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Reservoir engineering 2 past question for the year 2020 examines 400-level Engineering students of FUTO, offering PET403 course on their knowledge of Reservoir engineering, bubble point curve, critical point, dew point curve, cricondentherm, cricondenbar, reservoir fluid sampling, oil flow rate, pressure profile

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Past Questions related to Reservoir engineering 2

Petroleum production engineering 1

Year: 2019

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PET306

Topics: Petroleum production engineering, critical point, cricondentherm, cricodenbar, retrograde condensation, dry gas reservoir, wet gas reservoir, bubble point curve, dew point curve, Gas condensate, Standing-Katz solutions, constant composition expansion test, differential liberation experiment, isothermal compressibility, Bubble point pressure, gas solubility, crude oil viscosity, crude oil density, bottomhole completion, Darcy's law, oil production

Reservoir Engineering 2011, 2012, 2015, 2016 & 2018

Year: 2018

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PET403

Topics: Reservoir Engineering, retrograde condensation, reservoir barrel, stock tank barrel, reservoir pore volume hydrocarbon pore volume, high shrinkage oil, low shrinkage oil, oil formation volume factor, solution gas-oil ration

Oilseed processing and utilization

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: FST513

Topics: Oilseed processing, Oilseed utilization, palm oil processing, oilseed processing, African locus bean processing techniques, oil palm fruit processing, palm oil clarification, palm oil purification, palm oil packaging, palm kernel oil production, palm kernel nut, palm kernel oil, palm kernel cake, palm kernel sludge, sunflower seed oil manufacture, groundnut oil characteristics, aqueous alcohol leach, dilute acid leach, moist heat water leach, oil seeds quality, oil seed processing

RESERVOIR ENGINEERING 2-2012,2015,2016,2017,2019

Year: 2019

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PET403

Topics: reservoir, shrinkage, gas, volume, formation

Natural gas engineering

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PET521

Topics: Natural gas engineering, dew point curve, bubble point curve, cricondenbar, cricodentherm, dry gas phase behavior, wet gas phase behavior, retrograde phase behavior, iron sponge sweetening, alkanol amine sweetening, glycol process, amine process, natural gas field processing

Reservoir engineering 3

Year: 2019

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PET502

Topics: Reservoir engineering, pressure analysis, single well tests, multiple well test, reservoir limit test, secondary oil recovery, water influx, gas coning, water coning

Polymer rheology 1

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PTE411

Topics: Polymer rheology, Newtonian fluid, pseudolastric liquids, dilatant fluid, Bingham fluid, casson fluid, rheopectic fluid, thixotropic fluid, stress relaxation, creep deformation, polymer rheology, time-independent fluids, pseudoplastic fluid, Casson fluid, Ostwald-de Waele equation, Maxwell model, Maxwell element, cone-and-plate viscometer, creep formation, rheometers, rheological equation, fluid viscosity, volumetric flow rate

Oil pollution and control

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PET411

Topics: Oil pollution, oil pollution control, oil spill clean up techniques, oil film, environmental policies, environmental regulations, environmental ten commandments, controlling greenhouse, oil pollution, skimmers, booms, marine oil pollution, Situ burning


Year: 2018

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PET306

Topics: gas, cricondenbar, cricondenthern, reservoir, liberation, bubble point, gas solubility, hydrocarbon, Darcy's law, oil, gas

Multiple phase flow in pipes

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PET517

Topics: Pipe Multiple phase flow, multiphase heat transfer, stratified flow, Taylor bubbles, slug-free flow, Taitel-Dukler flow regime models, boiling, condensation, evaporation, fluid transportation, Boiling regimes, natural convection boiling, nucleate boiling, transition boiling, film boiling, total pressure drop equation


Year: 2018

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PET512

Topics: mass transfer, exchanger, flow rate, dew point, centrifugal, pump, suction, head, fluid, nozzle

Reservoir modelling and simulation

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PET505

Topics: Reservoir modelling, reservoir simulation, history matching, history matching optimization, reservoir simulation study process, history matching parameters, oil phase partial differential equation, Gaussian elimination method, finite difference approximation, Taylor series expansion, tri-diagonal matrix, incompressible flow equation

