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Electronics 2 2019&2020

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: MCE411

Topics: Electronics, oscillator frequency, oscillator, multivibrators, monostable multivibrators, astable multivibrators, 555 timer circuits, Barkhausen stability criterion, loop gain equation, operating frequency, Colpitt's oscillator, Clapp oscillator, Wien Bridge oscillator, relaxation oscillators, crystal oscillators, crystal oscillator frequency

Measurement and instrumentation

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: MCE407

Topics: Measurement, instrumentation, second order rotational system, system amplitude ration, natural frequency, damped frequency, damping ratio, flow rate, submarine, resistance temperature detectors, Maxwell bridge, inductor, thermocouple

Control engineering 1

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: MCE401

Topics: Control engineering, open loop control system, closed loop control system, close loop transfer function, feedback control system, transfer function, open-loop transfer function, root locus, stability, analog computer, digital computer, analog computing, digital computing, analog signals, ODE linear, linear first-order differential equation, DC bias voltage, DC bias circuit, Emitter-stabilized bias circuit

Machine tools analysis and cutting tool design

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: IPE405

Topics: Machine tools analysis, cutting tool design, Engine lathe, machine tool, machine tool analysis, machine tools, revolution per minute, machining operation, lathe machine accessories, cutting tools nomenclature, milling machine

Work study and productivity 2018 & 2019

Year: 2019

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: IPE403

Topics: Work study, work productivity, reliability, maintainability, inputs availability, efficiency, effectiveness, service delivery, labour productivity, waste reduction, equipment productivity, work study, work measurements, ergonomic, value analysis, excess work content, fatigue, job elements, partial productivity, total productivity, productivity auditor

Beverage technology

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: FST413

Topics: Beverage technology, fermenter, hybrid fermenter, beer diseases, vinegar, vinegar production, soft drinks, infusion mashing process, black tea processing, wort extraction, wort clarification, starch degradation

Food instrumental analysis

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: FST411

Topics: Food instrumental analysis, Mass spectrometry, flame photometer, nuclear magnetic resonance, florescence spectroscopy, isotope-ratio mass spectrometry, electromagnetic spectrum, hydrometer, hygrometer, refractometer, refractive index, chromatography, chromatographic techniques, paper chromatography, retention factor, chromatographic bed shape technique, layer chromatography, flame ionization detector

Meat and meat products processing

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: FST409

Topics: Meat products processing, meat products, meat packaging materials, meat packaging, fresh meat, cured meat, seafood, meat tenderness effect

Principles of food quality management and experimental design

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: FST407

Topics: Food quality management, null hypothesis, alternative hypothesis, Analysis of variance, ANOVA, food quality control authority, food quality control, food quality assurance, control chart, quality control chart, process variation, process predictability, sampling, variable data, attribute data, X-bar charts, R-chart, P-charts

Fruits and vegetable processing

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: FST405

Topics: Fruits processing, vegetable processing, beverage manufacturing, fruit juice aeration, blanching, pre processing handling procedures, steaming, fruits preservation, vegetable preservation, preservatives, fruit juice concentration, chemical preservatives, fruit residuals, vegetable residuals


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