Jesus and the Eyewitnesses by Richard Bauckham PDF free download

Richard Bauckham Jesus and the Eyewitnesses PDF, was published in 2006 and uploaded for 400-level Arts and Humanities students of National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), offering CTH422, CTH724 course. This ebook can be downloaded for FREE online on this page.

Jesus and the Eyewitnesses ebook can be used to learn Palestinian Jewish Names, Gospel traditions, Petrine Perspective in the Gospel of Mark, Anonymous Persons in Mark’s Passion Narrative, Papias on Mark, Papias on Matthew, Transmitting the Jesus Traditions, Eyewitness Memory, Witness of the Beloved Disciple, Papias on John, Polycrates on John, Irenaeus on John.

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Books related to Jesus and the Eyewitnesses

Gospel of Matthew

Author: Igbakua Iorjaah

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: CTH412

Topics: Gospel of Matthew, Matthew’s Gospel, Matthew’s Gospel authorship, Mathew's Circumstances of Writing, Matthew’s Gospel life-setting, Matthew’s Gospel purpose, Matthew’s Place among the Gospels, Matthean Jesus, Historical Jesus, Jesus as Magician, Jesus Deceiver, Mission of Jesus, Matthew’s Universal Relevance, Theology of Matthew, Matthew’s Missionary focus, Relevance of Matthew’s Gospel to Africa, Early Church’s Tradition about Matthew’s Date

The Gospel According to John

Author: DA Carson

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: CTH311

Topics: John Gospel, Prelude to Jesus's public ministry, death of Lazarus, Resurrection Lazarus, unbelief theology, Last supper, Prayer of Jesus, Trial of Jesus, passion of Jesus, greatness of Jesus

The Message of Matthew

Author: Michael Green

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: CTH412

Topics: Message of Matthew, Jesus's birth, Jesus's pedigree, Jesus's childhood, Jesus's ministry, Manifesto of the kingdom, discipleship, Jerusalem, Judgement, Judgement on Israel, parables, Jesus's last evening, trials of Jesus

Synoptic Gospels

Author: AO Dairo

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: CTH213

Topics: Synoptic Gospels, Synoptic Problem, Saint Mark composition, Saint Matthew gospel, Features of Matthew’s Writing, Universalism of Luke’s Gospel, Sources of Luke’s Gospel, Christian Writings emergence, Mark’s Literary Characteristics, Mark’s Literary Accomplishment, Literary Unity of Mark

Church History 1

Author: David Ogunrinade

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: CRS141

Topics: Church History, Ancient church history, Birth of Christian Church, Church persecutions, New testament Canon formation, church fathers, growth of liturgy, Reconciliatory Councils, Creedal Development, Monasticism, End of Western Roman Empire, Medieval Church, Holy Roman empire, crusades, reformation, Birth of Jesus Christ, Ministry of Jesus Christ, Death of Jesus Christ, Burial of Jesus Christ, Resurrection of Jesus Christ, Ascension of Jesus Christ, Tenets of Christ's Teachings, Pentecost, Gospel Testimony, Fall of Jerusalem, Doctrinal System, Institution of the Church, Stephen's Death and Saul's Involvement, Saul's Conversion, Church at Antioch, Jerusalem Council, Second Missionary Journey of Paul, Paul's Third Missionary Journey, Paul's Fourth Missionary Journey, Emperor Nero's Persecution, Edict of Emperor Constantine, Emperor Trayan persecution, Emperor Marcus Aurelous persecution, New Testament, New Testament origin, New Testament contents, Muratorian Fragment, Gnostics, Ebionites, Manichaeans, Montanists, Early Christian Church, Belief, John Chrysostom, Eusebius, Western Post Nicene Fathers, Ambrose, Jerome, Augustine, Liturgy development, Arian Controversy, Nature of the Holy Spirit, Apollinarian Controversy, Pelagian Controversy, Asceticism, Roman Church orthodoxy, Burgundians