Open channel hydraulics

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: SWE405

Topics: Open channel hydraulics, open channel flow, pipe flow, lined canal water carrying capacity, mean flow velocity, lined canal trapezoidal, permissible velocity range, Manning's coefficient, critical depth, critical velocity, trapezoidal grassed channel design

Fluid mechanics 2013,2014&2015

Year: 2015

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ENG309

Topics: pressure, free surface, Reynolds number, bulk modulus, turbulent flow, steady flow, cavitation, shear, orfice, kinetic energy, potential flow, incompressibility of fluid

Books related to Reservoir engineering 2

Reservoir Engineering Handbook

Author: Tarek Ahmad

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PET304, PET403, PET502

Topics: Reservoir Fluid Behavior, Reservoir-Fluid Properties, Reservoir Fluids, Rock Properties, Relative Permeability Concepts, Reservoir Fluid Flow, Oil Well Performance, Gas and Water Coning, Water Influx, Oil Recovery Mechanisms, Material Balance Equation, Oil Reservoir Performance, Gas Reservoirs, Waterflooding, Vapor-Liquid Phase Equilibria

Applied Petroleum Reservoir Engineering, Third edition

Author: Ronald Terry, Brandon Rogers

School: University of Port Harcourt

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PNG307

Topics: peak oil, rock properties, isothermal compressibilty, gas law, specific gravity, material balance equation, Havlena method, odeh method, single-phase reservoirs, gas reservoir, gas-condensate reservoir, lean gas cycling, water drive, oil reservoir fluid, Kelly-Snyder field, canyon reef reservoir, Gloyd-mitchell zone, Rodessa field, water compressibility, saturated oil reservoir, gas liberation technique, volatile oil reservoir, Darcy's law, permeability, steady-state flow, linear flow, radial flow, transient flow, pseudosteady-state flow, productivity ratio, superposition, drawdown testing, skin factor, buildup testing, water influx, steady-state model, unsteady-state model, Van Everdingen drive model, Hurst Edgewater drive model, bottomwater drive, recovery efficiency, microscopic displacement efficiency, relative permeability, macroscopic displacement efficiency, immiscible displacement process, Buckley-leverett displacement, Oil recovery

Reservoir Engineering

Author: Sylvester Okotie, Bibobra Ikporo

School: Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PNG410

Topics: Reservoir Engineering, reservoir, reservoir geometry, phase envelope, unsteady flow, productivity index, relative permeability behavior, oil formation volume factor, hydrocarbon reserves, volumetric reserves estimation, contour, condensate reservoir calculation, water influx, aquifer influs, aquifer models, pot aquifer model, Schilthuis model, Hurst modified steady-state model, Van Everdingen moder, Carter-Tracy model, Fetkovich Aquifer model, material balance, reservoir drive mechanisms, gas cap expansion drive, rock compressibility, connate water expansion drive, gas drive reservoir, water drive reservoir, decline curve analysis, pressure regimes, fluid contacts, inflow performance relationship, history matching, pressure match, reservoir performance prediction

Fluid mechanics and hydraulics

Author: Mahesh kumar

School: Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ENG232

Topics: fluid pressure, hydrostatic forces, submerged surfaces, buoyancy, floatation, fluid kinematics, fluid dynamics, vortex flow, potential flow, ideal fluid flow, laminar flow, viscous flow, boundary layer theory, compressible flow, model similitude, free jets, fluid machines, pelton turbine, impulse turbine, francis turbine, radial flow reaction turbines, propeller, kaplan turbine, axial flow reaction turbines, hydraulic turbines, centrifugal pumps, reciprocation pumps, hydraulic systems, fluid continuum, fluid properties, specific weight, weight density, viscosity, perfect gas law, isobaric process, adiabatic process, surface tension, capillarity, capillary effect, vapour pressure, cavitation, pascal's law, hydrostatic law, Bouyant force, centre of buoyancy, archimedes principle, metacentre, metacentric height, cauchy-reimann equations, Euler's equation, Bernoulli's equation, continuity equation, orfices, hydraulic coefficients, uniform flow, source flow, sink flow, free vortex flow, notches, weirs, francis formula, bazin formula, rehbock formula, cipolletti weir, reynolds experiment, Navier-stoke equation, efflux viscometer, ogee weir, boundary layers, stagnation pressure, stagnation density, stagnation temperature, specific energy curve, critical depth, critical velocity, sub-critical flow, hydraulic jump, francis turbine, velocity triangle, draft tube, rotodynamic turbine


