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Validating dynamic pages in Nuxt using API queries

Validating dynamic pages in Nuxt using API queries

When building web applications with Nuxt.js, ensuring the correctness and validity of dynamic routes is a critical aspect of providing a smooth user experience. One common requirement is to verify ...

Last updated: 3:53-pm September 4, 2023

Scholarships & Jobs in Canada

Scholarships & Jobs in Canada

The article is split into two sections: Study In Canada: Scholarships, Financial Aid, Visa, Admissions Work in Canada: All You Need To Know About Canada Jobs Study In Canada: Scholarships, ...

Last updated: 4:10-am August 29, 2023

Scholarships & Jobs in America

Scholarships & Jobs in America

The article is split into two sections: How to Get a Full Scholarship In America: Scholarships, Financial Aid, Visa, Admissions Work in America: All You Need To Know About American ...

Last updated: 6:35-pm August 30, 2023

Bank of Industry (BOI) loan

Bank of Industry (BOI) loan

The Bank of Industry (BOI) is an institution of development financing (DFI). It is the largest and longest-running development finance institution in Nigeria. It's the successful successor firm that was ...

Last updated: 6:41-pm August 30, 2023

Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN) Loan

Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN) Loan

It is the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN) was established to encourage the growth of small enterprises across the country. SMEDAN was founded in 2003 as ...

Last updated: 10:55-am August 30, 2023

How to write a police statement upon arrest

How to write a police statement upon arrest

Ever wondered why some Police officers often try to convince suspects to write a statement after which they come up with bogus amount to secure bail or threaten to go ...

Last updated: 10:28-am August 31, 2023

How to fund MSc or PhD Degree Programs in the USA

How to fund MSc or PhD Degree Programs in the USA

Good morning, While applying to MSc or PhD Degree Programs in the USA, are you having difficulties in securing a FULL SCHOLARSHIP for your studies? Now, let us discuss FUNDING ...

Last updated: 6:36-pm August 23, 2023

Bank of Agriculture (BOA) Loan worth at least ₦5million

Bank of Agriculture (BOA) Loan worth at least ₦5million

The Bank of Agriculture (BOA) is a bank that is owned by the government and provides loans for farmers and other agro-related companies. It is the Bank of Agriculture (BOA) ...

Last updated: 9:58-am August 31, 2023

Tips on saving and investing in the UK

Tips on saving and investing in the UK

Remember, I am not a financial advisor. I am a woman who just likes to optimise available opportunities and share what I learn. Also remember that my expertise is in ...

Last updated: 4:07-pm August 30, 2023

Building Carousels and sliders with TailwindCSS

Building Carousels and sliders with TailwindCSS

Carousels are a popular component in web design that allows you to showcase multiple images or content in a slideshow format. With Tailwind CSS, a utility-first CSS framework, you can ...

Last updated: 9:27-pm August 20, 2023


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