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Social sciences past question for the year 2013 examines 200-level General studies students of UNN, offering GSP201 course on their knowledge of Civil society, psychology, trait theory, feminism, social science disciplines, social science, religion

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Past Questions related to Social sciences

Extension education and psychology 2018&2020

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: AEX403

Topics: Agricultural extension process, educational psychology, education extension, extension service, social psychology, development psychology, personality psychology, biopsychology, social intelligence, concrete intelligence, motor intelligence, crystallized intelligence, learning experience, learning process, evaluation process

Social sciences Continuous Assessment Test Batch 1-3

Year: 2017

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: General studies

Course Code: GSP201

Topics: Social science, Scientific methods, RESEARCH, Geography, social work, man, environment

Questions and answers on social science by dr smart

Year: 2020

School: Nnamdi Azikiwe University

Department: General studies

Course Code: GSS106

Topics: social science, internet, media, information, communication, age, ageing, population, Gerontology, Alcoholism, Alcohol

150 Educational Psychology practice questions by plato

Year: 2019

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Education

Course Code: EDU211

Topics: Skinnerian box, Educational psychology, Motivation, Psychology, Learning

Natural Science

Year: 2019

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: General studies

Course Code: GSP105, GSP106

Topics: Natural Science, Natural Science progarmme, environment, CELL THEORY, HEREDITY, EVOLUTION, matter, ELEMENTS, COMPOUNDS, MIXTURES, SOLAR system, STELLAR SYSTEM, force, energy, wave, radiation, energy transformation, family, SECONDARY SEXUAL DEVELOPMENT, responsible parenthood, METEOROLOGY, WEATHER FORECASTS

Dr smart questions on Humanities

Year: 2019

School: Nnamdi Azikiwe University

Department: General studies

Course Code: GSS105

Topics: Humanities, art, language, death, history, science, culture, religion

Nigerian People and culture question and answers (Chapter 1 - 15)

Year: 2020

School: Nnamdi Azikiwe University

Department: General studies

Course Code: GSS107

Topics: religion, Christianity, Nigerian People, Nigerian culture, Igbo traditional political system, Igbo, federalism, Globalization, cultural survival, student responsibility, Igbo, fiscal operations, monetary policy, macroeconomic policy, social network, poverty, Yoruba

Philosophy,Logic and Nigerian culture Module 1- 16 by omidan

Year: 2020

School: University of Ilorin

Department: General studies

Course Code: GNS211

Topics: Philosophy, Logic, Nigerian culture, ageing, religion

Introduction to psychology

Year: 2020

School: Nnamdi Azikiwe University

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: PSY101

Topics: psychology, personality, motivation, psychological investigation

Introduction to psychology

Year: 2020

School: Nnamdi Azikiwe University

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: PSY102

Topics: psychology, sensation, personality, abnormal behavior

36 Practice questions for Introduction to Psychology (PSY101) by FMS online tutorial

Year: 2019

School: Federal University, Oye-Ekiti

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: PSY101

Topics: Psychology, memory


Year: 2020

School: University of Ilorin

Department: General studies

Course Code: GNS211


Nigerian and african cultural development-2012-2015

Year: 2018

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: General studies

Course Code: GST201

Topics: Sahara desert, culture, social science, Nigerian culture, political systems, cultural development

polity and economy of nigeria

Year: 2018

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: General studies

Course Code: GST108

Topics: Nigeria public sector, Nigeria private sector, ECOWAS, OPEC, trade union, foreign aid, social science

Books related to Social sciences

Introduction to the universe of social sciences

Author: GSP201 UNN

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: General studies

Course Code: GSP201

Topics: social science, Anthropology, Archaeology, economics, geography, Linguistics, mass communication, political science, psychology, sociology

Social science perspectives to peace and conflict work book filler

Author: Prince Eloka Agana

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: General studies

Course Code: GSP201

Topics: social science, peace, conflict, social science research, social research, sociology, anthropology, sociological enquires, culture, anthropological theories, religion, social conflict, geography, human society, political science, politics, psychology, sensation, percepetion, economic systems, public administration, mass communication, social work, social problems

Peace and conflict studies

Author: Fidel Uzoigwe

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: General studies

Course Code: GSP201

Topics: social science, research methodology, social science research, sociology, anthropology, religion, theology, maxist theory, geography, human society, political science, society, government, psychology, economics, public adminstration, ethics leadership, mass communication, social work, social problems, gender empowerment, governance, political participation, Globalization, african institutions