Author: LP Dake

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PET304, PET403, PET502


Principles of Chemical Engineering Processes Material and Energy Balances

Author: Nayef Ghasem, Redhouane Henda

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: CHE202

Topics: Chemical Engineering Processes, Material Balance, Energy Balance, temperature measurement, temperature conversion, dimensional homogeneity, dimensionless quantities, process flow sheet, process unit, process streams, mass flow rates, volumetric rates, moles, molecular weight, stream composition, mass fraction, mole fraction, concentration, pressure measurement, pressure-sensing devices, process units, degrees of freedom analysis, process flow diagram, multiunit process flow diagram, mass balance, Stoichiometric Equation, Stoichiometric Coefficients, Stoichiometric Ratio, Limiting Reactant, Excess Reactants, Combustion Reactions, Chemical Equilibrium, Multiple-Unit Process Flowcharts, Single-Phase Systems, Multiphase Systems, Ideal Gas Equation of State, liquid density, solid density, gas density, Real Gas Relationships, Compressibility Factor, Virial Equation of State, van der Waals Equation of State, Soave–Redlich–Kwong Equation of State, Kay’s Mixing Rules, phase diagram, Vapor–Liquid Equilibrium Curve, Vapor Pressure Estimation, Clapeyron Equation, Clausius–Clapeyron Equation, Cox Chart, Antoine Equation, Partial Pressure, Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures, Gibbs’ Phase Rule, Bubble Point, Dew Point, Critical Point, Kinetic Energy, Potential Energy, energy balance, steam turbine, heaters, coolers, compressors, Mechanical Energy Balance, Enthalpy Calculations, Constant Heat Capacity, Psychrometric Chart, Heat of Reaction, Heats of Formation, Heat of Combustion, Heat of Reaction Method, Unsteady-State Material Balance, Unsteady-State Energy Balance

Production and Transport of Oil and Gas Gathering and Transportation, Second Edition

Author: AP Szilas

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PET511

Topics: Separation of oil and gas, Valves, pressure regulators, Line pipes, Separator selection, On-lease oil storage, Fluid tolume measurement, Pipeline transportation of oil, Pressure waves, waterhammer, Slug transportation, Isothermal oil transport, isothermal oil transport system, Non-isothermal oil transport, Transient flow in pipeline systems, Steady-state flow in pipeline systems

Basic petroleum geology

Author: Peter Link

School: Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PEE315

Topics: earth structure, lithosphere, mantle, core, specific gravity, Earth's magnetic field, plate tectonics, continental drift, continental margin, geologic time, historical geology, stratigraphy, relative time, absolute time, radiometric time scale, geologic time scale, palentology, Minerals, rocks, weathering, erosion, deposition, Marine erosion, Marine deposition, depositional basin, Lacustrine environment, Desert environment, Glacial Environment, subsurface water, Diagenesis, structural geology, petroleum traps, petroleum, reservoir, recovery techniques, exploration techniques, igneous rock, sedimentary rock, metamoprphic rock, rock cycle, mechanical weathering, chemica weathering, weathering products, downslope movement, floodplain deposits, delta deposits, stream deposits, Marine depth zones, Marine currents, wave types, wave refraction, erosional features, marine shoreline, marine deposition, Basin, Lake basin, lacustrine deposition, lacustrine deposits, desert erosion, desert deposition, desert deposits, Glacier, glacial deposition, glacial deposits, groundwater classification, aquifer, water table, water well, ground water processes, groundwater products, lithification, induration, diagenesis, fracturing, stress, strain, faults, folds, strike, dip, superposition, decriptive geometry, stereographic projection, hydrocarbon traps, structural traps, stratigraphic traps, combination traps, unconformity traps, crude oil, natural gas, reservoir performane, reservoir pressure, resevoir loss, reservoir destruction, reservoir rocks, clastic reservoirs, carbonate reservoirs, seals, pressure-data, geometry, fluid content, Rock sampling, fluid flow, porosity, permeability, reservoir properties, surface geology, surface data, surface geology, drilling operations, well cuttings, cores, electric logging, radioactivity logging, acousting logging, sonic logging, spontaenous potential logs, self potential logs, resistivity logs, induction logs, dual induction-focused logs, electrode logs, radioactivity logs, acoustic logs, drill stem tests, geophysical surveys, geochemical surveys, maps, cross-sections