The Synoptic Gospels

Author: TNO Quarocoopome

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: RCS221

Topics: synoptic gospels, Mark Matthew, Luke, synoptic problem, Herod, Herod Archelaus, Herod Philip, Samaritans, synagogue, temple, Sanhedrin, Pharisees, Sadducees, scribes, zealots, Herodians, John the Baptist, temptation of Jesus, Galilean ministry, Messiah, Son of man, Parables of Jesus, miracles of Jesus, transfiguration discipleship, sabbath controversy, fasting, Mosaic law, forgiveness, prayer humility, marriage, divorce, Eschaton, Judean ministry, Passion narratives, last supper

Jesus and Yahweh The Names Divine

Author: Harold Bloom

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: CTH302

Topics: Divine name, Yahweh, Yahweh alone, Yahweh self exile, Yahweh's Psychology, Belated Testament, Dark Speaking of Jesus, saint Paul, Mark Gospel, John Gospel, trinity, Christianity and Judaism Irreconcilability

John (Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament)

Author: Andreas Kostenberger

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: CTH311

Topics: John, Jesus’ Inaugural Signs, passion Narrative, Jesus’ Resurrection

The Church in Ancient Society From Galilee to Gregory the Great

Author: Henry Chadwick

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: CTH314

Topics: First Followers of Jesus, Jewish matrix, Hebrew Scriptures, Interpreting Scripture, Apostles, Evangelists, Women among Jesus’ Followers, Ignatius of Antioch, Didache, Marcion, Justin, Irenaeus of Lyon, New Testament Text, Montanism, Tertullian, Minucius Felix, Clement of Alexandria, Julius Africanus, Hippolytus and Liturgy, Origen, Cyprian of Carthage, Dionysius of Alexandria, Paul of Samosata, Mani, Plotinus, Porphyry, Diocletian, Great Persecution, Council of Nicaea, Athanasius, Marcellus, Athanasius’ Return, Constantius’ Double Council of Unity, Julian, Damasus, Siricius, Papal Authority, Synesius of Cyrene, Basil of Caesarea, Ambrose, Cappadocia, Ambrosiaster, Donatism, Monks, Ascetic Life, Messalians, Macarian Homilies, Jerome, Rufinus, Julian of Eclanum, John Chrysostom, Augustine, Christological Debate, Ancient Oriental Churches, Aftermath of the Council of Chalcedon, Pope Gregory the Great, Worship after Constantine, Pilgrims, penance

Gospel of John

Author: John Tsezughul Abawua

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: CTH311

Topics: John's Gospel, John authorship, Synoptic Gospels, John's theological foundations, John's use of Symbolism, Dualism in John, Johannine use of Cosmos, Christ's deity, Johannine Theology, Eternal life

The Message of John

Author: Bruce Milne

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: CTH311

Topics: John's Message, John authorship, Jesus Christ and the eternal God, Jesus Christ and the created universe, Jesus Christ and redemptive history

New Testament Theology

Author: Abraham Mbachirin

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: CTH324

Topics: New Testament Theology, New Testament Theology development, New Testament Theology nature, New Testament Theology Jewish background, New Testament Theology Hellenistic background, John the Baptist, Kingdom of God, Doctrine of God in New Testament Theology, Christology of New Testament Theology, Place of the Holy Spirit in New Testament Theology, Pauline Theology, Systematic Theology, Branches of Theology, Historical Theology, Philosophical Theology, Practical Theology, Biblical Theology, Biblical criticism, Mission of Christ, Old Testament Background, Apocalyptic Literature, Qumran community, Apocrypha Books, Rabbinic Studies, Work of Philo, Gnosticism, John’s Prophetic Work, John’s Baptism, Person of John the Baptist, Birth of John the Baptist, Theological Meaning of John’s Baptism, Eschatological Dualism, casting out demons, Fall of Satan, Performance of Miracle, Preaching of the Gospel, Bestowal of Forgiveness of Sin, seeking God, inviting God, Fatherly God, Judging God, God of gifts, Parable of the Sower


