Download Ancient philosophy-2013-2016 - PHI105 Past Question PDF

You will find Ancient philosophy-2013-2016 past question PDF which can be downloaded for FREE on this page. Ancient philosophy-2013-2016 is useful when preparing for PHI105 course exams.

Ancient philosophy-2013-2016 past question for the year 2016 examines 100-level Arts and Humanities students of UI, offering PHI105 course on their knowledge of Plato's Ideal state, Plato's theory of Universals, Plato's theory of forms, Epicureanism, Aristotle's four causes, Stoicism, Aristotle's Ethics, Heraclitus, Parmenides, reality, Sophists, knowledge, morality, Atomists, Empedocles, numbers, metaphysics, motion, change, Pluralism, universals

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Past Questions related to Ancient philosophy-2013-2016

Ethics-2015 & 2016

Year: 2016

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: PHI203

Topics: morality, ethical judgment, moral codes, Physician Assisted Suicide, Metaethics, Normative ethics, Applied ethics, moral dilemmas, psychological egoism

Introduction to philosophy-2015 & 2016

Year: 2016

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: PHI101

Topics: scepticism, metaphysics, branch of philosophy, Philosophy as a Worldview, Philosophy as a Body of Knowledge, Philosophy as a Critical Activity, epistemology, logic, Contingent realities, necessary realities, Synthetic Statements, Analytical Statements

Philosophy of value-2015&2016

Year: 2016

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: PHI103

Topics: values, instrumental values, intrinsic values, fact, judgment, ethics, moral codes, akrasia, value judgment, actual judgment, axiology, morality

Introduction to epistemology-2015 & 2016

Year: 2016

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: PHI201

Topics: epistemological problems, Empiricism, Rationalism, Scepticism, knowledge, truth, priori propositions, posteriori propositions, Synthetic a priori propositions, Defensibility Approach, Relevant Falsehood Approach, Reliability Approach, Causal Theory, Scepticism, Foundationalism

Participatory technology development and indigenous knowledge systems

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: AEX509

Topics: Agricultural technology development, Participatory technology development, participation, consultative participation, contractual participation, indigenous knowledge systems, sustainability


Year: 2018

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: AEX504

Topics: TECHNOLOGICAL AND SOCIAL CHANGE, agricultural development


Year: 2019

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: EVT519

Topics: climate change, global warming, greenhouse effect, emission accounting, emission, global temperature model


Year: 2019

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: GLY535

Topics: temperature, hemisphere, pollutant, climate change

Environmental extension education

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: AEX409

Topics: Environmental extension education, environmental degradation, land fill, conservation, agricultural extension service, terracing, climate change adaptation, climate change mitigation, climate change resilience

Introduction to computer science, workshop practive

Year: 2019

School: Federal University of Technology, Minna

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CPT111, WKS110, GST110, BIO111, STA117, PHY113, MAT111, CHM1111, CHM112

Topics: reserve words, program statements, pseudo code, flowchart, programming language, algorithm, plant location, plant layout, accident, electrical hazards, zero error, communication skills, communication, essay writing, technical report writing, essay, cell biology, organelles, cell membrane, microscopy, microscope, biodiversity, hereditary, inheritance, monocotyledons, dicotyledons, frequency distribution, questionnaire, force, tension, pressure, vector, scalar, linear motion, random motion, rotational motion, oscillatory motion, gravitational field strength, escape velocity, logarithm, surd, geometric progression, sets, Bohr postulate, Raoults's law, LeChatelier's principle, chemical bonding, electronic configuration, inorganic chemistry, Dalton atomic theory Avogadro's number

Germanium Series for Art Students

Year: 2016



Course Code: JAMB, POST UME

Topics: mathematics, use of English, economics, financial accounts, commerce, government, geography, literature, Christian religious knowledge, Islamic religious knowledge

Chemical process control and dynamics

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: CHE501

Topics: Chemical process control, chemical dynamics, system stability, open loop transfer function, Bode plot, root locus plot, controller tuning, Ziegler-Nichols settings, Tyreus-Luyben settings, state space analysis, state equation, state-transition matric, state vector

Business ethics

Year: 2020

School: Nnamdi Azikiwe University

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: BUS451

Topics: Business ethics, reasoning, intergrity, ethics, utilitarian principle, NAFDAC, NDLEA, SON

Total solutions in Mechanics, Thermal Phy & Properties of Matter (PHY111) calculations and theory questions and answers by Kaymath

