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Atomic Model Books

Introductory Chemistry I

Author: Maliki

School: Edo University

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CHM111

Topics: atomic theory, atoms, Joseph John Thomson atomic model, cathode ray tube, Plum-pudding model, electromagnetic spectrum, subatomic particles, atomic number, mass number, relative atomic mass, mass spectrometer, mass spectra, isotopes, periodic law, transition element, Ionizations energy, electronegativity, atomic radius, ionic radius, electronic configuration, wave mechanical model, quantum numbers, electronic configuration of elements, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, Pauli's exclusion principle, Hund's rule, Aufbau‟s principle, atomic model hybridization, chemical symbols, chemical formula, molecular formula, structural formula, chemical equations, stoichiometry, mole concept, Avogadro's number, gram formula mass, gas laws, Boyle's law, Charles law, general gas equation, standard temperature and pressure, electrochemistry, cell notation, Standard Electrode Potentials, electrochemical, Daniel cell, cell potential electrolysis, reduction reaction, oxidation reaction, oxidation number, REDOX equation, chemical equilibrium, Lechatelier's Principle, solution chemistry, solubility, Raoult's law, nuclear reaction, radioactivity, Alpha rays, Beta rays, Gamma rays, natural radioactive decay series, thorium series, uranium series, actinium series, neptunium series

Model textbook of chemistry for senior secondary schools, 3rd edition

Author: Okoye Ebelechukwu Ifeoma




Topics: scientific method, hypothesis, chemical industries, matter, atom, molecule, ion, neutral atom, atomicity, Dalton‘s atomic theory, atomic structure, atomic number, mass number, isotopy, valency, binary compounds, chemical combination, periodic table, electronic configuration, noble gases, Relative atomic mass, Relative molecular mass, chemical bonding, Electrovalent bonding, covalent bonding, Co-ordinate covalent bonding, Metallic bonding, hydrogen bonding, Vander Waal forces, Gas Laws, Boyle‘s law, Charles law, Avogadro's law, Separation Techniques, filtration, decantation, acid, bases, salts, alkali, water, carbon, diamond graphite, Chemical Reactions, Reactants, decomposition reaction, Acid-Base Reaction, Volumetric analysis, reagents, water, air, oxygen, halogen, nitrogen, Sulphur, Oxidation Reduction Reaction, redox reaction, oxidizing agent, reducing agent, ionic theory, Electrovalent Compounds, Covalent Compounds, Electrolysis, Electrochemical cells, organic chemistry, isomerism, alkanols, Quantitative Analysis, Qualitative Analysis, Acid-base titration, Redox titrations, Petroleum, metals, fats, oil, starch, Giant Molecules, sugar, protein, nuclear chemistry, Nuclear Reactions

Atomic structure lecture slide

Author: CHE156

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CHE156

Topics: JJ Thopmson, electric field, magnetic field, electron, Millikan oil experiment, proton, anode ray, atomic model, Rutherford experiment, Neutron, atomic number, mass number, relative atomic mass, mass spectrometer

Atomic and Nuclear Physics Lecture note

Author: Sampor

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: PHY142

Topics: Atomic structure, Thompson model, Rutherford atomic theory, Bohr atomic theory, electron, cathode-ray oscilloscope, electron mass ratio, Millikan's experiment, Natural radioactivity, wave-particle duality of light, X-ray, Photoelectricity, thermionic emission, diode valve

Introduction to atomic structure (continuation) with lecture exercise

Author: EN Dim

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CHM101

Topics: atomic structure, Mass Spectrometer, Quantum Theory, Dual Nature of Matter, Planck’s Theory, Photoelectric Effect, Atomic Spectrum, Mass Spectrometry, Isotope, Mass Number, Atomic Number, Emission Lines

Public Relations Models Used in Solving Community Relations Cases

Author: Ngozi Okeibunor

School: Benson Idahosa University

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: MAC317

Topics: Public Relations Models, race model, research, Transfer Process Model, Two-Way Symmetric Model, RICEE Model, IPCM Model, PPCRD Model

Isotope, Mass number, atomic number

Author: Odewole

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CHM101

Topics: Isotope, Mass number, atomic number, Dual nature of matter, photoelectric effect, atomic spectrum, Rydberg equation

Atomic structure

Author: Ibrahim TT

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: PHY141

Topics: atomic structure, Thompson's model, Rutherford's mode, Bohr's theory, Spectrum of the hydrogen atom

Generalized Linear Models ,2nd Edition

Author: McCullagh, John Nelder

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: STA351

Topics: Generalized Linear Models, dilution assay, probit analysis, logit models, log-linear models, inverse polynomical, survival data, model fittinf, residuals, pearson residual, Anscombe residual, deviance residual, error structure, systemic component, aliasing, estimation, tables, binary data, binomial distribution, over-dispersion, measurement scales, multinomial distribution, likelihood functions, log-linear models, multiple responses, conditional likelihoods, hypergeometric distributions, Gamma distribution, Quasi-likelihood functions, dependent observations, optimal estimating functions, optimality criteria, model checking, survival data, dispersion

The Economics of Development and Planning ,40th edition

Author: ML Jhingan

School: Modibbo Adama University of Technology

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: CC403

Topics: Economic Growth, Income Distribution, Sustainable Development, Underdeveloped Country, Chenery’s Patterns of Structural Change, Modern Economic Growth, Adam Smith’s Theory, Ricardian Theory, e Malthusian Theory, Mill’s Theory, Classical Theory, Marxian Theory, Schumpeterian Theory, Keynesian Theory, Marx’ Stages of Growth, Rostow’s Stages of Economic Growth, Gerchenkron’s Great Spurt Theory, Nurkse’s Theory of Disguished Unemployment, Lewis Theory, Fei-Ranis Theory, growth model, capital accumulation, Harrod-Domar Model, Kaldor Model of Distribution, Steady State Growth, von Neumann Growth Model, Uzawa Two-Sector Growth Model, Kaldor’s Model of Growth, e Solow Model of Long-Run Growth, Growth Accounting, Endogenous Growth Theory, Fel’dman Model, Mahalanobis Model, Capital Formation, Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy, Deicit Financing, Human Capital Formation, Entrepreneurship, Foreign Trade, New International Economic order, Commercial Policy, Foreign Capital, Two-Gap Model, Private Foreign Investment, Multinationals, Millennium Development Goals, Economic Integration, Economic Planning, Shadow Prices, Project Evaluation, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Input-Output Analysis, Linear Programming, Capital-Output Ratio, Price Mechanism


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