Peace and conflict studies lecture note book

Author: University of Nigeria Press Limited

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: General studies

Course Code: GSP201

Topics: Peace studies, conflict studies, Economic Systems, economics, Theory of Production, Theory of Demand, Theory of supply, geography, human society, Environmental Security, conflict, peace, politcal science, contemporary society, Psychology, politics, Public Administration, religion, social work, social problems, sociology, anthropology, social sciences, sociology

Philosophy of Religion

Author: Sunday Ola-Oluwa Adenrele

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: CTH233

Topics: Religion philosophy, Theodicy, theism, Theistic Arguments, Atheistic Theories, evil, life after death, science limitations, social change, Greek Philosophy, Religion, Anthropological Theory of Religion, Sociological Theory of Religion, Psychological Theory of Religion, Marxist Theory of Religion, Theological Theory of Religion, Functions of Religion, creation, Cosmic Evolution, Biological Evolution, conflict, conflict resolution, Islamic God, Christian God, Cosmological argument, Moral argument, Teleological argument, Atheism, Anthropodicy

Social perspectives to peace and conflict studies ,Volume 1

Author: Peter-Jazzy Ezeh, Chukwuemeka chukwu

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: General studies

Course Code: GSP201

Topics: sociology, anthropology, religion, geography, human society, political science, psychology, economics, public adminstration, mass communicatiton, social work, social problems, gender empowerment, social problems, governance, political participation, globalization, african institutions

A History Of Experimental Psychology ,2nd edition

Author: Edwin Boring

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: PSY105

Topics: Experimental Psychology, reflex action, nervous impulse, nerve physiology, phrenology, brain, speech center, sensation, vision, hearing, touch, taste, smell, hypnotism, mesmerism, elliotson, sense-physiology, empiricism, unconscious inference, perception, scientific observation, mental process, mental law, Educational Psychology, Gestalt Psychology, animal Psychology, objective Psychology, Behaviorism, Operationism, Psychology, hedonism, psychoanalysis, purposive psychology, dynamic psychology

Introduction to Psychology

Author: Virtual University of Pakistan

School: Federal University, Oye-Ekiti

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: PSY101

Topics: Psychology, modern psychology, Psychodynamic Approach, behavioral approach, cognitive development, nervous system, endocrine system, sensation, hearing, perception, Operant Conditioning, memory, emotions, cognition, thinking, personality, intelligence, Psychopathology, Abnormal Behavior, Psychotherapy, Health Psychology, Industrial Psychology, Organizational Psychology, Consumer Psychology, Sport Psychology, Forensic Psychology

Hergenhahns An Introduction to the History of Psychology, 8th Edition

Author: Tracy Henley

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: PSY594

Topics: Psychology, ancient world, rome, middle ages, Renaissance Science, Philosophy, Empiricism, Sensationalism, Positivism, rationalism, Romanticism, Existentialism, Physiology, Psychophysics, Evolution, Individual Differences, American Psychology, Functionalism, Behaviorism, Neobehaviorism, Gestalt Psychology, mental illness, Psychoanalysis, Psychobiology, Cognitive Psychology, Psychology’s Prehistory, sophists, Renaissance Humanism, Bell-Magendie Law, Voluntarism, Russian Objective Psychology

Sociology of Religion

Author: Joseph Kwaghmande

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: CTH352

Topics: Religion sociology, Religious beliefs, religion elements, religion theories, Belief systems, Religion and Culture, Religion and social change

Introduction to Psychology

Author: Ani Chinedu Abraham

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: PSY101

Topics: Psychology, Psychology schools, Behaviour, Nervous system, Sense organs, The Brain, Psychological disciplines.

Peace And Conflict Studies

Author: Ho-Wong Jeong

School: Anchor University, Lagos

Department: General studies

Course Code: GST202

Topics: peace, conflict, conflict management, International cooperation, security, culture, social values, continuity, discontinuity, zone of instability, direct violence, structural violence, cultural violence, negative peace, positive peace, conflict analysis, social order, traditional management strategies, dispute settlement, conflict resolution, conflict transformation, peace building, peace research, social environment, policy orientation, war, war theory, human nature, frustration-aggression hypothesis, psychoanalytic perspectives, relative deprivation, basic needs, identity formation masculine values, patriarchy, domination, feminism, political economy, economic disparities, free market economy, class relations, international capitalism, International war, economic integration, globalization, social transition, population growth, environmental security, balance of power, collective security, peace keeping operations, humanitarian intervention, Non-provocative defense, civilian based defense, confidence building, disarmament, arms control, peace conversion, negotiation, enquiry, arbitration, judicial settlement, conciliation, mediation, problem solving workshop, second track diplomacy, reconciliation, post-conflict reconstruction, preventive diplomacy, preventive intervention, Human rights, human rights abuses, self-determination, multi-ethnic state, nation-state building, growth-oriented development model international economic imbalance, dependency theories, import substitution industrialization, Human centered development, endogenous development, self-reliance, environmental politics, International policies, Free trade, international organizations, global order, governance, realism, neorealism, international regimes, functionalism, neofunctionalism, world government, anarchism, global civil society, peace movements

