Swedish Tuition Scholarship

Let's get started:

1. For Tuition scholarship or school-specific scholarship, kindly open this link: study in Sweden Scholarships

2. From the link above, you can either choose all Universities from the left or click any from the right to see the scholarship available as shown below:Tuition scholarship

3. If you clicked at Chalmers University, you will see this:

Take note of everything I underlined, and click the links there to fully understand. It's obvious that 75% tuition scholarship is available. Scroll down to see 100% scholarships. You can apply for any of this.education

4. You can also click 'How to apply for scholarships' as shown below: Application for 2021/2022 will open soon.Image

5. Repeat the above steps for different schools so as to increase your chances. But be sure the school has your course.

TIPS: i. You don't need to write an email to any Professor.

ii. You can apply to as many as 4 schools.

iii. Many schools prefer that they are the first 

choice before they can allow you to apply for a tuition scholarship. So, you must be very technical about your choice(s).

iv. Don't apply to competitive schools to have higher chances.

v. You don't need any English test result if your degree is taught in English.

Read also : Swedish Int'l Scholarships for Global Professionals.

vi. They rank according to performance, then gender. Females generally have more advantage (take note).

vii. Your SOP must be superb.

viii. After your masters, you will have a social security number with which you can apply for jobs. You have up to a year to look for job after 


ix. Visa process is generally easy. Once you have a letter of funding, you are good to go.

x. Once you have a work visa after Masters, education is free for your kids.

N.B: All the tips are gotten directly from my friend who is finishing his masters in Sweden.  Don't ask me for his contact because he wants to remain anonymous🤣🤣. You can do your research to confirm too.

This concludes the Swedish scholarship.

Also, check this website:learn.scholars.africa It explains how to get a scholarship in Sweden with 5 free lessons. 


Tags: Swedish Scholarship

Author : Kekeocha Justin