Applied mechanics, 3rd edition by Hannah, MJ Hillier PDF free download

Hannah, MJ Hillier Applied mechanics, 3rd edition PDF, was published in 1995 and uploaded for 200-level Engineering students of Federal University, Oye-Ekiti (FUOYE), offering MEE203 course. This ebook can be downloaded for FREE online on this page.

Applied mechanics, 3rd edition ebook can be used to learn Applied mechanics, statics, mass, force, weight, couple, frameworks, friction, square-threaded screw, tribology, average speed, constant speed, velocity, free falling bodies, inertia, Variable forces, Periodic Motion, Simple harmonic motion, Car wheel balancing, Periodic time, simple pendulum, resonance, Angular acceleration, Centripetal acceleration, Centripetal force, Centrifugal force, Dynamic instability, balancing, static balance, dynamic balance, springs, energy, kinetic energy, potential energy, impulse, momentum, Impulsive forces, Inelastic collisions, aircraft, rockets, Reaction propulsion, Jet propulsion aircraft, Helicopters, Rocket propulsion, thrust, Ductile metals, metal, alloy, Shear Force, Bending Moment, Bending moment diagram, Poisson's ratio, stress, strain, Strain energy, Combined loading, Combined Bending, Direct Stress, fluid, pressure, Experimental Errors, discrepancy, error.

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Books related to Applied mechanics, 3rd edition

Applied Mechanics ,3rd edition

Author: Hannah, MJ Hillier

School: Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: PHS105

Topics: mechanics, traingle of forces, couple, free body diagram, velocity, acceleration, friction, periodic motion, simple harmonic motion, periodic time, resonance, inertia, force, weight, inertia force, angular acceleration, balancing, work, energy, power, impulse, momentum, aircraft, rockets, direct stress, direct strain, shear stress, torsion, shear, shear force, bending moments, stress, strain, thermal strain, Poisson's ration, strain energy, combined bending, fluid, pressure energy, fluid in motion

Strength of Material, Second Edition

Author: SS Rattan

School: Bayero University, Kano

Department: Engineering

Course Code: CIV3308

Topics: Simple stress, simple strain, Shear stress, Saint-Venant's principle, Stress, strain, Modulus of elasticity, Modulus of Rigidity, Bar elongation, Superposition principle, Tapering section Bars, Elongation due to self-weight, Uniform strength column, Statically indeterminate systems, Temperature stresses, Shrinking on, Strain analysis, Tensile test diagram, Elastic constants, Three-Dimensional stress systems, Compound stress, compound stress, Principal stresses, Maximum shear stresses, Mohr's Stress cycle, Three coplanar stress, Ellipse of Stress, Strain Analysis, Principal Strain, Principal shear strain, Mohr's Strain cycle, Strain Energy, Shear force, Bending moment, Supports types, Bending stress in beams, Simple bending theory, Moment of inertia, Flitched beams, composite beams, Unsymmetrical bending, Ellipse of inertia, Shear stress in beams, Shear stress variation, Built-up beams, Shear centre, Deflection, Beam differential equation, Deflection at a point, Macaulay's method, Moment-Area method, Strain energy due to bending, Castigliano's First theorem, Deflection by castigliano's Theorem, Impact loading on beams, conjugate beam method, Betti's reciprocal deflections theorem, Maxwell's Reciprocal Deflection theorem, Fixed beams, Continuous beams, Fixidity Effects, Clapeyron's three moment equation, Torsion, Springs, Columns, Struts, Failure Theories, Plastic bending, Plane frame structures, Materials properties, Materials testing, Tensile testing, Compression testing, Torsion testing, Hardness testing, Impact testing, Fatigue testing