A Textbook of Fluid Mechanics and hydraulic machines, 9th edition

Author: RK bansal

School: Covenant University

Department: Engineering

Course Code: CVE332

Topics: Fluid Mechanics, hydraulic machines, viscosity, compressibility, bulk modulus, surface tension, capillarity, vapor pressure, cavitation, Pascal's law, manometers, Piezometer, differential manometer, isothermal process, buoyancy, flotation, meta-center, fluid flow, continuity equation, velocity, acceleration, velocity potential function, stream function, equipotential line, Vortex flow, ideal flow, potential flow, momentum equation, free liquid jets, orifices, mouthpieces, notches, weirs, viscous flow, turbulent flow, Reynolds experiment, dimensional homogeneity, model analysis, dimensionless numbers, Boundary layer flow, compressible flow, Mach number, Jet propulsion, hydraulic machines, turbines, Pelton wheel, Radial flow reaction turbines, Francis turbine, axial flow reaction turbine, Draft tube, specific speed, unit quantities, centrifugal pumps, cavitation, maximum suction lift, net positive suction head, reciprocating pumps, air vessels, fluid system, hydraulic press, hydraulic accumulator, hydraulic intensifier, hydraulic ram, hydraulic lift, hydraulic crane, hydraulic coupling, hydraulic torque converter, air lift pump, gear-wheel pump

Sampling ,3rd edition

Author: Steven Thompson

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: STA351

Topics: Sampling, Sampling Units, Sampling errors, Nonsampling Errors, Simple Random Sampling, Confidence Intervals, Sample Size, Estimating Proportions, Estimating Ratios, Estimating Subpopulation Means, Unequal Probability Sampling, Horvitz-Thompson Estimator, Hansen–Hurwitz Estimator, Auxiliary Data, Ratio Estimation, Ratio Estimator, Small Population Illustrating Bias, Regression Estimation, Linear Regression Estimator, regression model, Multiple Regression Models, Regression Models, Stratified Sampling, Stratified Random Sampling, Cluster Sampling, Systematic Sampling, Multistage Designs, Double Sampling, Two-Phase Sampling, Network Sampling, Link-Tracing Designs, Detectability, Capture–Recapture Sampling, Line-Intercept Sampling, spatial sampling, Spatial Prediction, Kriging, Spatial Covariance Function, Spatial Designs, Adaptive Sampling Designs, Adaptive Sampling, Adaptive Cluster Sampling, Stratified Adaptive Cluster Sampling

Fluid mechanics

Author: IO Arukalam

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ENG309

Topics: fluid resistance, Reynolds number, newtonian and non-newtonian fluid flow, laminar flow analysis, turbulent flow analysis, Newtonian fluids, non-newtonian fluids, fluid resistance, fluid resistance equation, laminar flow, turbulent flow, Reynolds number, unsteady fluid flow

Fluid Mechanics and hydraulic

Author: RK Rajput

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ENG309

Topics: Properties of fluid, pressure measurement, Hydrostatic forces on surfaces, Buoyancy, flotation, Fluid Kinematics, Fluid Dynamics, Dimension analysis, model analysis, Flow through orfices, flow through Mouthpieces, Flow Over notches, Flow Over weirs, laminar flow, turbulent flow

Software Engineering, Tenth Edition

Author: Ian sommerville

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: MCE303, MCE506

Topics: software processes, agile software development, requirements engineering, system modelling, architectural design, design and implementation, software testing, software evolution, system dependability, system security, dependable systems, reliability engineering, safety engineering, security engineering, resilience engineering, advanced software engineering, software reuse, component-based software engineering, distributed software engineering, service-oriented software engineering, systems engineering, systems of systems, real-time software engineering, software management, project management, project planning, quality management, configuration management

Fox and McDonald's Introduction to Fluid Mechanics,Eighth Edition

Author: Philip pritchard, John Leylegian

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ENG309, ENG310

Topics: Fluid Statics, Basic Equations in Integral Form for a Control Volume, Angular-Momentum Principle, Differential Analysis of Fluid Motion, Incompressible Inviscid Flow, Dimensional Analysis, Similitude, Internal Incompressible Viscous Flow, External Incompressible Viscous Flow, fluid machinery, flow in open channels, compressible flow, fluid property data

