3 Pillars Of Self-Discipline

You’ve been told time and again that you need self-discipline.

Yes, being able to focus more on optimizing your health, being mentally tough, and achieving excellence in your life takes discipline. But how exactly does one achieve it?There are many ways to enhance self-discipline and what works for you may not be what works for anyone else. But these four basic starting points will at least help you get started on the right path.

Check them out. 

Self discipline

1. Command Your Fight Or Flight

You’re programmed for survival, in what is called the “fight or flight” response. In both humans and animals, when our brain’s survival center perceives potential danger, the amygdala immediately throws the switch for the Fight/Flight/Freeze response, which immediately triggers other parts of the brain and body to mobilize the body to fight, to flee, or to freeze

You’re facing a threat, and you need to either fight or run. In today’s world, the more common threat is facing something new or stressful.When you hesitate, your body has a small time frame where it determines whether or not there is a threat.When you freeze, your body takes this as a threat and kicks in the response.

There’s a simple solution for this. Count to five.

That’s it.

Count to five, take a deep breath and then stretch or stand and walk around a little and then jump back into the problem. It’s a way of resetting the response in your brain and getting it ready to focus on the task as hand. 

Read also : 20 Practical Ways To Improve Oneself in 2020.

2. Don’t bite off more than you can chew.

Take change in small doses, and don’t try to take on too many changes at once. It’s always best to start small and work your way up, especially at first. It’s hard enough to change habits, so don’t overwhelm yourself. 

 Write down three or four things that you want to accomplish today and make one of them connected to your mission. Too many goals overwhelm you. The idea behind self-discipline is to be flexible and adapt. It’s easier with less goals, than trying to accomplish everything. 

3. Be Patient.

Self-discipline means delayed gratification, not immediate. It also requires patience while you’re learning it. Keep in mind that you’re going to fail from time to time. We all do. It’s what you do with that failure that counts. 

Having self-discipline involves delayed gratification and not overnight success. It’s worth the effort.

Practice patience and keep your eyes on your long-range goal. 

Read also : How to Sell your Knowledge and Experience.

Tags: Self Discipline

Author : Kekeocha Justin

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