A Geology for Engineers, 7th Edition by FGH Blyth, MH de Freitas PDF free download

FGH Blyth, MH de Freitas A Geology for Engineers, 7th Edition PDF, was published in 1984 and uploaded for 300-level Engineering students of Bayero University, Kano (BUK), offering CIV3401 course. This ebook can be downloaded for FREE online on this page.

A Geology for Engineers, 7th Edition ebook can be used to learn Geology, Earth's Surface, Earth's Dimensions, Surface Relief, Earth's Interior, Temperature gradient, Earth's Density, Earthquakes, Isostasy, Continental Drift, Oceanic Ridges, Rock Magnetism, Drift Mechanism, Geological History, Strati-graphical column, Plate Tectonics, Earth age, Earth origin, Precambrian, Phanerozoic, Surface Processes, Weathering, Erosion, Deposition, Minerals, Igneous Rocks, Sedimentary Rocks, Metamorphic Rocks, Geological Structures, Strength of Geological materials, In-situ investigations, Laboratory investigations, Geological Maps, Ground-water, Slope Stability, Reservoirs, Dams, Excavations, Ground water treatment, Nuclear waste, Foundations, Construction materials, Water supplies, Retaining walls, Thermal treatment, Consolidation, Grouting, Dewatering, Underground excavations, Disposal of excavated materials, Surface excavations, Ground-water control, Underground reservoir, Reservoirs, Dams, Slope Stability, Slope Failure, Water levels, Aquifers, Aquicludes, Hydrological Cycle.

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Books related to A Geology for Engineers, 7th Edition

Basic petroleum geology

Author: Peter Link

School: Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PEE315

Topics: earth structure, lithosphere, mantle, core, specific gravity, Earth's magnetic field, plate tectonics, continental drift, continental margin, geologic time, historical geology, stratigraphy, relative time, absolute time, radiometric time scale, geologic time scale, palentology, Minerals, rocks, weathering, erosion, deposition, Marine erosion, Marine deposition, depositional basin, Lacustrine environment, Desert environment, Glacial Environment, subsurface water, Diagenesis, structural geology, petroleum traps, petroleum, reservoir, recovery techniques, exploration techniques, igneous rock, sedimentary rock, metamoprphic rock, rock cycle, mechanical weathering, chemica weathering, weathering products, downslope movement, floodplain deposits, delta deposits, stream deposits, Marine depth zones, Marine currents, wave types, wave refraction, erosional features, marine shoreline, marine deposition, Basin, Lake basin, lacustrine deposition, lacustrine deposits, desert erosion, desert deposition, desert deposits, Glacier, glacial deposition, glacial deposits, groundwater classification, aquifer, water table, water well, ground water processes, groundwater products, lithification, induration, diagenesis, fracturing, stress, strain, faults, folds, strike, dip, superposition, decriptive geometry, stereographic projection, hydrocarbon traps, structural traps, stratigraphic traps, combination traps, unconformity traps, crude oil, natural gas, reservoir performane, reservoir pressure, resevoir loss, reservoir destruction, reservoir rocks, clastic reservoirs, carbonate reservoirs, seals, pressure-data, geometry, fluid content, Rock sampling, fluid flow, porosity, permeability, reservoir properties, surface geology, surface data, surface geology, drilling operations, well cuttings, cores, electric logging, radioactivity logging, acousting logging, sonic logging, spontaenous potential logs, self potential logs, resistivity logs, induction logs, dual induction-focused logs, electrode logs, radioactivity logs, acoustic logs, drill stem tests, geophysical surveys, geochemical surveys, maps, cross-sections

Soil and Water Conservation for Productivity and Environmental Protection, 4th edition