Year: 2020

School: University of Benin

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: PHY111

Topics: measurements, units, vectors, mechanics, projectile motion, force, Newton's law, circular motion, gravitation, work, energy, power, momentum, rotational motion, temperature, thermometer, calorimetry, kinetic theory, thermodynamics, heat transfer

Books related to Ancient philosophy-2013-2016

History of Western Philosophy

Author: Bertrand Russell

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: PHI105

Topics: Western Philosophy, Ancient Philosophy, Pre-Socratics, Greek civilization, Milesian School, Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Parmenides, Empedocles, Anaxagoras, atomists, Protagoras, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Plato’s Utopia, Theory of Ideas, Theory of Immortality, Plato’s Cosmogony, Aristotle’s Metaphysics, Aristotle’s Ethics, Aristotle’s Politics, Aristotle’s Logic, Early Greek Mathematics, Early Greek Astronomy, Hellenistic World, cynics, sceptics, Epicureans, Stoicism, plotinus, Catholic Philosophy, St Augustine’s Philosophy, St Augustine’sTheology, Mohammedan Culture, Mohammedan Philosophy, Franciscan Schoolmen, modern philosophy, Italian Renaissance, Machiavelli, Hobbes’s Leviathan, Philosophical Liberalism, Locke’s Theory of Knowledge, Locke’s Political Philosophy, Locke’s Influence, Berkeley, Hume, Romantic Movement

History of Philosophy

Author: Julian Marias, Stanley Appelbaum, Clarence Strowbridge

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: PHI105, PHI204

Topics: History of Philosophy, Milesian school, Pythagoreans, Parmenides, Eleatic school, Heraclitus, democritus, sophists, Socrates, Plato, Ideas, reality, philosophy, Aristotle, levels of knwoledge, metaphysics, modes of being, substance, logic, physics, theory of the soul, ethics, politics, stoicism, Epicureanism, skepticism, Eclecticism, Neoplatonism, christianity, Medieval philosophy, scholasticism, medieval philosophers, modern philosophy, Descartes, Cartesian problem, Cartesiansim, Spinoza, Leibniz, Theodicy, empiricism, British philosophy, Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, Comte's positivism, contemporary philosophy, Brentano, Husserl's phenomenology, value theory, Heidegger's existential philosophy

Socrates to Sartre and Beyond A History of Philosophy

Author: Samuel Enoch Stumpf, James Fieser

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: PHI306

Topics: History of Philosophy, ancient Greek Philosophy, atomists, sophists, Socrates, Plato, political philosophy, Aristotle, Logic, metaphysics, ethics, politics, Classical philosophy, Epicureanism, hellenistic Philosophy, medieval Philosophy, stoicism, skepticism, plotinus, human knowledge, God, moral Philosophy, Boethius, Pseudo-Dionysius, Erigena, Anselm's Ontological Argument, faith, reason, Aquinas's Life, creation, morality, natural law, state, human nature, early modern Philosophy, humanism, italian renaissance, reformation, Skepticism, Faith, scientific revolution, Bacon, Hobbes, Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, Enlightenment Philosophy, Deisim, atheism, Rosseau, Social contract, Kant, practical reason, Aesthetics, German Idealism, Utilitarianism, Positivism, Kierkegaard, Marx, Nietzsche, Pragmatism, Process Philosophy, Analytic Philosophy, Phenomenology, Existentialism, Recent Philosophy

Ancient Philosophy

Author: Omotade Adegbindin

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: PHI105

Topics: Ancient Philosophy, First Greek Philosophers, Pythagorean, Xenophanes of Colophon, Xenophanes, Heraclitus, Parmenides, Pluralists, Thrasymachus, Sophists, Protagoras, Socrates, Doctrines of Plato, Plato, Aristotle, Epicureanism, Stoics, Sceptics, Plotinus

A History of Philosophy, Vol. 1 Greece and Rome

Author: Frederick Copleston

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: PHI105

Topics: History of Philosophy, pre-socratic philosophy, western thought, Ionian philosophers, Pythagorean society, Heraclitus, Parmenides, Melissus, Zeno, Empedocles, Anaxagoras, Atomists, Socratic period, Sophists, Socrates, Minor Socrativ schools, Democritus, Plato, Moral theory, the stateAristotle, Logic of Aristotle, Politics, Post-Aristotelian philosophy, Early Stoa, Epicureanism, old sceptics, Hellenistic epoch, cynics, eclectics, Neo-Pythagoreanism, Middle platonism, Jewish-Hellenistic philosophy, Plotinian neo-platonism

