How to increase your reach,engagement and visibility on Instagram

To increase your reach on instagram, you need to post when your followers are online. The audience section of your page insight shows you when your followers are most active.

How to use Instagram insight to grow Instagram business page

Instagram engagement

Use Videos

Most people would rather watch a video than read a book. The key to getting the most out of your Instagram videos is to keep it short and engaging. The attention span on social media is very short.

Use Instagram Stories

People may not see your feed post but they will see your instagram stories. Share snippets of your day, showcase your products or advertise your services on Instagram stories.

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Ensure you use hashtags on your stories (don’t forget to hide them). Go Live!

Read also : Toggle password visibility with JavaScript.

4 Top Tips for using Instagram Hashtag

Going live increases your reach. Instagram notifies your followers whenever you go live and they may join to see your face or hear what you have to say and this increases your reach.


Give engagement and you will receive engagement. Post Less. It doesn’t make sense right but stay with me. It’s better to share 1 or 2 great posts than to share 10 sales-y posts or posts that have little or no value.

When you share a really good post that resonates with your audience, Instagram shows that post to more accounts and you could hit a 5 or 6 digit impression and reach.

Use Carousels

Instagram Carousels are Instagram posts with multiple slides. They may be seamless, that is slide posts that are continuous, unbroken or regular. Click here to see what a seamless carousel looks like. Instagram carousel. Well designed carousels are great for engagement, they increase your reach and increase your visibility.

Instagram rewards you because people are spending more time on your page reading the valuable posts you share or just admiring your carousels. If you are posting less, use carousels or videos. You could create carousels using Photoshop or go the easy way and use Canva even if you have no graphic design skill.

You could learn how to create carousels for free from Youtube.

Read also : 31 Tips on how to correctly run a successful Instagram advert.