Physics for university beginners Vol 1

Author: Adekola Adewale

School: University of Lagos

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: FSC115

Topics: fundamental quantities, derived quantities, dimension, scalars, vectors, vector representation, unit vectors, vector multiplication, kinematics, displacement, speed, velocity, acceleration, freely falling bodies, projectile motion, horizontal projectile motion, Newton's laws of motion, elastic collision, inelastic collision, friction, circular motion, gravitation, angular speed, angular acceleration, conical pendulum, Banking, free-fall acceleration, gravitational potential energy, satellite motion, velocity escape, Kepler's law, work, energy, power, energy conversion, Kinetic energy, conservative forces, vector moment, mechanical equilibrium, rigid bodies rotation, moment of Inertia, Parallel Axis theorem, Hooke's law, stress, strain, density, fluid mechanics, fluid pressure, Pascal's Principle, Buoyancy principle, Archimedes Principle. fluid dynamics, Bernoulli principle, surface tension, Poiseuille's law, capillarity, Stoke's law, thermal physics, temperature scales, thermometers, Zeroth law of thermodynamics, thermal expansion, thermal stress, heat quantity, Latent heat, heat transfer, conduction, convection, radiation, Gas laws, Kinetic theory of gases, Thermodynamic processes, Adiabatic processes, Isobaric processes, Isochoric processes, Thermal efficiency, Carnot cycle, Refrigerator, Entropy

Applied Mechanics ,3rd edition

Author: RK Rajput

School: University of Uyo

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ENG211

Topics: Applied Mechanics, force, force systems, free body diagrams, resultant force, moments, Varignon’s Theorem, centre of gravity, centroid, Moment of Inertia, friction, Screw Friction, rectilinear motion, Velocity-Time Graphs, Displacement-Time Graphs, laws of motion, impulse, D’alembert’s Principle, work, power, energy, simple machine, Weston’s Differential Pulley Block, circular motion, Centrifugal force, Centripetal Force, curvilinear motion, stress, strain, Hooke's law, tensile test, Strain Hardening, Poisson’s Ratio

A textbook of engineering mechanics ,12th multicoloured edition

Author: RS Khurmi

School: Federal University, Oye-Ekiti

Department: Engineering

Course Code: MEE203

Topics: engineering mechanics, resolution of forces, moments, parallel forces, couples, equilibrium of forces, center of gravity, centroid, moment of inertia, friction, static friction, limiting friction, lifting machines, support reactions, loading, concentrated load, point load, beams, loads, string, virtual work, linear motion, velocity, acceleration, relative velocity, projectiles, simple harmonic motion, laws of motion, helical springs, pendulums, elastic bodies, rotating masses, work, power, energy, hydrostatics

A Textbook of Fluid Mechanics and hydraulic machines, 9th edition

Author: RK bansal

School: Covenant University

Department: Engineering

Course Code: CVE332

Topics: Fluid Mechanics, hydraulic machines, viscosity, compressibility, bulk modulus, surface tension, capillarity, vapor pressure, cavitation, Pascal's law, manometers, Piezometer, differential manometer, isothermal process, buoyancy, flotation, meta-center, fluid flow, continuity equation, velocity, acceleration, velocity potential function, stream function, equipotential line, Vortex flow, ideal flow, potential flow, momentum equation, free liquid jets, orifices, mouthpieces, notches, weirs, viscous flow, turbulent flow, Reynolds experiment, dimensional homogeneity, model analysis, dimensionless numbers, Boundary layer flow, compressible flow, Mach number, Jet propulsion, hydraulic machines, turbines, Pelton wheel, Radial flow reaction turbines, Francis turbine, axial flow reaction turbine, Draft tube, specific speed, unit quantities, centrifugal pumps, cavitation, maximum suction lift, net positive suction head, reciprocating pumps, air vessels, fluid system, hydraulic press, hydraulic accumulator, hydraulic intensifier, hydraulic ram, hydraulic lift, hydraulic crane, hydraulic coupling, hydraulic torque converter, air lift pump, gear-wheel pump

Applied Strength of Materials, 6th Edition

Author: Robert Mott, Joseph Untener

School: Bayero University, Kano

Department: Engineering

Course Code: CIV3308

Topics: Direct Normal stress, stress, strain, Direct shear stress, Screw Threads, Experimental stress analysis, Computational stress analysis, Fundamental of statics, Materials design properties, Properties of steel, Properties of Cast Iron, Properties of Aluminum, Wood, Concrete, Plastics, Composites, Direct stress, Deformation, Computing design stress, Thermal stress, Bearing stress, Design bearing stress, Twisting, Elastic Torsional Deformation, Torsion, Beam loading, Beams supports, Beam types, Supports reactions, Centroids, Complex shapes centroid, Radius of Gyration, section modulus, Flexure formula, General shear formula, Special shear formulas, Shear flow, Beams deflection, combined stress, Columns, Slenderness Ratio, Buckling formula, Pressure vessels, Bolted connections design, Rivet joints, Eccentrically loaded riveted joints, Eccentrically loaded Bolted joints

