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Student Visa Application Posts

How to increase LinkedIn visibility

How to increase LinkedIn visibility

Ever heard someone say "I am not the talking type". I beg of you please don't take that attitude to LinkedIn. If you have never commented, or shared your perspective ...

Last updated: 2:11-pm August 29, 2023

6 reasons why professors don't reply your email

6 reasons why professors don't reply your email

Prospective graduate students, wondering why you’re not getting responses after sending emails to professors? Even though funding or full lab might be a reason, but if your email is convincing ...

Last updated: 3:35-pm August 23, 2023

4 ways to make money online with your phone

4 ways to make money online with your phone

I am going to share how you can make money online and also share some of the niches I have mastered and properly monetize. I will share links; recommend certain ...

Last updated: 8:02-pm August 30, 2023

How to Ace the GRE quantitative

How to Ace the GRE quantitative

The Tips I will be sharing helped me get a Quantitative Score of 163/170 given a limited preparation period of One(1) month. Kindly Retweet for others who might also need ...

Last updated: 5:45-pm August 29, 2023

How to conduct research in Ms(Master of science) or a PhD Thesis-based program

How to conduct research in Ms(Master of science) or a PhD Thesis-based program

If you are applying for admission into a MS (Thesis-based) or/and a PhD program, you should (at least) be curious about “how you want to” or “how you will” conduct ...

Last updated: 6:44-pm August 30, 2023

5 tips to increase your chances of getting admission

5 tips to increase your chances of getting admission

1. Do not have any preferred school. Only a few have the luck of getting admission to their preferred school. 2. Do not have a preferred supervisor. This is because ...

Last updated: 12:03-pm August 30, 2023

How to write a good Personal Statement

How to write a good Personal Statement

1. Identify a problem statement/research question Link your interest in a specific program (MS or Ph.D. research) to the identified problem statement/knowledge gap. E.g. I may be interested in a ...

Last updated: 5:48-pm August 26, 2023

How Business Owners In Nigeria Can Obtain Tax Clearance Certificate With The F.I.R.S

How Business Owners In Nigeria Can Obtain Tax Clearance Certificate With The F.I.R.S

What exactly is a Tax Clearance Certificate and why do Companies need it? Perhaps, you are asking. Well, the idea behind this write-up is to show you a practical approach ...

Last updated: 5:52-pm August 30, 2023

Budget estimate for graduate school applications

Budget estimate for graduate school applications

Are you planning to apply to MS/PhD Programs in the USA? Let me put together a budget estimate (an approximate total cost) for you (everything from tests to application fees). ...

Last updated: 4:25-am August 30, 2023

Common mistakes Chevening Scholarship Applicants make

Common mistakes Chevening Scholarship Applicants make

If you are planning to apply for Chevening this year please take note.  Pre-screen Applicants must correctly answer all parts of the eligibility pre-screen in order to access the application ...

Last updated: 1:32-am August 31, 2023


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