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The Economics of Development and Planning ,40th edition

Author: ML Jhingan

School: Modibbo Adama University of Technology

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: CC403

Topics: Economic Growth, Income Distribution, Sustainable Development, Underdeveloped Country, Chenery’s Patterns of Structural Change, Modern Economic Growth, Adam Smith’s Theory, Ricardian Theory, e Malthusian Theory, Mill’s Theory, Classical Theory, Marxian Theory, Schumpeterian Theory, Keynesian Theory, Marx’ Stages of Growth, Rostow’s Stages of Economic Growth, Gerchenkron’s Great Spurt Theory, Nurkse’s Theory of Disguished Unemployment, Lewis Theory, Fei-Ranis Theory, growth model, capital accumulation, Harrod-Domar Model, Kaldor Model of Distribution, Steady State Growth, von Neumann Growth Model, Uzawa Two-Sector Growth Model, Kaldor’s Model of Growth, e Solow Model of Long-Run Growth, Growth Accounting, Endogenous Growth Theory, Fel’dman Model, Mahalanobis Model, Capital Formation, Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy, Deicit Financing, Human Capital Formation, Entrepreneurship, Foreign Trade, New International Economic order, Commercial Policy, Foreign Capital, Two-Gap Model, Private Foreign Investment, Multinationals, Millennium Development Goals, Economic Integration, Economic Planning, Shadow Prices, Project Evaluation, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Input-Output Analysis, Linear Programming, Capital-Output Ratio, Price Mechanism

Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition

Author: Thomas Cormen, Charles Leiserson, Ronald Rivest, Clifford Stein

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CSC242

Topics: Algorithms, Insertion sort, analyzing Algorithms, designing Algorithms, growth of functions, asymptotic notation, maximum-subarray problem, Strassen’s algorithm, Probabilistic Analysis, Randomized Algorithms, hiring problem, Indicator random variables, Heapsort, heaps, heapsort algorithm, Priority queues, quicksort, Radix sort, Counting sort, Bucket sort, Data Structures, Hash Tables, has function, open addressing, Perfect hashing, Data Structures, sorting order statistics, Binary Search Trees, Red-Black Trees, Augmenting Data Structures, Dynamic Programming, Greedy Algorithms, Amortized Analysis, B-Trees, Fibonacci Heaps, van Emde Boas Trees, Graph Algorithms, Minimum Spanning Trees, Single-Source Shortest Paths, All-Pairs Shortest Path, maximum flow, Multithreaded Algorithms, Matrix Operations, linear programming, polynomials, Number-Theoretic Algorithms, String Matching, Computational Geometry, NP-Completeness, Polynomial time, Approximation Algorithms

Introduction to the design and analysis of algorithms ,3rd edition

Author: Anany Levitin, Soumen Mukherjee, Arup Kumar Bhattacharjee

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CSC242

Topics: algorithm design, algorithm analysis, Algorithm Efficiency, Algorithm Efficiency analysis, Brute Force, Exhaustive Search, Decrease-and-Conquer, Divide-and-Conquer, Transform-and-Conquer, Space and Time Trade-Offs, Dynamic Programming, Greedy Technique, Iterative Improvement, Algorithm Power, Algorithmic Problem Solving, Nonrecursive Algorithms mathematical analysis, recursive Algorithms mathematical analysis, Selection Sort, Bubble Sort, Sequential Search, Brute-Force String Matching, Closest-Pair Problems, Convex-Hull Problems, depth-First Search, Breadth-First Search, Insertion Sort, Topological Sorting, Variable-Size-Decrease Algorithms, Decrease-by-a-Constant-Factor Algorithms, binary search, Mergesort, quicksort, Binary Tree Traversals, Strassen’s Matrix Multiplication, Gaussian Elimination, presorting, Balanced Search Trees, Heaps, Heapsort, Horner’s Rule, Binary Exponentiation, Problem Reduction, B-Trees, hashing, Knapsack Problem, Optimal Binary Search Trees, Warshall’s Algorithm, Floyd’s Algorithm, Prim’s Algorithm, Kruskal’s Algorithm, Dijkstra’s Algorithm, Huffman Trees, huffman Codes, Simplex Method, Maximum-Flow Problem, Stable Marriage Problem, Lower-Bound Arguments, Decision Trees, Numerical Algorithms, Backtracking, Approximation Algorithms

