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Your go to platform for study materials

Learnclax seeks to make education alot fun by providing free up to date materials(textbooks,journals,manuals and handouts),free past question,providing a platform for seeking solutions to academic problems and a very interactive computer based test application. We believe that with our (we at Learnclax & You) joint efforts,learning would cease to be a herculean task.

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Temiloluwa Ogundimu

Temiloluwa Ogundimu

Joined October 15, 2024



Joined October 15, 2024



Joined October 15, 2024



Joined October 15, 2024

Romir Gujrey

Romir Gujrey

Joined October 15, 2024

Manjyot Singh Saluja

Manjyot Singh Saluja

Joined October 15, 2024

Dhanujit Gayari

Dhanujit Gayari

Joined October 15, 2024

Tyler Dahlen

Tyler Dahlen

Joined October 14, 2024

Aamir Akram

Aamir Akram

Joined October 14, 2024

Charlie Pratt

Charlie Pratt

Joined October 14, 2024

Tanvi Jagade

Tanvi Jagade

Joined October 14, 2024

Nabeel Abid

Nabeel Abid

Joined October 14, 2024