Introduction To Epistemology

Author: Adekunle Ibrahim

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: PHL203

Topics: Epistemology, History of Epistemology, Trends in Epistemology, Human Existence, knowledge, Conditions of Knowledge, Knowledge Situation, Types of Knowledge, Sources of Knowledge, Problems of Knowledge, Epistemological Theories, Rationalism, Empiricism, Constructivism, Pragmatism, Major theories of Truth, Notion of Truth, Types of Truth, Skepticism, beliefs, Arguments for skepticism, Arguments against Skepticism, Value of Skepticism, psychology, metaphysics, logic, Evolutionary Epistemology, Genetic Epistemology, Feminist Epistemology, Humanizing Epistemology, Social Epistemology, Naturalizing Epistemology, Integrative Epistemology, Empirical knowledge, Rational knowledge, Intuitive knowledge, Revealed knowledge, Authoritative knowledge, Perception, Memory, Abstraction

Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice ,3rd edition

Author: Kimiz Dalkir

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Education

Course Code: LIS212

Topics: Knowledge Management, Knowledge Management Processes, Knowledge Management Models, Knowledge Capture, knowledge Codification, Knowledge Sharing, finding knowledge, organizational culture, Knowledge Management Tools, Knowledge Management Strategy, Knowledge Management Planning, Evaluating Knowledge Management, Organizational Learning, Organizational Memory, Knowledge Continuity Management, Knowledge Management Team, Knowledge Management Resources

Introduction to Knowledge Management

Author: Osagie Oseghale

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Education

Course Code: LIS212

Topics: Knowledge Management, knowledge, data, Information Management, Organizational Knowledge, Organizational Memory, Knowledge Repositories, Organizational Learning, Organizational Culture, Building Knowledge Management Frameworks, Knowledge Management Frameworks model, Knowledge Management Processes, knowledge sharing, Managing Knowledge Reuse, Knowledge Creation, Knowledge Management Strategy

Introduction To Ethics

Author: AZ Ibrahim

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: PHL204

Topics: Ethics, Divisions of Ethics, Ethics Methodology, Values of Ethics, Human Value, Nature of Human Conduct, human act, moral law, Justice, Conscience, ethics assumption, Plato’s Ethics, Aristotle’s Ethics, Epicurus’ Ethics, Diogenes’ Ethics, Zeno’s Ethics, Religious Ethics, Spinoza’s Ethics, Utilitarian’s Ethics, Kant’s Ethics, Etymology, Meta-Ethics, Realism, Intuitionism, Naturalism, Subjectivism, Relativism, Cognitivism, Non-Cognitivism, Universal prescriptivism, Normative Ethics, Consequentialism, Deontology, Virtue Theories, Applied Ethics, Egoism, Utilitarianism, ethics methodologies, Aesthetic Values, Religious Values, Socio-political Values, Economic Values, Ethical values, Moral Values, Instinct, intention, motive

Working Knowledge

Author: Thomas Davenport, Laurence Prusak

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Education

Course Code: LIS212

Topics: Working Knowledge, Knowledge Markets, Knowledge generation, Knowledge codification, Knowledge coordination, Knowledge transfer, Knowledge roles, Knowledge skills, Knowledge management

The Greek philosophers from Thales to Aristotle

Author: WKC Guthrie

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: PHI204

Topics: Greek philosophers, Greek ways of thinking, matter, form, motion, Plato, Aristotle, Doctrine of Ideas, Aristotelian universe, human beings, Heraclitus, Parmenides, pluralists, Sophists, Socrates

Ancient philosophy

Author: Ebeh John Igbogo

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: PHL102

Topics: Ancient philosophy, Ancient Babylon philosophy, Egypt philosophy, Hindu philosophy, Greeco-Roman era philosophy, Miletian Thinkers, Thales, Anaximander, Anaximenes, Pythagoras, Xenophanes, Heraclitus, Parmenides, Empedocles, Leucippus, Democritus, Anaxagoras, Zeno, Sophists, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Ancient Egyptian Civilisation, Ancient Egyptian Cosmology, Anaximander’s Teachings, Anaximander’s discourse

The Problems of Philosophy

Author: Bertrand Russell

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: PHI101

Topics: Problems of Philosophy, appearance, reality, existence of matter, nature of matter, idealism, world of universals, knowledge of universls, intuitive knowledge, truth, falsehood, knowledge, error, probable opinion, philosophical knowledge

The Republic, Second edition

Author: Plato, Desmond Lee, Melissa Lane

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: PHI105

Topics: Justice, morality, injustice, social organization, education, guardians, auxiliaries, women, marriage, family, war, philosopher ruler, ideal, actual, philosopher, five mathematical studies, imperfect societies, recapitulation, timarchy, timarchic character, oligarchy, democracy, democratic character, tyranny, art, illusion, poetry, drama, soul, myth of Er

Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics ,2nd edition

Author: Ruth Chadwick

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: PHI203

Topics: Applied Ethics, abortion, accounting, business ethics, acts, omissions, addiction, adoption, advance directives, advertising, affirmative action, affordable housing, ageism, agricultural ethics, AIDS, altruism, economics, animal research, animal rights, Anthropocentrism, Archaeological Ethics, Aristotelian Ethics, Auditing Practices, arts, autonomy, benefit sharing, biobanks, Biocentrism, biodiversitybioethics, Bioinformatics, biopower, foucault, biotechnology, bioterrorism, border control, brain death, broadcast journalism, Buddhism, business ethics, capital punishment, casuistry, censorship, child abuse, Children’s Rights, Christian Ethics, citzenship, civil disobedience, climate change, clinical ethics, cloning, codes of ethics, collective guilt, communication ethics, Communitarianism, Community Consent, Complementary Medicine, information ethics, Computer Security, Confidentiality, Conflict of Interest, Confucianism, conjoined twins, Conscientious Objection, Consequentialism, Deontology, consumer rights, Contractarian Ethics, Corporate Ethics, Reputation Management, Corporate Governance, Corporate Responsibility, cosmetic surgery, Cosmopolitanism

Meta-ethics and normative ethics

Author: HJ McCloskey

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: PHI203

Topics: Meta-ethics, normative ethics, morality, theistic ethics, Thomistic Natural Law Ethics, Naturalistic Theories, Naturalistic Fallacy, Non-cognitivist meta-ethical theories, Nowell-Smith's Ethics, moral priniciples, Moral Perplexity, moral advice, Intuitionism, Tolerance, Multiple Intuitions, ethical pluralism, intrinsic goods, pleasure, happiness, knowledge, rationality, rational belief, beauty, Aesthetic Excellence, moral goodness, Self-perfection, Act Utilitarianism, Rule Utilitarianism, Utilitarianism, Kantian Theory, Prima Facie

Comparative Ethics in a Pluralistic Society

Author: Joseph Kerker

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: CTH423

Topics: Comparative Ethics, ethical theories, Christian Ethics, Islamic Religion ethics, Islamic Religion, Moral Values, Pluralistic Society, Pluralism, Morality, Meta Ethics, Analytic Ethics, Normative Ethics, Prescriptive ethics, Applied Ethics, Descriptive ethics, Obligation, human rights, Platonism, Hedonism, Cynicism, Moral Positivism, Ethical Hedonism, Utilitarianism, Social Ethics, Christian Theology, Revelation, Holy Scripture, Temporal Happiness, Welfare, Prophet Muhammad, Hegira

The Philosophical Journey ,7th edition

Author: William Lawhead

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: PHI306

Topics: socrates, plato's allegory, argument, evidence, reality, metaphysics, dualism, physicalism, functionalism, artificial intelligence, freedom, determinism, hard determinism, libertarianism, compatibilism, search for knowledge, skepticism, rationalism, empiricism, Kantian constructivism, epistemological relativism, pragmatism, search for God, philosophy of religion, Evil, ethics, ethical relativism, ethical objectivism, ethical egoism, utilitarianism, Kantian ethics, virtue ethics, ethical theories, political philosophy, justice, civil disobedience

Professional Ethics

Author: Odumayak Okpo

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: PHL242

Topics: Professional Ethics, Normative Ethical Theories, Consequentialism, Deontology, virtue ethics, medical ethics, media ethics, business ethics, public administration ethics, Engineering ethics, teaching ethics, work ethics, confidentiality, Whistle-blowing, Professional Responsibility, Conflicts of Interest, Psychological Egoism, egoism, ethical egoism, Utilitarianism, Kantian Deontology, Rossian Deontology, Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics, moral virtue, Journalism Ethics

Ethics and Society

Author: Adebola Ekanola

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: PHI103

Topics: Ethics, Society, human nature, morality, Ethical Utilitarianism, Ethical Deontologism, Divine Command Theory of Morality, Natural Law Theory of Morality, morality, rights duties, Psychological Egoism, Ethical Egoism

Tests related to Ancient philosophy-2013-2016

Physics (JAMB)



Course Code: JAMB

Topics: Physics, JAMB, Friction, work, force, motion, speed, velocity, energy, hydraulic press, relative density, hydrometer, gas law, sound wave, wave, light, mirror,capacitor, electricity, pressure