Operations Research ,10th edition

Author: Hamdy Taha

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: STA343

Topics: Operations Research, Operations Research models, linear programming, two-variable linear programming model, modelling, simplex method, sensitivity analysis, artificial starting solution, duality, post-optimal analysis, primal-dual relationships, simplex algorithms, transportation model, assignment mode, network mode, shortest-route problem, Minimal spanning tree algorithm, maximal flow model, critical path model, revised simplex method, revised algorithm, bounded-variables algorithm, parametric linear programming, goal programming, goal programming formulation, goal programming algorithm, integer linear programming, Heuristic programming, greedy heuristic, local search heuristic, metaheuristic, constriant programming, traveling salesperson problem, deterministic dynamic programming, dynamic programming, inventory modelling, probability, probability distribution, decision analysis, games, game theory, probabilistic inventory models, Markov chains, queuing systems, simulation modeling, classical optimization theory, Nonlinear programming algorithms

African states and societies 1500-1800

Author: Victor Osaro Edo

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: HDS102

Topics: African states, African societies, Egypt, States of the Maghreb, Ottoman Rule, Fall of Songhai, Hausa states, Ashante, Fante, Buganda, East Africa, Chaka Kingdom, Zulu Kingdom, Amazulu, Great Trek, Boers Republics

African Civilisation from the earliest Times to 1500 AD

Author: Victor Osaro Edo

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: HDS101

Topics: African Civilisation, Africa, stone age, Neolithic age, Neolithic Revolution, Food Production Revolution, Agricultural Revolution, food production, Bantu expansion, Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Swahili Civilisation, Great Zimbabwe, Monomotapa Empire, Monomotapa kingdom, South Africa, West Africa, Nigeria

The world's writing systems

Author: Peter Daniels, William Bright

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Education

Course Code: LIS118

Topics: writing systems, grammatology, Mesopotamian Cuneiform, Egyptian writing, Meroitic script, epigraphic semitic script, Iberian script, Berber script, Anatolian Hieroglyphs, Aegean scripts, Old Persian Cuneiform, Decipherment, proto-Elamite script, Indus script, Maya script, Mesoamerican script, East Asian writing systems, Early Chinese writing, Modern Chinese writing, Chinese writing, Korean writing, Japan writing, Siniform scripts, Yi script, Asian calligraphy, European writing systems, Phoenician script, Greek alphabet, Anatolian alphabet, coptic alphabet, Gothic alphabet, scripts of Italy, Roman alphabet, Runic script, Ogham, Slavic alphabet, Armenian alphabet, Georgian alphabet, South Asian writing systems, Brahmi, Kharoshthi, Devanagari script, Gujarati writing, Gurmukhi script, Bengali writing, Oriya writing, Sinhala writing, Kannada and telugu writing, Malayalam writing, Tamil writing, Tibetan script, southeast Asian writing systems, Burmese writing, Brahmi script, Thai and Lao writing, khmer writing, Insular southeast asian scripts, Middle easter writing systems, Jewish scripts, Aramaic scripts, Arabic writing, Dhivehi writing, Ethiopic writing, Cherokee writing, cree syllabary, Pahawh hmong script

Topics in World History Since 1914

Author: Monsuru Olalekan Muritala

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: HDS105

Topics: First world war, Peace Treaty of Versailles, Russian Revolutions, Bolshevik Revolution, League of Nations, Great Depression, Global Economy, Second World War, United Nations Organisation, Cold War, Global Tension, Decolonisation of Africa, Fall of Soviet Empire, Rise of Communist China, globalisation, terrorism, global security, Information Technology, Global Village

The Voyage of Discovery ,4th edition

Author: William Lawhead

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: PHI101, PHI102, PHI204

Topics: Greek philosophy, skepticisim, Classical Philosophy, Plato, Aristotle, Saint Augustine, Early Medieval Philosophy, saint Thomas Aquinas, René Descartes, Benedict Spinoza, Baruch spinoza, Gottfried Leibniz, John Locke, George Berkeley, David Hume, Immanuel Kant, Søren Kierkegaard, Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, Empiricism, Pragmatism, Analytic Philosophy, Phenomenology, Existentialism, Philosophy

The Blackwell Companion to Philosophy ,2nd edition

Author: Nicholas Bunnin, Eric Tsui-James

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: PHI101

Topics: Philosophy, epistemology, metaphysics, language, logic, mind, ethics, aesthetics, political philosophy, social philosophy, applied ethics, Bioethics, Genethics, Medical Ethics, Environmental Ethics, Business Ethics, Ancient Greek Philosophy, History of Philosophy


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Administration, Social and Management science

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Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

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