How to obtain current information regarding the schools you are targeting

I am going to share some tips about how you can obtain and clarify up-till-date information regarding the schools you are targeting. Premium Tips.

graduate cap

1. Sign up for newsletters

When you have identified the university you plan to apply to, go to the graduate school’s website and sign up for regular updates. If the school does not have a sign-up form. Fill in your details in the “contact form” for “more program information”

This will ensure that you are added to the listserv thus, giving you access to information anything an email is sent out to prospective students.

Information you will get include:

  1.  Updates to the application procedure
  2. Newly added programs,
  3. Application fee waivers
  4. Test scores waivers

The idea is that you want to remain in the loop and have all the details you will need.

2. Identify Graduate School Ambassadors

A lot of programs/universities have Ambassadors, who are current students on hand to clarify the application process and answer questions that you may have. Their emails are usually available online so feel free to reachout to them.

Read also : How to request for graduate school application fee waivers.

3. Access Graduate School Staff Listing

Asides newsletters and student ambassadors, feel free to identify Graduate School staff. When you find the listing (on the website), feel free to reachout and ask questions you have.

They are usually polite and always ready to assist.

4. Utilize Social Media

Most Graduate Schools have a very strong online presence and I think you should capitalize on that. Feel free to send DMs and tweet at them. The handlers are always on hand and ready to work.

Asides Twitter, checkout Facebook and other social media.

5. Check mainstream and local news

Asides the above, you may find a lot of information when you pay attention to the news. When many Graduate Schools implement changes in their admission portfolio, it makes the news. If you catch it in a timely manner, that will be good.



Read also : How to write an academic Curriculum Vitae (CV).

Tags: Graduate school

Author : Kekeocha Justin