Author: Jacob Owolabi

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: CTH302

Topics: Messianism, Old testament Messianic Expectation, Jewish Pseudepigraphal Literature, Quran Sectarian Literature, Jewish Messiah, Messianic Age, First century Messianic Expectation, Judaism Messiah, Pictorial Bible Dictionary, Lion Handbook, Anchor Bible Dictionary, New Bible Dictionary, Cruden’s Dictionary of Bible, Sibylline Oracles, Judah testament, Messianic Apocalypse, Messianic Diversity, Qumran Sectarian Literature, Jesus the Messiah

History and religion of Israel

Author: Ushe Michael

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: CRS210

Topics: Israel history, Israel religion, Israel as the chosen people, Israelites salvation history, Jewish Religious Denominations, Jewish major Feasts, Israel religious institutions, fall of man, promise of salvation, Hebrew Patriarchs, Mosaic covenant, Arameans nomads, Birth of Isaac, Abraham call, Abraham migration, Moses call, Moses Patriotism, Moses personal character, Moses leadership qualities, Ten plagues, Major Judges, united monarchy, Monarchy Tradition, fall of Samaria, Josiah Reformation, Anti-monarchist Tradition, Samuel reign, Saul‟s leadership qualities, David‟s flight, Prophecy, Ecstatic Prophets, Solitary Prophets, great prophets, Prophet‟s Message, false prophets, Prophetical Writings, Pre-exilic prophets, Nahum, Habakkuh, Jeremiah, Post-Exilic prophets, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Amos, Hosea, Micah, Reformation, Hasmonean kingdom, Jewish Roman wars, Judaism, Chief Rabine, Buddism, Samaritans, Hinduism, Bahai, Torah, temple, Priesthood, Feast of unleavened Bread, Passover, feast of tabernacles, Pentecost, Feast of Trumpets, Hanukkah, Day of Atonement, Feast of First Fruits, Feast of mourning, New Year Feast

The Star of Redemption (Modern Jewish Philosophy and Religion)

Author: Franz Rosenzweig

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: CTH302

Topics: Modern Jewish Philosophy, Modern Jewish Religion

Comparative Study of Religions

Author: PA Ojebode

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: CTH202, CRS202

Topics: Comparative Religion, Asianitic religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Shintoism, Confucianism, Zoroastrianism, Taoism, Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Islam, Bahaism, African Traditional Religion, African Traditional Religion nature, religious dialogue, Hindus scriptures, Hindu caste system, Eight-Fold Path, Shinto festivals, Taoist theology, Taoist texts, Jewish Distinctiveness, Jewish Festivals, Early Christianity, Post-Apostolic Church, Christian persecutions, Ecclesiastical Structure, Early Christianity Writings, Biblical Canon, Ecumenical Councils, Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther, Urich Zwingl, John Calvin, Counter Reformation, Revivalism, Great Awakenings, Restorationism, Ecumenism, Catholic Ecumenism

When Voices Clash A Study in Literary Pragmatics

Author: Jacob Mey

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: ENG304

Topics: Literary Pragmatics, language question, contextual coercion, deixis, personal prnouns, anaphora, true preterits, speakability, voice, voice managment, perspectives, dialogic perspective, reader perspective, pragmatic perspective, speakable text

Understanding the Elements of Literature

Author: Richard Taylor

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: ENG112

Topics: Literary Tradition, Narrative Fiction, genre, drama, theatre, poetry, comedy, ritual drama, classical tragedy, modern tragedy, tragi-comedy, comedy, narrative poetry, dramatic poetry, satirical poetry, lyric poetry

The Little Brown handbook ,13th edition

Author: Henry Ramsey Fowler, Jane Aaron

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: CLA101

Topics: writing, Presenting Writing, writing process, public writing, grammatical sentences, noun, pronoun, verb, agreement, adjective, adverb, clear sentences, sentence fragments, comma splices, fused sentences, pronoun reference, shifts, misplaced modifiers, dangling modifiers, effective sentences, punctuation, mechanics, effective words, research writing, comma, semicolon, Apostrophe, quotation marks, punctuation marks, italics, underlining, numbers, effective words, research writing, spelling

