Basic Electrical Engineering ,2nd edition by UA Bakshi, VU Bakshi PDF free download
UA Bakshi, VU Bakshi Basic Electrical Engineering ,2nd edition PDF, was published in 2009 and uploaded for 200-level Engineering students of University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN), offering EEE211 course. This ebook can be downloaded for FREE online on this page.
Basic Electrical Engineering ,2nd edition ebook can be used to learn Electricity, charge, DC Circuits, Network terminology, electrical networks, energy source, Ohm's law, short circuit, open circuit, source transformation, Kirchhoff's law, Cramer's rule, star and delta connection, superposition theorem, Thevenin's theorem, Norton's theorem, maximium power transfer theorem, loop current, magnetic circuit, magnetic flux, pole strength, permeability, magnetomotive force, magnetic circuits, electromagnetic induction, electrostatics, electric flux, capacitor, AC waveform, phasor, impedance, capacitance reactance, complex power, star delta, transformer, magnetic losses, autotranformer, three phase, polyphase AC circuit.