Applied Well Test Interpretation

Author: John Spivey, John Lee

School: Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PEE513

Topics: Well Test Interpretation, well test, wellbore storage, Radial Flow Semilog Analysis, Log-Log Type Curve Analysis, Pressure Transient Testing, gas flow equation, flow regimes, diagnostic plot, bounded reservoir behavior, Variable Flow Rate, flow rate, wellbore phenomena, Near-Wellbore Phenomena, Well Test Interpretation Workflow, Well Test Design Workflow

Munson, Young and Okiishi's Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics,Eight Edition

Author: Philip Gerhart, Andrew Gerhart, John Hochstein

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ENG309, ENG310

Topics: fluid statics, fluid dynamics, bernoulli equation, fluid kinematics, finite control volume analysis, dimensional analysis, similitude, modeling, flow over immersed bodies, viscous flow in pipes, open-channel flow, compressible flow, turbomachines

Fluid mechanics lecture note

Author: Levi

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ENG309

Topics: Definition of fluid and fluid and properties, Static and Fluid system, Pressure in a static fluid, manometry, forces on plane and curved surfaces, types of flows, Hydrolics and pipe flows, pressure concept

Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, 5th edition

Author: Warren McCabe, Julian Smith, Peter Harriott

School: Institute of Management Technology

Department: Engineering

Course Code: CHE303

Topics: Fluid Mechanics, Fluid-Flow Phenomena, Equations of Fluid Flow, Flow of Incompressible Fluids, Flow of Compressible Fluids, Flow past immersed bodies, Transportation of fluids, Metering of fluids, Agitation of liquids, mixing of liquids, Heat transfer, heat flow in fluids, Heat transfer to fluids without phase change, Heat transfer to fluids with phase change, Radiation heat transfer, Heat exchange equipment, Evaporation, Equilibrium stage operations, Distillation, multicomponent distillation, Leaching, Extraction, Diffusion, Mass Transfer between Phases, Gas Absorption, Humidification Operations, Drying of Solids, Adsorption, Membrane Separation Processes, Crystallization, Properties of Particulate Solids, Handling of Particulate Solids, Mixing of Particulate Solids, Mechanical Separations

Principle of Construction

Author: Nasiru Danlami

School: Bayero University, Kano

Department: Engineering

Course Code: CIV3301

Topics: Civil Engineering Procedure, civil engineering, Structural Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Construction Engineering, Civil Engineering Design, Applied Civil Engineering Design, Civil Engineering Design Documents, construction process management, site analysis, Site reconnaissance, surveys, measured survey, condition survey, Photographic survey, video surveys, Site Investigation, Foundation design, subsoil examination, trial pits, borehole, Window samplers, Rotary Drilling Equipment, Percussion boring, construction principles, construction equipment, earthing moving equipment, bulldozer, Frontend Loader, Motor Graders, scrapers, truck, Excavating Equipment, construction elements, Foundation construction, foundation types, Strip foundations, Wide strip foundation, Short-bored pile foundations, Pad foundations, Raft foundations

Engineering Fundamentals and Problem Solving, 6th edition

Author: Arvid Eide, Roland Jenison, Larry Northup, Steven Mickelson

School: Edo University

Department: Engineering

Course Code: GEE214

Topics: Engineering profession, engineering team, engineering function, engineering design, engineering solutions, engineering measurement, engineering estimations, dimensions, units, conversions, engineering economics, annual worth, annual future worth, sinking fund, decision making, economic decision making, statistics, inferential statistics, sampling, chi-square distribution, F-distribution, mechanics, statics, forces, resultant force, scalars, vectors, strain, design stress, material balance, energy sources, energy alternatives, coal formation, natural gas formation, electrical theory, static electricity, electric potential, Kirchhoff's laws, Mesh current

Tests related to Reservoir engineering 2

Physics (JAMB)



Course Code: JAMB

Topics: Physics, JAMB, Friction, work, force, motion, speed, velocity, energy, hydraulic press, relative density, hydrometer, gas law, sound wave, wave, light, mirror,capacitor, electricity, pressure