Punctuation marks in English

Author: GES UI

School: University of Ibadan

Department: General studies

Course Code: GES201

Topics: Punctuation marks, full stop, question mark, Exclamation Mark, capital letter, comma, Apostrophe, colon, semicolon, Quotation Marks, Brackets, Parentheses, hyphen, dash, slash, Italics, Bold, Underlining

Past Questions related to Jesus and the Eyewitnesses

Introduction to African philosophy-2013,2015,2016

Year: 2016

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: PHI207

Topics: Monogenesis, Polygenesis, Eurocentrism, Afrocentrism, destiny, traditional African thought, Sage Philosophy, Ethnophilosophy, Nationalist - ideological Philosophy, Professional Philosophy, Hermeneutic- narrative School.Rationality, Polygenesis, Eurocentrism, traditionalists, modernists

University of Ibadan christian religious studies POST UTME past question and answer

Year: 2019



Course Code: UI POST UTME

Topics: Gospel, jesus

NANOSCALE MATERIALS-U MARK-2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2019

Year: 2019

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: MTE421

Topics: nanoscale, U MARK, nanomaterials, nanocapulses, nanoporous, nanofibre, nanowire, nanotube, fullerene, electronics, bottom-up approach, top-down approach, graphene, graphite, bulk, young, nanoparticles

Microprocessor and microcomputer systems and applications

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: EEE401

Topics: microprocessor address space, semiconductor memory, 8085 microprocessor, Intel 8085 microprocessor architecture, register organization, stack pointer, memory address register, control generator, register selector, addressing modes, instructions, assembly program, accumulator, 8085 program model


Year: 2019

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: CST201

Topics: cell, cell wall, plant cell, taxonomy, botanical names

Essentials of Strategic Management The Quest for Competitive Advantage test bank by John E Gamble,Margaret Peteraf,Arthur Thompson

Year: 2015

School: Modibbo Adama University of Technology

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: MM403, MM401

Topics: Strategy, Business Models, Competitive Advantage, Charting a Company's Direction, Company External Environment, Company Resources, Company Capabilities, Company Competitiveness, Five Generic Competitive Strategies, Competitive Strategy, company Competitive position, Corporate Strategy, Diversification, Multibusiness Company, ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, Environmental Sustainability, Strategy, Superior Strategy Execution

Crop anatomy taxonomy & physiology

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: CST201

Topics: Crop anatomy, crop taxonomy, crop physiology, plant identification, genetics materials, plant description, botanical names, glycolysis, Chloroplast, photosynthesis

Plant pathology 1

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: CST503

Topics: Plant pathology, epiphytotic, plant development diseases, diseases botanical names, banana post harvest diseases, diseases symptoms, cultural diseases control, respiration, photosynthesis, growth, development, pathogen, enzymes, cell wall composition


Year: 2019

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CSC307

Topics: memory management, device manager, operating system, multitasking, multiprocessing, parallel processing, buffering, spooling, service pack


Year: 2019

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: EEE311

Topics: ROM, decoder, RAM, storage devices, fixed point, floating point, stored program concept, Vonn neumann, control unit, multiprocessor, bus, sequential access memory, SRAM, DRAM, ALU

Introduction to Computer Science 1 study questions

Year: 2017

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CSC111

Topics: data, information, storage device, memory, flowchart, pseudo code, number system, boolean algebra, Karnaugh map, logic gate, operating system, system software, application software

Introduction to computers-2009,2011,2014

Year: 2019

School: Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CIS101

Topics: software, input device, output device, memory, processor, number system, stored program concept, programming, program

Introduction to Computer Science Possible question and answers by Ndukwe chimezirim Joseph

Year: 2019

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: COS101

Topics: Algorithm, history of computer, Network, Algorithm design, data design, BASIC, computer, JAVA, Memory, operating system, optical disk

554 likely questions on Introduction to Computer Science by casrich

Year: 2021

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: COS101

Topics: Computer Science, Hardware, Software, Central Processing Unit, networking, memory, computer classification, input device, output device