Author: Frederick Troeh, Arthur Hobbs, Roy Donahue

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: SLM308

Topics: Soil Conservation, Water Conservation, erosion, Soil Erosion and Civilization, Geologic Erosion, Sedimentation, Landscape Development, rock types, Sedimentary Landforms, Mass Movement Deposits, Glacial Landscapes, Water Erosion, erosion damage, Vegetation, Soil Properties, Soil Erodibility, pollution, Water-Erosion Control, Wind Erosion, wind erosion process, Windbreaks, Shelterbelts, Wind-Erosion Control, Predicting Soil Loss, Tolerable Soil Loss, Universal Soil Loss Equation, Computer-Based Soil Loss Prediction Models, Wind-Erosion Prediction Equation, Wind Erosion Prediction System, Soil Map Unit Interpretations, soil survey, Land Use Planning, managing land, cropping systems, Managing Monocultures, crop rotations, Multiple Cropping, Evaluating Cropping Systems, strip cropping, tillage, Conservation Tillage, deep tillage, Contour Cultivation, Emergency Wind-Erosion Control, Gully-Control Structures, road ditches, culverts, Earthen Dams, Streambank Protection, flood control, Wind Erosion-Control Structures, Pastureland Management, Rangeland Management, Forestland Management, water cycle, drought, Soil Drainage, wetlands, Irrigation, Irrigation Methods, Land Reclamation, Conservation Irrigation, soil pollution, pollutants, industrial wastes, agricultural wastes, aerosols, polluted soil, Hazardous Sites, Soil Remediation, Water Quality, water Pollution, Water acidification, Farm Service Agency

Craig's Soil Mechanics, 7th edition

Author: RF Craig

School: Bayero University, Kano

Department: Engineering

Course Code: CIV3304

Topics: Soil mechanics, Soils basic characteristics, Soils nature, Particle size analysis, fine soils plasticity, Soil description, Phase relationships, Soil compaction, Seepage, Soil water, Permeability, Seepage theory, Flow nets, Anisotropic soil conditions, Non-homogenous soil conditions, Transfer condition, Grouting, Frost heave, Effective stress, effective stress principle, Partially saturated soils, Shear strength, Shear failure, Shear strength tests, Sands shear strength, Saturated clays Shear strength, Pore pressure coefficients, Stresses, displacements, Elasticity, Plasticity, Stresses from elastic theory, Displacement from elastic theory, Lateral earth pressure, Rankine's theory of earth pressure, Coulomb's theory of earth pressure, Gravity walls, Embedded walls, Braced excavations, Diaphragm walls, Reinforced soil, Slopes stability, Plane translational slip analysis, long-term stability, Embankment dams, Ground investigation, Borehole logs, Geophysical methods, Ground contamination

Concrete Technology Theory and Practice, Multicolour Edition

Author: MS Shetty

School: Bayero University, Kano

Department: Engineering

Course Code: CIV5307

Topics: Concrete technology, Cements, Modern cements history, Portland cement manufacturing, Portland cement wet process manufacturing, Portland cement dry process manufacturing, Cement chemical composition, Cements hydration, Heat of hydration, Calcium silicate hydrates, Calcium hydroxide, calcium aluminate hydrates, hydrated cements structure, Water requirement for hydration, Cement types, ASTM cements classification, Ordinary Portland cement, Rapid hardened cement, Extra rapid hardening cement, Portland slag cement, Quick setting cement, super sulphated cement, low heat cement, Portland pozzolana cement, coloured cement, hydrophobic cement, masonry cement, expansive cement, Cement testing, Aggregates, aggregates testing, Aggregates form igneous rock, aggregates from sedimentary rocks, aggregates from metamorphic rock, aggregate crushing value, aggregates impact value, aggregate abrasion value, Deval attrition test, Dorry Abrasion test, Los Angeles test, modulus of elasticity, bulk density, specific gravity, Sieve analysis, Aggregates testing, Water, water qualities, Sea water for mixing concrete, Admixture, construction chemicals, Plasticizers, water reducers, Workability, Plasticizers action, Superplasticizers classification, Factors affecting workability, Superplasticizers types, Fresh concrete, Fresh concrete water content, Fresh concrete mix proportions, Aggregates sizes in fresh concrete, Aggregates shape, Surface texture, Admixture use in fresh concrete, Workability measurement, Slump test, k-slump test, aggregates grading, compacting factor test, flow test, flow table apparatus, vee bee consistometer test, setting of concrete, Manufacture of concrete process, Concrete compaction, Concrete curing, Concrete strength, Water-cement ratio, Strength gaining with age, Concrete maturity concept, Bond strength, High strength concrete, Elasticity, Creep, Shrinkage, Aggregates elastic properties, Modulus of Elasticity, Dynamic modulus of elasticity, Poison's ratio, Creep rheological representation, Creep measurement, Factors affecting creep, Aggregate influence, Mix proportion influence, Shrinkage, Plastic Shrinkage, Drying Shrinkage, Moisture movement, Autogenous Shrinkage, Carbonation shrinkage, Concrete Durability, Strength to Durability relationship, Concrete volume change, Durability definition, durability significance, Permeability, Cement paste permeability, Concrete permeability, Plastic shrinkage cracks, Settlement cracks, Thermal shrinkage, Hardened concrete testing, Concrete mix design, Special concrete, concrete methods

