Books related to Africa ,1500-1800AD
General History of Africa
Author: Joseph Ki-Zerbo
School: Edo University
Department: Arts and Humanities
Course Code: HIS114
Topics: African history, African prehistory, African historiography, Oral tradition, African archaeology, African linguistic classification, historical geography, African fossil man, East Africa prehistory, Southern Africa prehistory, Central Africa prehistory, North Africa prehistory, Sahara prehistory West Africa prehistory, Nile valley, prehistory, African prehistoric art
History of Africa from 1500-1800 A.D lecture note
Author: Uchenna Anyanwu
School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka
Department: Arts and Humanities
Course Code: HIS121
Topics: Slave trade, Bantu Migration, Trans-saharan trade, Islam in Africa, Mfecane, Shaka the Zulu
The African Novel
Author: Anthony Oha
School: National Open University of Nigeria
Department: Arts and Humanities
Course Code: ENG281
Topics: African Novel, Pamphleteering, orality, Rise of Formal Novels, African Milieu, land politics, apartheid politics, independent Africa, militarism politics, Anti-Colonial African Novel, Marxism, War Fiction, Francophone Africa Fiction, North African Novels, Lusophonic African Fiction, Central African Blocs, Diaspora Novelists, Alternative History Novels, Biography, Short Fiction, African Oral Narrative Forms, African Myths, African Legends, African Epic Narratives, Market Literature, Onitsha Market Literature, Kano Market Literature, Classless Novels, Post Independence Novels, African Culture
The Cambridge History of Africa
Author: Desmond Clark
School: University of Jos
Department: Arts and Humanities
Course Code: ARCH106
Topics: African continent, Africa, African history, African Hominidae, hominid taxa, Congo basin, indigenous African agriculture, Egypt, sub-Saharan Africa
A Companion to African Philosophy
Author: Kwasi Wiredu
School: University of Ibadan
Department: Arts and Humanities
Course Code: PHI207
Topics: African Philosophy, African Philosophers, Precolonial African Philosophy, Nineteenth-Century African Political Thinkers, Contemporary Anglophone African Philosophy, Traditional Ethiopian Philosophy, Anton Wilhelm Amo, Frantz Fanon, Alexis Kagame, Post-Independence African Political Philosophy, Sage Philosophy, logic, epistemology, metaphysics, Yoruba Moral Epistemology, Quasi-Materialism, African Philosophy of Mind, philosophy of religion, ethics, aesthetics, Aesthetic Inquiry, Democracy, Kingship, Consensus, Nationalism, Ethnicity, Violence, African Literature, feminism
Modern African Poetry
Author: ENG328
School: University of Ibadan
Department: Arts and Humanities
Course Code: ENG328
Topics: Modern African Poetry, African Poetry, Anglophone West African Poetry, West African Modern Poetry, Christopher Okigbo, John Pepper Clark, Wole Soyinka, Negritude Poetry, Francophone West African poetry, Realistic Traditionalism, east African poetry, Okot P’bitek, Alienation, Cultural Nationalism, South African Poetry, Dennis Brutus, Mazizi Kunene, Traditional Aesthetic Ideology, Zimbabwean Poetry, Niyi Osundare, Kofi Anyidoho
History of Africa AD 1500 to present
Author: HIS UNN
School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka
Department: Arts and Humanities
Course Code: HIS122
Topics: African history, West African History sources, oral tradition, Archaeology, linguistics
Islam in North Africa and Spain
Author: Kahar Wahab Sarumi
School: National Open University of Nigeria
Department: Arts and Humanities
Course Code: ISL373
Topics: Islam in North Africa, Islam in Spain, North Africa islamization, Almoravids, Almohads, North Africa Muslim Conquest
Islam in West Africa
Author: HIS UNN
School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka
Department: Arts and Humanities
Course Code: HIS322
Topics: Spread of Islam in West Africa, Islam in West Africa, Islamic revolutions, Almoravid Conquest, Sokoto caliphate
Introduction to African Philosophy
Author: Amaechi Udefi
School: University of Ibadan
Department: Arts and Humanities
Course Code: PHI207
Topics: African Philosophy, Ethnophilosophy, Philosophic Sagacity, Nationalist-Ideological Philosophy, Professional Philosophy, Hermeneutic-Narrative Philosophy, African Ethics, African Morality, African Metaphysics, African Religion, God-Belief, African Epistemology, Postmodernism
Understanding African Philosophy
Author: Richard Bell
School: University of Ibadan
Department: Arts and Humanities
Course Code: PHI207
Topics: African Philosophy, Modern African Philosophy, Postcolonial African Philosophy, African Moral Philosophy, community, justice, African Moral Philosophy, Truth, Reconciliation
The History of Southern Africa
Author: Amy McKenna
School: Edo University
Department: Arts and Humanities
Course Code: HIS217
Topics: Southern Africa, Khosian, Bantu, South African war, Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, colonial Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe
The Development of African Drama
Author: Michael Etherton
School: University of Ibadan
Department: Arts and Humanities
Course Code: ENG112
Topics: African Drama, African Drama development, art theatre, Ghanaian plays, Soyinka's protest plays, political plays, drama, African Drama transpositions, African Drama adaptations
A history of South African literature
Author: Christopher Heywood
School: University of Ibadan
Department: Arts and Humanities
Course Code: ENG113
Topics: South African literature.South African literature history, Poetry before Sharpeville, Theatre before Fugard, prose classics, Schreiner to Mofolo, Bosman to Mphahlele, poetry, theatre
The five pillar of Islam
Author: HIS UNN
School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka
Department: Arts and Humanities
Course Code: HIS121
Topics: Shahada, Salat, Zakat, Sawn, Hajj, pillars of Islam
Postcolonial African Philosophy
Author: Emmanuel Chukwudi Eze
School: University of Ibadan
Department: Arts and Humanities
Course Code: PHI207
Topics: Postcolonial African Philosophy, African Philosophy, modernity, African philosophic reason, modern philosophic reason
and the African Predicament
Author: RN Egudu
School: University of Ibadan
Department: Arts and Humanities
Course Code: ENG328
Topics: Modern African Poetry, African Poetry, Negritude, Post-colonial Politics, East African Poetry, Social Disparity
West African Church history
Author: Jacob Owolabi
School: National Open University of Nigeria
Department: Arts and Humanities
Course Code: CRS441, CTH441
Topics: West African Church history, Portuguese Missions, Catholic Missions, Methodists, Anglican, catholic, Cherubim, Seraphim, Celestial Church of Christ, Christianity in Ghana, Planting of Christianity in Liberia, Planting of Christian Mission in Sierra Leone
Atlas of African
Author: James Ciment
School: National Open University of Nigeria
Department: Arts and Humanities
Course Code: ENG313
Topics: African-American History Atlas, African Heritage, slavery, divided nations, Civil Rights Years, Backlash, Retrenchment, Black America Today