

School: Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CHM101

Topics: chemistry, measurement, atoms, molecules, chemical formulas, chemical reactions, gaseous state, thermochemistry, quantu, theory, electron configuration, periodicity, ionic bonding, covalent bonding, molecular geometry, chemical bonding theory, states of matter, solutions, rates of reaction, chemical equilibrium, acid, bases, acid-base equilibria, solubility, complex-ion equilibria, thermodynamics, equilibrium, electrochemistry, nuclear chemistry, Main-group elements, transition elements, coordination compounds, organic chemistry, polymer materials

Chemistry For Dummies ,2nd edition

Author: John Moore

School: Covenant University

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CHM221

Topics: Chemistry, Scientific Method, SI Measurement System, chemical calculations, matter, energy, atom, atomic structure, periodic table, chemical reactions, mole concept, solutions, thermochemistry, Enthalpy, heat of reaction, acid, base, quantum theory, ionic bonding, Covalent Bonding, Intermolecular Forces, Condensed States, environmental chemistry, air pollution, water pollution, nuclear chemistry

Chemistry & Chemical Reactivity, 10th edition

Author: John Kotz, Paul Treichel, John Townsend, David Treichel

School: Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CHM313

Topics: Chemistry, Chemical Reactivity, atoms, molecules, ions, chemical reactions, Stoichiometry. gases, intermolecular forces, liquids, solid state, chemical reactions, chemical kinetics, acid, base, electron transfer reactions, environmental chemistry, carbon, biochemistry, nuclear chemistry

Organic Chemistry, 6th edition

Author: Janice Gorzynski Smith

School: Edo University

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CHM123

Topics: Organic Chemistry, periodic table, bonding, Lewis structures, isomers, octet rule, hybridization, ethane, ethylene, acetylene, bond length, bond strength, Electronegativity, Bond Polarity, oxybenzone, Brønsted–Lowry Acids, Brønsted–Lowry Bases, acid strength, Aspirin, organic molecules, functional groups, intermolecular forces, alkanes, cycloalkanes, Substituted Cycloalkanes, lipids, Stereochemistry, starch, cellulose, glass chemistry, chiral molecules, achiral molecules, Disastereomers, meso compounds, Disubstituted Cycloalkanes, isomers, Enantiomers, organic reactions, bond breaking, bond making, Bond Dissociation Energy, thermodynamics, Enthalpy, Entropy, energy diagrams, kinetics, catalysts, enzymes, Alkyl Halides, Nucleophilic Substitution, Polar Carbon–Halogen Bond, nucleophile, Carbocation Stability, Hammond postulate, Biological Nucleophilic Substitution, Vinyl Halides, Aryl Halides, Organic Synthesis, elimination reactions, Alcohols, Ethers, Carbocation Rearrangements, Tosylate, Thials, sulfides, Alkenes, Addition Reactions, Hydrohalogenation, Lipids, Markovnikov's Rule, Halohydrin Formation, Epoxidation, alkenes, mass spectrometry, infrared spectroscopy, electromagnetic radiations, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, radical reactions, Conjugated Dienes, Electron Delocalization, Diels–Alder Reaction, Benzene, Aromatic Compounds, Benzene's Unusual Stability, Buckminsterfullerene, Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution, Friedel–Crafts Alkylation, Friedel–Crafts Acylation, Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution, Carbonyl Chemistry, Organometallic Reagents, Aldehydes, Keton, Nucleophilic Addition, Carboxylic Acids, Nitriles, Aspirin, Arachidonic Acid, Prostaglandins, enols

Past Questions related to Understanding Chemistry

62 Basic Organic Chemistry questions

Year: 2019

School: Nnamdi Azikiwe University

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: ICH101

Topics: Organic Chemistry, functional group, isomerism, isomers, seperation techniques, chromatography, Carius method, Kjeldahl method

Solved past questions on ICH101 (general basic inorganic chemistry) 2003-2017

Year: 2017

School: Nnamdi Azikiwe University

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: ICH101

Topics: inorganic chemistry, IUPAC, isomers, molecular formula, chemical reaction, separation technique, mole ratio, chemical bond, alicyclic compound, heterocyclic compound

218 General Basic Inorganic Chemistry 1 questions by White Faraday

Year: 2019

School: Nnamdi Azikiwe University

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: ICH111

Topics: Inorganic Chemistry, matter, atomic mass unit, atom, electron, subatomic particle, isotopy, binding energy, quantum number, valency electron, Lewis structure, enthalpy

General Basic Inorganic Chemistry 1 2010-2015

Year: 2015

School: Nnamdi Azikiwe University

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: ICH111

Topics: Inorganic Chemistry, neutron capture, ion-dipole force, Lewis structure, chemical bonding, intermolecular forces, valence electron, atomic mass unit

Basic physical chemistry 2015&2016

Year: 2016

School: Nnamdi Azikiwe University

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: ICH102

Topics: Physical chemistry, reaction, mole concept, thermodynamics, acid base, electrolysis, radioactivity, molarity, kinetic theory, gas law, chemical equilibrium

Basic principle of physical chemistry 2005,2013,2015

Year: 2015

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CHM112

Topics: Chemistry, physical chemistry, radioactivity, entropy, gas law

Basic principle of physical chemistry 2010&2013

Year: 2013

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CHM112

Topics: Chemistry, physical chemistry, free energy, entropy, thermodynamics, Gas law

Nuclear and radiation chemistry

Year: 2021

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: ICH511

Topics: nuclear chemistry, radiation chemistry, isotope

84 chemistry questions

Year: 2020

School: Federal University, Oye-Ekiti

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CHM101

Topics: chemistry, mixture, separation techniques, atom, inorganic chemistry, atomic mass, electronic configuration

43 Organic chemistry CBT CA QUESTIONS

Year: 2020

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CHM112

Topics: chemistry, organic chemistry, propene, ethylene, chiral molecule, nicotine, hybridization, neutrophils, hydrogenation, heterolytic fission, functional groups


Year: 2020

School: Nnamdi Azikiwe University

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: BIO 101

Topics: Biology past questions


Year: 2019

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CHM303

Topics: arsenious oxide, octahedral, tetrahedral, inorganic chemistry

General Chemistry 2-2013,2014,2015,2017

Year: 2017

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CHM102

Topics: organic chemistry, hydrocarbon, alkane, alkene, alkyne, haloalkane, alkanol, alkanals, amine, ethers, carboxylic, esters, amides

General organic chemistry

Year: 2020

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CHM112

Topics: Organic chemistry

Tests related to Understanding Chemistry

Chemistry (JAMB)



Course Code: JAMB

Topics: Chemistry, JAMB