An Introduction to Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology

Author: John Winter

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: GEY222

Topics: Igneous Petrology, Metamorphic Petrology, Chemical Petrology, Basaltic Magmas, Mid-Ocean Ridge Volcanism, Oceanic Intraplate Volcanism, Continental Flood Basalts, Granitoid Rocks, Continental Alkaline Magmatism, Anorthosites, Metamorphism, Metamorphic Rocks, Metamorphic Facies, Metamorphosed Mafic Rocks, Metamorphic Reactions, Pelitic Sediments, Calcareous rocks, Ultramafic Rocks, Metamorphic Fluids, Mass Transport, Metasomatism

Introduction to geology note

Author: Adeleke

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: GEM106

Topics: Geology, minerals, branches of geology, formation of minerals, rocks, igneous rocks, metamorphism, metamorphic minerals, rock weathering, earth quake, folds, faults

Reinforced Concrete Design To Eurocode 2

Author: Bill Mosley, John Bungey, Ray Hulse

School: Bayero University, Kano

Department: Engineering

Course Code: CIV3307

Topics: Reinforced Concrete Design, Design processes, composite action, stress-strain relations, shrinkage, thermal movement, creep, materials specification, Limit state design, Characteristics material strengths, Combination of actions, Load combinations, Beams analysis, Frames Analysis, Shear wall structures resisting horizontal loads, Moments redistribution, Rectangular-parabolic stress block, Triangular stress block, Shear, bond, Torsion, Anchorage bond, span-effective depth ratio, deflection calculation, flexural cracking, Thermal cracking, Shrinkage cracking, Reinforced concrete beams design, Reinforced concrete slabs design, Column design, column classification, slender column design, Foundations design, Retaining walls design, Prestressed concrete, Water-retaining structures, composite construction, Footings, Reinforcement details, Shear connector design

Petroleum Related Rock Mechanics, 2nd edition

Author: Fjaer, RM Holt, Horsrud, AA Raaen, Risnes

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PET415

Topics: elasticity, stress, strain, elastic moduli, strain energy, thermoelasticity, poroelasticity, anisotropy, nonlinear elasticity, failure mechanics, tensile failure, shear failure, compaction failure, underground stress, pore pressure, sedimentary rocks, borehole failure criteria, rock mechanics, rock acoustics, reflections refractions, borehole acoustics, seismic, rock models, grain pack models, fractured rocks, unstable boreholes, time-delayed borehole failure, hydraulic fracturing, reservoir geomechanics, compaction, subsidence, well problems

Reservoir Engineering

Author: Sylvester Okotie, Bibobra Ikporo

School: Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PNG410

Topics: Reservoir Engineering, reservoir, reservoir geometry, phase envelope, unsteady flow, productivity index, relative permeability behavior, oil formation volume factor, hydrocarbon reserves, volumetric reserves estimation, contour, condensate reservoir calculation, water influx, aquifer influs, aquifer models, pot aquifer model, Schilthuis model, Hurst modified steady-state model, Van Everdingen moder, Carter-Tracy model, Fetkovich Aquifer model, material balance, reservoir drive mechanisms, gas cap expansion drive, rock compressibility, connate water expansion drive, gas drive reservoir, water drive reservoir, decline curve analysis, pressure regimes, fluid contacts, inflow performance relationship, history matching, pressure match, reservoir performance prediction

