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Petrick's Algorithm Books

Introduction to the design and analysis of algorithms ,3rd edition

Author: Anany Levitin, Soumen Mukherjee, Arup Kumar Bhattacharjee

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CSC242

Topics: algorithm design, algorithm analysis, Algorithm Efficiency, Algorithm Efficiency analysis, Brute Force, Exhaustive Search, Decrease-and-Conquer, Divide-and-Conquer, Transform-and-Conquer, Space and Time Trade-Offs, Dynamic Programming, Greedy Technique, Iterative Improvement, Algorithm Power, Algorithmic Problem Solving, Nonrecursive Algorithms mathematical analysis, recursive Algorithms mathematical analysis, Selection Sort, Bubble Sort, Sequential Search, Brute-Force String Matching, Closest-Pair Problems, Convex-Hull Problems, depth-First Search, Breadth-First Search, Insertion Sort, Topological Sorting, Variable-Size-Decrease Algorithms, Decrease-by-a-Constant-Factor Algorithms, binary search, Mergesort, quicksort, Binary Tree Traversals, Strassen’s Matrix Multiplication, Gaussian Elimination, presorting, Balanced Search Trees, Heaps, Heapsort, Horner’s Rule, Binary Exponentiation, Problem Reduction, B-Trees, hashing, Knapsack Problem, Optimal Binary Search Trees, Warshall’s Algorithm, Floyd’s Algorithm, Prim’s Algorithm, Kruskal’s Algorithm, Dijkstra’s Algorithm, Huffman Trees, huffman Codes, Simplex Method, Maximum-Flow Problem, Stable Marriage Problem, Lower-Bound Arguments, Decision Trees, Numerical Algorithms, Backtracking, Approximation Algorithms

Algorithm Design and Analysis

Author: Solomon Olalekan Akinola

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CSC236

Topics: Algorithm Design, Algorithm Analysis, Algorithm, Problem Solving Techniques, Recursion, Recursive Fibonacci Series, Sorting Techniques, Sorting Techniques, Searching Techniques, Linear Search, Sequential Search, Runtime Analysis, Big ‘O’ Notation, O-Notation, Insertion Sort, Divide and Conquer Algorithm, Merge Sort Algorithm, Quicksort Algorithm, Partitioning, Recursion-Tree Method, Master Theorem, Master method

Introduction to the design and analysis of algorithms ,3rd edition solutions manual

Author: Thomas Cormen, Charles Leiserson, Ronald Rivest, Clifford Stein

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CSC242

Topics: algorithm design, algorithm analysis, Algorithm Efficiency, Algorithm Efficiency analysis, Brute Force, Exhaustive Search, Decrease-and-Conquer, Divide-and-Conquer, Transform-and-Conquer, Space and Time Trade-Offs, Dynamic Programming, Greedy Technique, Iterative Improvement, Algorithm Power

Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition

Author: Thomas Cormen, Charles Leiserson, Ronald Rivest, Clifford Stein

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CSC242

Topics: Algorithms, Insertion sort, analyzing Algorithms, designing Algorithms, growth of functions, asymptotic notation, maximum-subarray problem, Strassen’s algorithm, Probabilistic Analysis, Randomized Algorithms, hiring problem, Indicator random variables, Heapsort, heaps, heapsort algorithm, Priority queues, quicksort, Radix sort, Counting sort, Bucket sort, Data Structures, Hash Tables, has function, open addressing, Perfect hashing, Data Structures, sorting order statistics, Binary Search Trees, Red-Black Trees, Augmenting Data Structures, Dynamic Programming, Greedy Algorithms, Amortized Analysis, B-Trees, Fibonacci Heaps, van Emde Boas Trees, Graph Algorithms, Minimum Spanning Trees, Single-Source Shortest Paths, All-Pairs Shortest Path, maximum flow, Multithreaded Algorithms, Matrix Operations, linear programming, polynomials, Number-Theoretic Algorithms, String Matching, Computational Geometry, NP-Completeness, Polynomial time, Approximation Algorithms

Algorithm and Application Software

Author: FUNAAB

School: Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CSC211

Topics: algorithm, program, algorithm analysis, Basic flowchart shapes, algorithm structure, application software, Microsoft access

Algorithm and complexity analysis

Author: David Acheme

School: Edo University

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CSC214

Topics: Algorithm, Algorithm complexity analysis, arrays, iteration, invariants, Linked List Data Structure, Queue Data Structure, queue operations, stacks

A Practical Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis, Third Edition

Author: Clifford Shaffer

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CSC305

Topics: Data Structures, Algorithm Analysis, Logarithms, Summations, Summations, Recurrences, recursion, Algorithm Analysis, Asymptotic Analysis, Fundamental Data Structures, Binary Trees, Binary Tree Traversals, Binary Tree Node Implementations, Binary Search Trees, Huffman Coding Trees, Non-Binary Trees, sorting, searching, internal sorting, shellsort, heapsort, File Processing, External Sorting, searching, hashing, indexing, Advanced Data Structures, graphs, Advanced Tree Structures

Computer Algorithms

Author: Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, Sanguthevar Rajasekaran

School: Edo University

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CMP315

Topics: Computer Algorithms, pseudocode conventions, recursive algorithms, performance analysis, randomized algorithms, primality testing, elementary data structures, binary search trees, cost amortization, prority queues, sets, graphs, graph representation, merge sort, quick sort, Strassen's matrix multiplication, convex hull, greedy method, knapsack problem, tree vertex splitting, prim's algorithm, dynamic programming, reliability design, backtracking, graph coloring, least cost search, algebraic problems, fast Fourier transform, lower bound theory, comparison trees, ordered searching, Cook's theorem, approximation algorithms, absolute algorithms, polynomial time approximation schemes, mesh algorithms, packet routing, hyper algorithms, PPR routing

Data structure and algorithms

Author: Uddin Osemengbe

School: Edo University

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CSC122

Topics: Data structure, algorithms, Algorithm Analysis, Algorithm Complexity, Space Complexity

Parallel programming, 2nd edition

Author: Barry Wilkinson, Michael Allen

School: Edo University

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CMP221

Topics: Parallel programming, parallel computers, cluster computing, message-passing computing, message-passing programming, parallel programs, Partitioning, synchronous computations, synchronous iteration program, load balancing, Distributed Termination Detection Algorithms, Shared Memory Multiprocessors, Parallel Programming Languages, distributed shared memory, distributed shared memory programming, algorithms, sorting algorithms, numerical algorithms, matrices, image processing, Hough transform, branch-and-bound search, genetic algorithms


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