What you didn't know about coding

Want to learn how to Code?

Here are:

- 15 Sites you can learn coding for free.
- 10 Free Courses to Learn to Coding for beginners.
- 10 Free Games to improve your coding skills.
- 10 Programming Blogs You can follow. 


15 Sites you can learn coding for free.

- GitHub
- Codecademy
- Treehouse
- Udemy
- Coursera
- Khan Academy
- W3Schools
- EdX
- FreeCodeCamp
- Evanto tuts +
- Codeconquest
- Udacity
- Sololearn
- Code Avengers
- Learnenough 

- 10 Free Courses to Learn Coding for beginners.

Intro to Programming (Skillshare)

How to Make Apps without experience (Skillshare)

Programming for everybody (Coursera)

Read also : 7 skills you should acquire right now and courses to help you with it.

Beginner PHP and MySQL Tutorial (Udemy)

Beginner Web Development HTML5 & CSS3 (Udemy)

Python for Beginners (Codecademy)

Java for absolute beginners (Freecodecamp)

Intro To Programming (Khanacademy)

Read also : Free Python Resources for both beginners and Advanced Python Programmers.

Introduction To Python Programming (Udemy)

Learn Command Line Basics with Chris Castiglione

10 Free Games to improve your coding skills

- CodeMonkey
- Flexbox Defense
- Ruby Warrior
- CodeCombat
- Robocode
- Cyber Dojo
- Code Wars
- CodinGame
- Flexbox Froggy
- Code Hunt

Sometimes, an effective way to learn is to play with what you are trying to learn. 

10 Programming Blogs You can follow

- Coding Horror
- A List Apart
- Codepen
- The Crazy Programmer
- CodeWall
- Cloudscaling
- CodePen Blog
- Hackster . io
- CSS-Tricks
- The Mozilla Blog 

Read also : How to be a Product Manager.

Tags: Coding

Author : Kekeocha Justin

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