Introduction to Psychology

Author: Rose Speilman, Kathryn dumper, William Jenkins

School: Modibbo Adama University of Technology

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: MM202

Topics: Psychology Research, brain, Psychology, spinal cord, sensation, perception, Gestalt Principles of Perception, learning, Classical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning, Observational Learning, memory, Motivation, Emotion, personality, Social Psychology, Industrial Psychology, Organizational Psychology

Introduction to Psychology, 2nd edition

Author: OpenStax college, Rose Spielman, William Jenkins, Marilyn Lovett

School: Edo University

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: SOC214

Topics: Psychology, psychological research, biopsychology, sleep, consciousness, sensation, perception, vision, hearing, Gestalt principles of perception, learning, classical conditioning, operant conditioning, observational learning, modelling, intelligence, cognition, language, problem solving, memory, life span development, emotion, motivation, hunger, eating, sexual behavior, personality, social psychology, self-presentation, attitudes, persuasion, conformity, compliance, obedience, prejudice, discrimination, aggression, prosocial behavior, industrial-organizational psychology, industrial psychology, organizational psychology, stress, stressors, illness, stress regulation, psychological disorders, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder, mood disorders, schizophrenia, dissociative disorders, therapy

Introduction to the Study of Religion

Author: Ogungbile

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: CTH173

Topics: Study of Religion, religion etymology, defining religion, Religious Studies, Religious Pluralism, religion structure, Religious agencies, religious specialists, World Religious Traditions, myth, Ritual Practices, Life-After-Life, Euhemerism, Totemism, Religious diversity, Justified Belief

Introduction to Clinical Psychology

Author: Ibudeh Michael

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Education

Course Code: GCE206

Topics: Clinical Psychology, mental health professions, clinical psychologist, clinical psychology research, clinical psychology Psychotherapeutic Approaches, Personality Theory, Psychoanalytic, Clinical Psychology ethics

Theories of Personality ,9th Edition

Author: Richard Ryckman

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: PSY226

Topics: Personality, psychoanalytic theory, analytic psychology, individual psychology, social psychoanalysis, cultural psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic ego psychology, self psychology, trait theory, biological typology, personal constructs, self actualization, person-centered theory, existential-analytic position, operant analysis, expectancy-reinforcement value model, social-cognitive theory, personality psychology

Handbook of Social Psychology, 2 Volume Set, 5th Edition

Author: Susan Fiske, Daniel Gilbert, Gardner Lindzey

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: PSY586

Topics: Social Psychology, Social Psychological Methods, Social Cognitive Neuroscience, social being, Social Psychophysiology, Embodiment, automacity, unconscious, motivation, emotion, attitudes, persuasion, perception, Nonverbal Behavior, Judgment, Decision Making, self, identity, gender, health, Experimental Existential Psychology, morality, aggression, Affiliation, Acceptance, Belonging, close relationships, Interpersonal Stratification, status, subordination, social conflict, Intergroup Relations, Intergroup bias, Social Justice, influence, leadership, group behavior, performance, Organizational Preferences, language

Lecture Note on General Introduction To The Study Of Religion

Author: Olaleye Samuel Kayode

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: RES115

Topics: Religion, definition of religion, theories of religion

Psychology The Science of Mind and Behaviour ,8th edition

Author: Richard Gross

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: ENT251

Topics: nervous system, Psychology, sensory processes, parapsychology, States of consciousness, bodily rhythms, addictive behavior, motivation, emotion, learning, conditioning, health psychology, attention, cognitive psychology, Pattern recognition, perception, perceptual abilities, memory, forgetting, language thought, Language acquisition, Problem-solving, decision-making, artificial intelligence, cognition, social psychology, attribution, attitudes, attitude change, prejudice, discrimination, conformity, group influence, obedience, interpersonal relationships, aggression, antisocial behavior, Altruism, prosocial behaviour, developmental psychology, early experience, social development, self concept, cognitive development, moral development, gender development, adolescence, adulthood, old age, exceptional development, individual differences, intelligence, personality, psychological abnormality, psychopathology, treatments, therapies, criminological psychology, free will, determinism, reductionism, nature, nurture