Principles of Chemical Engineering Processes Material and Energy Balances

Author: Nayef Ghasem, Redhouane Henda

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: CHE202

Topics: Chemical Engineering Processes, Material Balance, Energy Balance, temperature measurement, temperature conversion, dimensional homogeneity, dimensionless quantities, process flow sheet, process unit, process streams, mass flow rates, volumetric rates, moles, molecular weight, stream composition, mass fraction, mole fraction, concentration, pressure measurement, pressure-sensing devices, process units, degrees of freedom analysis, process flow diagram, multiunit process flow diagram, mass balance, Stoichiometric Equation, Stoichiometric Coefficients, Stoichiometric Ratio, Limiting Reactant, Excess Reactants, Combustion Reactions, Chemical Equilibrium, Multiple-Unit Process Flowcharts, Single-Phase Systems, Multiphase Systems, Ideal Gas Equation of State, liquid density, solid density, gas density, Real Gas Relationships, Compressibility Factor, Virial Equation of State, van der Waals Equation of State, Soave–Redlich–Kwong Equation of State, Kay’s Mixing Rules, phase diagram, Vapor–Liquid Equilibrium Curve, Vapor Pressure Estimation, Clapeyron Equation, Clausius–Clapeyron Equation, Cox Chart, Antoine Equation, Partial Pressure, Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures, Gibbs’ Phase Rule, Bubble Point, Dew Point, Critical Point, Kinetic Energy, Potential Energy, energy balance, steam turbine, heaters, coolers, compressors, Mechanical Energy Balance, Enthalpy Calculations, Constant Heat Capacity, Psychrometric Chart, Heat of Reaction, Heats of Formation, Heat of Combustion, Heat of Reaction Method, Unsteady-State Material Balance, Unsteady-State Energy Balance


Author: FG Akinboro

School: Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: PHS105

Topics: Displacement, Newton’s Laws of motion, circular motion, simple harmonic motion, forces, mass, acceleration, linear momentum, turning effects, wave optics, transverse stationary waves, progressive wave energy, measurement, instantaneous velocity, centripetal acceleration, centripetal force, centrifugal force, resonance, damped oscillations, force oscillations, gravitation, satellites, weightlessness, Kepler's law, force, weight, resolution of forces, moment of forces, couple, hydrostatics, fluid, pressure, density, elasticity, Young's modulus, bulk moduli, sheer moduli, sliding friction, viscosity, laminar flow, turbulent flow, surface tension, capillarity

Fluid mechanics and hydraulics

Author: Mahesh kumar

School: Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ENG232

Topics: fluid pressure, hydrostatic forces, submerged surfaces, buoyancy, floatation, fluid kinematics, fluid dynamics, vortex flow, potential flow, ideal fluid flow, laminar flow, viscous flow, boundary layer theory, compressible flow, model similitude, free jets, fluid machines, pelton turbine, impulse turbine, francis turbine, radial flow reaction turbines, propeller, kaplan turbine, axial flow reaction turbines, hydraulic turbines, centrifugal pumps, reciprocation pumps, hydraulic systems, fluid continuum, fluid properties, specific weight, weight density, viscosity, perfect gas law, isobaric process, adiabatic process, surface tension, capillarity, capillary effect, vapour pressure, cavitation, pascal's law, hydrostatic law, Bouyant force, centre of buoyancy, archimedes principle, metacentre, metacentric height, cauchy-reimann equations, Euler's equation, Bernoulli's equation, continuity equation, orfices, hydraulic coefficients, uniform flow, source flow, sink flow, free vortex flow, notches, weirs, francis formula, bazin formula, rehbock formula, cipolletti weir, reynolds experiment, Navier-stoke equation, efflux viscometer, ogee weir, boundary layers, stagnation pressure, stagnation density, stagnation temperature, specific energy curve, critical depth, critical velocity, sub-critical flow, hydraulic jump, francis turbine, velocity triangle, draft tube, rotodynamic turbine

