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3 things you should know about selling online

3 things you should know about selling online

Read this if only you sell online. For a business to survive, there is ultimately one thing that need to happen - You need to make sales. Selling is the ...

Last updated: 7:16-am August 28, 2023

How to make sales as an online fashion store

How to make sales as an online fashion store

Running an online fashion store? There are basically two ways of making sales. 1. Through referrals. 2. Through basic social media posts (whatsapp and Instagram) These platforms have massive limitations. ...

Last updated: 12:57-pm August 30, 2023

How To Create a Winning Facebook Ad

How To Create a Winning Facebook Ad

The below includes: - my basic theory of how to win on Facebook Ads - inspiration from the all-time great advertisers - summary of why those ads work - examples ...

Last updated: 3:01-pm August 30, 2023

Top 10 reasons why a recruiter might have pushed your resume aside and what you can do to avoid it

Top 10 reasons why a recruiter might have pushed your resume aside and what you can do to avoid it

You've been sending your resumes to recruiters but no response? Here are Top 10 reasons why a recruiter might have pushed your resume aside & what you can do to ...

Last updated: 12:56-am August 31, 2023

How To Answer 'What Are Your Salary Expectations?'

How To Answer 'What Are Your Salary Expectations?'

This question may pop up at some point in your interview process. I know you get mixed feelings when asked this question because talks about money can be stressful or ...

Last updated: 12:31-pm August 30, 2023

7 skills you should acquire right now and courses to help you with it

7 skills you should acquire right now and courses to help you with it

Hello, If you’ve not thought about these skills please start working and thinking about them: 1. Adaptability and Flexibility 2. Tech Savviness 3. Critical Thinking 3. Digital and Coding Skills ...

Last updated: 3:18-am August 31, 2023

Targeting the right Audience with Facebook Advertising

Targeting the right Audience with Facebook Advertising

This is an article for every individual walking their path into being a Facebook Advertising Professional or Direct response Marketers using Facebook as an advertising platform whether selling physical or ...

Last updated: 11:59-am August 30, 2023

How to Apply for International Scholarships

How to Apply for International Scholarships

We believe if members are properly informed and guided,most will take proactive steps which will give them their desires(Travelling abroad to School enroute Scholarship). Scholarship talk centered on different countries ...

Last updated: 7:33-pm August 27, 2023

36 Things I have Learned in Building An eCommerce Business

36 Things I have Learned in Building An eCommerce Business

So, my name is Collins Onwochei and a few years a go, I was a struggling IT manager for a fledgling startup.I was crazy enough to quit my 170k per ...

Last updated: 1:46-am August 29, 2023

Why We Worship On Sundays And Not Saturdays

Why We Worship On Sundays And Not Saturdays

In the Old Testament, we read in Exodus 20:8-10 concerning the Sabbath. It says: "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all ...

Last updated: 4:44-pm August 28, 2023


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