Principle of Construction

Author: Nasiru Danlami

School: Bayero University, Kano

Department: Engineering

Course Code: CIV3301

Topics: Civil Engineering Procedure, civil engineering, Structural Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Construction Engineering, Civil Engineering Design, Applied Civil Engineering Design, Civil Engineering Design Documents, construction process management, site analysis, Site reconnaissance, surveys, measured survey, condition survey, Photographic survey, video surveys, Site Investigation, Foundation design, subsoil examination, trial pits, borehole, Window samplers, Rotary Drilling Equipment, Percussion boring, construction principles, construction equipment, earthing moving equipment, bulldozer, Frontend Loader, Motor Graders, scrapers, truck, Excavating Equipment, construction elements, Foundation construction, foundation types, Strip foundations, Wide strip foundation, Short-bored pile foundations, Pad foundations, Raft foundations

Applied Petroleum Reservoir Engineering, Third edition

Author: Ronald Terry, Brandon Rogers

School: University of Port Harcourt

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PNG307

Topics: peak oil, rock properties, isothermal compressibilty, gas law, specific gravity, material balance equation, Havlena method, odeh method, single-phase reservoirs, gas reservoir, gas-condensate reservoir, lean gas cycling, water drive, oil reservoir fluid, Kelly-Snyder field, canyon reef reservoir, Gloyd-mitchell zone, Rodessa field, water compressibility, saturated oil reservoir, gas liberation technique, volatile oil reservoir, Darcy's law, permeability, steady-state flow, linear flow, radial flow, transient flow, pseudosteady-state flow, productivity ratio, superposition, drawdown testing, skin factor, buildup testing, water influx, steady-state model, unsteady-state model, Van Everdingen drive model, Hurst Edgewater drive model, bottomwater drive, recovery efficiency, microscopic displacement efficiency, relative permeability, macroscopic displacement efficiency, immiscible displacement process, Buckley-leverett displacement, Oil recovery

Engineering Hydrology, 5th edition

Author: K Subramanya

School: Bayero University, Kano

Department: Engineering

Course Code: CIV4303

Topics: Engineering Hydrology, hydrologic cycle, Water-budget formation, world water balance, precipitation, Rain gauge network, Rainfall, evaporation process, evaporimeters, reservoir evaporation, transpiration, evapotranspiration, actual evapotranspiration, infiltration, infiltration capacity, streamflow measurement, acoustic doppler current profiler, hydrograph, runoff, hydrographs, base flow separation, effective rainfall, unit hydrograph, floods, flood-frequency studies, design flood, design storm, flood routing, hydrologic storage routing, level pool routing, flood control, groundwater, well hydraulics, aquifers, open wells, well loss, specific capacity, sea-water intrusion, erosion, reservoir sedimentation, process, channel erosion, trap efficiency

Building Materials, Revised Third Edition

Author: SK Duggal

School: Bayero University, Kano

Department: Engineering

Course Code: CIV3302

Topics: Building Materials Principal Properties, Structural Clay Products, Brick's Classification, Brick's Testing, Clay Tiles, Terracotta, Porcelain, stoneware, Earthenware, Glazing, Rocks, Stones, Rock-forming minerals, Rock's Classification, Stone Durability, Stones Application, Stone seasoning, wood, wood Products, Trees Classification, Trees growth, Timber Preservation, Timber testing, Timber Structure, Timber's Fire Resistance, Properties of wood, wood products, wood-products applications, Material for making concrete, Cements, Portland cement, Raw materials chemical composition, Cement Hydration, Rate of Hydration, Hydration water requirement, Cements manufacturing, Cements testing, Cement Types, Cements storage, Aggregates, Aggregates classification, Aggregates characteristics, Deleterious Materials, Organic Impurities, Soundness, Aggregates Thermal Properties, Fine Aggregates, Coarse Aggregates, Cinder Aggregates, Mixing water Quality, Effect of mixing water from different source, Water for washing aggregates, Curing water, Lime, Limestone's Impurities, Limestone's Storage, Lime Vs Cement, Pozzolanas, Concrete, water-cement ratio, workability, Maturity, Defects, Re-vibration, Rheology, Non-destructive testing, Admixture for concrete, Concrete Mix design, Building Mortars, Ferrous Metals, Non-Ferrous Metals, Ceramic Materials, Polymeric Materials, Paints, Enamels, Varnishes, Tar, Bitumen, Asphalt, Gypsum, Special Cements, Cement Concretes, Adhesives, Water proofing materials, Fiber, Geosynthetics, Composite Materials, Smart materials, Asbestos, Thermoc0ol, Heat Insulating Materials, Sound Insulating Materials.