Design of Structural Elements

Author: WMC McKenzie

School: Bayero University, Kano

Department: Engineering

Course Code: CIV3307

Topics: Structural elements design, Structural Analysis Techniques, Shear Force, Bending moment, Shear force diagram, Bending moment diagram, Deflection of Beams, Elastic Shear stress distribution, Elastic Bending stress distribution, Transformed sections, Moment distribution, Bending stiffness, Rotational Stiffness, Carry-over moment, Pinned End, Free Moments, Fixed bending moments, Distribution Factors, Design Philosophies, Permissible stress Design, Load Factor Design, Limit State Design, Design codes, Eurocodes, National Annex, Structural Loading, Dead loads, Imposed loads, Imposed roof loads, Floor load distribution, Load distribution, Structural Instability, Overall Stability, Robustness, Reinforced concrete Element's Design, Structural Steelwork Elements' Design, Structural Timber Elements' Design.

Properties and strength Of Materials

Author: Muhannad Zedan

School: Bayero University, Kano

Department: Engineering

Course Code: CIV3308

Topics: strength Of Materials, Simple stress, simple strain, Elastic materials, Hooke's law, Modulus of elasticity, Young's modulus, Brittle materials, Poisson's ratio, Shear stress, Modulus of rigidity, Double shear, Temperature stresses, Compound bar, Cantilever beams, Simple beams, Shear force, bending moment, Shear force diagram, bending moment diagram, Torsion, Crystalline structure, Metals crystalline structure, Atomic bonding, crystal structure, Body-centered cubic structure, Face-centered cubic structure, Hexagonal close-packed structure, grain structure, grain boundary, polymorphism, Slope of beams, deflection of beams, Fatigue, creep, Fracture, Creep test, Fracture mechanics, Linear fracture mechanics, Griffith's fracture criterion

Applied mechanics

Author: David Fadare, OC Okoye

School: Federal University, Oye-Ekiti

Department: Engineering

Course Code: MEE203

Topics: Applied mechanics, Statics, Engineering Mechanics, statics, dynamics, force, system of forces, contact forces, Surface Forces, Pulley System, Spring System, Free-Body Diagram

Manufacturing Engineering And Technology, Seventh Edition

Author: Steven Schmid, Serope Kalpakjian

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: MCE304

Topics: structure of metals, mechanical behavior of metals, manufacturing properties of metals, metal alloys, heat treatment, ferrous metals, alloy, Nonferrous metals, alloys, polymers, ceramic, glass, graphite, diamond, nano materials, composite materials, metal-casting processes, metal-casting equipment, metal casting, metal-rolling, metal-forging, metal extrusion, drawing processes, sheet-metal forming processes, powder metal, superconductors, plastics, rapid-prototyping processes, machining, cutting-tool materials, cutting fluids, machining processes, machining centers, machine-tool structures, machining economics, abrasive finishing, finishing operations, micromanufacturing, microelectronics devices, solid-welding processes, brazing, soldering, adhesive-bonding, mechanical fastening, surface technology, engineering metrology, instrumentation, quality assurance, computer-integrated manufacturing, computer-aided manufacturing

Bending moment and Shear Force

Author: ENG305

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ENG305

Topics: Computation of reactions, Computation of forces and moments, bending moment and shear force, bending moment diagram, beams of composite cross section

Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamic

Author: Thomas Gillespie

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ATE503

Topics: Vehicle Dynamic, Dynamic Axle Loads, acceleration performance, power-limited acceleration, power train, automatic transmissions, braking forces, brakes, tire-road factor, Brake Proportioning, Anti-Lock Brake Systems, braking efficiency, rear wheel lockup, pedal force gain, road loads, aerodynamics, aerodynamic forces, Aerodynamics Aids, Rolling Resistance, Vehicle Response Properties, Low-Speed Turning, steady-state cornering, suspension, Anti-Pitch Suspension Geometry, MacPherson Strut, Roll Center Analysis, Solid Axle Roll Centers, Independent Suspension Roll Centers, active suspensions, steering system, Steering Geometry Error, Steering System Forces, Steering System Models, Four-Wheel Steer, rollover, tires, Tire Construction, Camber Thrust, Combined Braking, Cornering, Durability Forces

Engineering Mechanics Dynamics (SI Edition), Third Edition

Author: Andrew Pytel, Jaan Kiusalaas

School: University of Benin

Department: Engineering

Course Code: MEE212

Topics: Dynamics, Newtonian mechanics, kinematics, rectangular coordinates, curvilinear motion, Force-Mass-Acceleration Method, work-energy, impulse-momentum, power, efficiency, impulse, momentum, plastic impact, impulsive motion, elastic impact, mass flow, planar angular motion, equations of motion, planar kinetics, impulse-momentum methods, vibrations, rigid-body vibration, forced vibrations

Principle of mechanics

Author: Salma Alrasheed

School: Kings University, Ode-omu

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: PHY102

Topics: Kinematics, Vectors, Newton's law of motion, coordinate systems, projectile motion, uniform circular motion, relative velocity, friction, work energy, kinetic energy, work-energy theorem, potential energy, mechanical energy, impulse, momentim, collisions, torque, angular momentum, rotational motion, rolling equilibrium, static equilibrium, central force motion, law of gravity, conic sections, Kepler's laws, circular orbits, eliptical orbits, escape speed, Oscillatory motion, free vibrations, free undamped vibrations, damped free vibrations

Automotive Engineering Lightweight, Functional and novel materials

Author: Brian cantor, Patrick Grant, Colin Johnson

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ATE403

Topics: Future Vehicles, Future Materials Technologies, Automobile Aluminum Sheet, Plastic Technology for Automotive Modules, Functional Materials, Automotive Catalysts, Magnetorheological Fluids, Impact Loading, High-Temperature Electronic Materials, Smart Materials, Light Metals, Formability of Aluminum Alloys, Ductile Magnesium, Enhancement of Crashworthiness in Cellular Structures, Compressive Properties of Cellular Metals, Heavily Deformable Al Alloy, Stainless Steel Sandwich Sheets with Fibrous Metal Cores, Processing metal, Manufacturing metal, Welding metal, Joining metal, Titanium Aluminide-Based Intermetallic Alloys, Casting Processes, Casting Simulation Tools, Damage Tolerance in Composite Structures, High-Performance Autosport Surface TreatmentsComposites

Mechanics for science, engineering and medical students

Author: Ekpunobi Okolo, Ekwo Anazodo

School: Nnamdi Azikiwe University

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: PHY101

Topics: space, time, kinematics, scalar, vectors, vector operations, speed, velocity, acceleration, rectilinear motion, circular motion, dynamics, inertia mass, weight, force friction, incline plane, linear momentum, statics, work, enrgy, gravitation, weightlessness, Kepler's law, rotational dynamics, angular momentum, oscillatory motion, simple harmonic motion, damped oscillation, forced oscillation

Past Questions related to Applied mechanics, 3rd edition

Soil plants and energy balance Principles

Year: 2019

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ABE504

Topics: Soil plants, energy balance Principles, hydrostatic potential, capillary potential, hygroscopic potential, surface tension, soil moisture stress, wetting front, saturation capacity, field capacity, moisture equivalent, wilting coefficient, wilting range, available water, matrix potential, gravitational potential, solute potential, pressure potential, saturated condition, dry condition, transpiration, evapotranspiration

Industrial alloys

Year: 2019

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: MTE524

Topics: Industrial alloys, iron cementite phase diagram, crystallization, recrystallization, industrial recrystallization, eutectic reaction, ferrous alloy, non-ferrous alloy, steel, carbon steel, low alloy, high allow, high-speed steels, Muntz metal, pewter, Elinvar

Applied mechanics test and exam

Year: 2007

School: Federal University of Technology, Minna

Department: Engineering

Course Code: MEE212

Topics: applied mechanics, vector, force, Centre of gravity, moment of inertia, friction

Applied Mechanics

Year: 2021

School: Air Force Institute of Technology

Department: Engineering

Course Code: GET207

Topics: Applied Mechanics, Equilibrium, Lami's Theorem, Center of gravity, Centroid, Moment of inertia, Projectiles, Friction, Circular motion