Reservoir Engineering Handbook

Author: Tarek Ahmad

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PET304, PET403, PET502

Topics: Reservoir Fluid Behavior, Reservoir-Fluid Properties, Reservoir Fluids, Rock Properties, Relative Permeability Concepts, Reservoir Fluid Flow, Oil Well Performance, Gas and Water Coning, Water Influx, Oil Recovery Mechanisms, Material Balance Equation, Oil Reservoir Performance, Gas Reservoirs, Waterflooding, Vapor-Liquid Phase Equilibria

An Introduction to Soil Mechanics

Author: Arnold Verruijt

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Engineering

Course Code: CVE422, CVE322, ABE384

Topics: grain size, particles, water, air, stress in soil, stress in a layer, Darcy's law, permeability, groundwater flow, flotation, flow net, well, stress strain relations, tangent modulus, one-dimensional compression, analytical solution, numerical solution, consolidation coefficient, creep, sheer strength, triaxial test, shear test, pore pressure, stress path, elastic stresses, deformation, boussinesq, newmark, flamant, layered soil, lateral soil, rankine, coulomb, earth pressure, sheet pile wall, limit analysis, strip footing, prandtl, bearing capacity, infinite slope, slope stability, soil exploration, model test, pile foundations

BASIC GEOLOGY lecture note

Author: PET

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PET204

Topics: structural geology, topographic and geologic maps, contour maps, vertical sections, faults, unconformities, folds, dip & strike of geological beo

Basic Petroleum Geology & Log Analysis

Author: Halliburton

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PET317

Topics: rocks, age dating, hydrocarbons, reservoir, log analysis, surface geology

Design of structural elements, 3rd Edition

Author: Chanakya Arya

School: Bayero University, Kano

Department: Engineering

Course Code: CIV3307, CIV4204, CIV5405

Topics: Structural Design, Design Philosophy, Design Basics, Basic structural concepts, materials properties, Design loads acting on structures, Design loads acting on elements, Structural analysis, Beam design, Column design, British Standard Structural design, Beams, Slabs, Foundations, Retaining walls, Design in structural steelwork to BS5950, Iron, Steel, Design Strength, Connections Design, Design in unreinforced masonry, Design in timber to BS5268, Structural design to Eurocodes

Integrated Soil Management

Author: Odunze Chidowe

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: SLM506

Topics: Soil Management, Soil Erosion, water erosion, Soil Erodibility, water erosion effects, wind erosion, organic soils, soil organic carbon Sequestration, Regosol, problem soils, polluted soils, sandy soil, shallow soil, skeletal soil, Polluted Soil reclamation, Polluted Soils management, Polluted Soils bioremediation, soil nutrient dynamics, wetland soils, sheet erosion, rill erosion, gully erosion, stream banl erosion

Geology and Mineral Resources of Nigeria

Author: Nuhu George Obaje

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: GEY212

Topics: Geology, igneous rocks, metamorphic rocks, Basement complex, migmatite-Gneiss complex, Schist Belt, Younger granites, Metasomatism, Argillic Alteration, Cenozoic Magmatism, Volcanism, Benue trough, Bornu basin, Lithostratigraphy, Bima sandstone, Gongila formation, Fika shalel, Gombe sand stone, Kerri-kerri formation, Chad formation, Sokoto basin, Maastrichtian Deposits, Bida basin, Paleocene Deposits, Dahomey Basin, mineral resources, Niger delta basin, mineral resources, solid mineral resources, Dahomey Basin, Industrial Mineral Deposits, iron deposits, Gold, Tin-Tantalum-Niobium Pegmatites, Chromite, Nickel, Talc, Asbestos, uranium, Gemstones, coal, Coniacian coals, Petroleum Resources, clay

Past Questions related to A Geology for Engineers, 7th Edition

Physical geology

Year: 2018

School: Nnamdi Azikiwe University

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: GLS101

Topics: Physical geology, earth, mineral, rock, metamorphic rock, igneous rock, sedimentary rock, extrusive rock, intrusive rock, continental drift, weathering, erosion, magma, lava, geology