Engineering mechanics 2

Year: 2010

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ENG224

Topics: Engineering mechanics, angular acceleration, tension, angular velocity, angular position, maximum height, angular momentum

Introductory Mechanics and Properties of Matter Exercise 1-5 and solution

Year: 2017

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: PHY102

Topics: velocity, acceleration, Einstein's relation, Planck's constant, velocity-time graph, acceleration due to gravity, centripetal acceleration, vector, work, energy, power, collisions, rigid bodies, simple harmonic motion

Polymer rheology 1

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PTE411

Topics: Polymer rheology, Newtonian fluid, pseudolastric liquids, dilatant fluid, Bingham fluid, casson fluid, rheopectic fluid, thixotropic fluid, stress relaxation, creep deformation, polymer rheology, time-independent fluids, pseudoplastic fluid, Casson fluid, Ostwald-de Waele equation, Maxwell model, Maxwell element, cone-and-plate viscometer, creep formation, rheometers, rheological equation, fluid viscosity, volumetric flow rate

Petroleum rock mechanics

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PET415

Topics: Petroleum rock mechanics, isotropic rock, anisotropic rock, rock dynamic properties, shear modulus, young's modulus, elastic region, yield point, chip hold down, uniaxial compressive strength, ductile region, brittle region, shear failure, hydro pressure, abnormal formation pore pressure, overburden pressure


Year: 2018

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: CIE206

Topics: pressure, static fluid, surface tension, viscosity, manometer, piezometer, laminar flow, turbulent flow

Particulate fluid systems

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: CHM403

Topics: Particulate fluid systems, system loading, system flooding, terminal velocity, specific surface area, voidage, tortuosity, modified Reynolds number, gas solid fluidization system, bed height, bed porosity

Introduction to aerospace systems I

Year: 2022

School: Air Force Institute of Technology

Department: Engineering

Course Code: AED201

Topics: Aerospace systems, Aircraft maintenance, Aircraft calibration, Aerospace engineering, Aircraft airworthiness certificate, aerodynamics, propulsion, avionics, aircraft maintenance engineer, safety culture

Aircraft Flight Principles

Year: 2021

School: Air Force Institute of Technology

Department: Engineering

Course Code: AED304

Topics: Aircraft Flight Principles, Dynamic pressure, pitot tube, wind tunnel, flow velocity, pressure coefficient, stall, velocity profile, airfoil

JAMB series remix on physics by Samuel Adedara Olaosebikan

Year: 2019



Course Code: JAMB

Topics: Measurement, scalar quantities, dimensions, vector quantities, linear motion, projectiles, Circular motion, simple harmonic motion, gravitational field, mass, weight, vectors, equilibrium of forces, work, energy, power, friction, viscosity, surface tension, simple machine, elasticity, Hooke's law, Young's modulus, Density, upthrust, Archimedes principle, flotation, pressure, Pascal's principle, temperature, heat, thermal expansion, Kinetic theory, Gas laws, Heat quantity, heat capacity, latent heat, vapors, heat transfer, waves, wave production, wave propagation, wave characteristics, sound waves, light energy, reflection, optical instrument, vision, light dispersion, electromagnetic spectrum, electrostatics, electric field, capacitors, current electricity, electrical energy, electrical power, Magnetic field, electromagnetic induction, electricity conduction, atomic physics, radioactivity, electronics, simple AC circuit

Fluid mechanics 2013,2014&2015

Year: 2015

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ENG309

Topics: pressure, free surface, Reynolds number, bulk modulus, turbulent flow, steady flow, cavitation, shear, orfice, kinetic energy, potential flow, incompressibility of fluid

Tests related to Applied mechanics, 3rd edition

Physics (JAMB)



Course Code: JAMB

Topics: Physics, JAMB, Friction, work, force, motion, speed, velocity, energy, hydraulic press, relative density, hydrometer, gas law, sound wave, wave, light, mirror,capacitor, electricity, pressure

Mathematics (JAMB)



Course Code: JAMB

Topics: Mathematics, JAMB, Logarithm, standard form, permutation, combination, number system, set, ratio, indices, factorization, inequality