Engineering geology

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: CIE333

Topics: Engineering geology, geological mapping, stratigraphy, geological time scale, mineral resources, Nigeria sedimentary basins, silicate materials, metamorphic rocks, metamorphism, reservoir leakage, gravity dams, buttress dam, geophysical prospecting

Engineering geology

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ACE303

Topics: Engineering geology, lava, volcanism, fold mountain, fault mountain, erosion, earthquake, stratigraphy, geological time scale, minerals, rocks, weathering, topographic maps

Petroleum engineering

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PET317

Topics: Petroleum engineering, efficiency porosity, total porosity, akata formation, agbada formation, Paleocene age, Eocene age, Miocene age, source rock, seal rock, reservoir rock, overburden rock, sedimentary rock, petroleum trap, structural trap, combination trap, stratigraphy trap, seismic waves, water porosity, gas porosity, oil porosity

Basic geology

Year: 2019

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PET204

Topics: geology, polarizing microscope, crude oil physical properties, geological maps, salt domes, rock folding, rock faulting, oill accumulation, geological time scale, isotopic dating, radiometric dating, hydrocarbon reservoir, stratigraphic traps, structural traps

Basic geology 2010,2012,2013,2014

Year: 2014

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PET204

Topics: Geology, mineral, weathering, lime, rock, rock minerals

Mineral resources and environmental geology 2013, 2015 & 2018

Year: 2018

School: University of Jos

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: GEOL208

Topics: Environmental geology, Mineral resources, sewage, solid waste disposal, water pollution, coal mining, placer deposits, reservoir rocks, Kerogen, magmatic ore deposits, metamorphic ore deposits, earthquake, surface water, underground water, confined aquifer, aquitard, aquiclude

Geotechnical engineering

Year: 2019

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: CIE522

Topics: Geotechnical engineering, slope stability, seepage forces, soil's shear, pore-water pressure, Fellenius's solution, Bishop's solution, depth of tension crack, retaining wall, foundation criteria, foundation bearing capacity, Rankine active earth pressure coefficient, Rankine passive earth pressure coefficient, embankment dam filter, Meyerhof's theory for failure mechanism, foundation failure

BASIC GEOLOGY-2012,2013,2014&2018

Year: 2018

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PET204

Topics: migration, well, rock, mineral, basin, dip, strike, heave, throw, slip, hanging well, foot well, weathering, map, geochronology, geologic time scale, dating, faunal succession, angular unconformity

Petroleum rock mechanics

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PET415

Topics: Petroleum rock mechanics, isotropic rock, anisotropic rock, rock dynamic properties, shear modulus, young's modulus, elastic region, yield point, chip hold down, uniaxial compressive strength, ductile region, brittle region, shear failure, hydro pressure, abnormal formation pore pressure, overburden pressure

Reservoir modelling and simulation

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PET505

Topics: Reservoir modelling, reservoir simulation, history matching, history matching optimization, reservoir simulation study process, history matching parameters, oil phase partial differential equation, Gaussian elimination method, finite difference approximation, Taylor series expansion, tri-diagonal matrix, incompressible flow equation

Soil mechanics and behaviour

Year: 2019

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ACE202

Topics: Soil mechanics, soil behaviour, soil uniform coefficient, Soil water content movement, soil permeability, Mohr-Coulomb Failure criteria, Coulomb shear strength equation, soil consolidation, earth dam, earth dam construction seepage


Year: 2019

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PET317

Topics: log, gamma ray, spectra, reservoir, hydrocarbon, saturation, trap, porosity, rock, survey, oil, map, formation

Soil mechanics and Foundation

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ACE401

Topics: Soil mechanics, soil foundation, cement stabilization, theoretical maximum dry density, soil stabilization, quicksand, site investigation, site reconnaissance, ground investigation, dewatering, flow net, piping

Tests related to A Geology for Engineers, 7th Edition

Physics (JAMB)



Course Code: JAMB

Topics: Physics, JAMB, Friction, work, force, motion, speed, velocity, energy, hydraulic press, relative density, hydrometer, gas law, sound wave, wave, light, mirror,capacitor, electricity, pressure