ANA Books
An Introduction to Language ,11th edition
Author: Victoria Fromkin, Robert Rodman, Nina Hyams
School: University of Ibadan
Department: Arts and Humanities
Course Code: ENG409
Topics: Language, linguistic knowledge, grammar, human language, thought, morphology, bound morphemes, free morphemes, word formation, morphological analysis, syntax, sentence structure, grammatical dependencies, pragmatics, meaning, compositional semantics, lexical semantics, word meaning, phonetics, sound segments, phonetic alphabet, articulatory phonetics, vowels, phonetic classes, phonology, phonemes, dialect, social dialects, regional dialects, prosodic phonology, language chane, phonological change, great vowel shift, syntatic change, langugage acquisition, language processing, huma brain, brain development
A History of Philosophy, Vol. 1 Greece and Rome
Author: Frederick Copleston
School: University of Ibadan
Department: Administration, Social and Management science
Course Code: PHI105
Topics: History of Philosophy, pre-socratic philosophy, western thought, Ionian philosophers, Pythagorean society, Heraclitus, Parmenides, Melissus, Zeno, Empedocles, Anaxagoras, Atomists, Socratic period, Sophists, Socrates, Minor Socrativ schools, Democritus, Plato, Moral theory, the stateAristotle, Logic of Aristotle, Politics, Post-Aristotelian philosophy, Early Stoa, Epicureanism, old sceptics, Hellenistic epoch, cynics, eclectics, Neo-Pythagoreanism, Middle platonism, Jewish-Hellenistic philosophy, Plotinian neo-platonism
The concepts and theories of modern democracy ,3rd edition
Author: Anthony Harold Birch
School: University of Ibadan
Department: Administration, Social and Management science
Course Code: POS111
Topics: democracy, authority, nationalism, national state, Ethnic cleavages, multiculturalism, globalization, global terrorism, political authority, political legitmacy, democratic state, political representation, liberty, freedom, rights, politcal power, policy making, pluralism, Elitism, class dominance, Corporatism, political analysis
Modern Man in Search of a Soul
Author: CG Jung
School: University of Ibadan
Department: Administration, Social and Management science
Course Code: PSY101
Topics: dream-analysis, Modern Psychotherapy, Psychotherapy, stages of life, archaic man, psychology, literature, Psychotherapists
Social Theory And Social Structure
Author: Robert Merton
School: University of Ibadan
Department: Administration, Social and Management science
Course Code: SOC103
Topics: Social Theory, Social Structure, theoretic social theory, social structure, sociological theory, sociology functional analysis, social structure, bureaucratic structure, personality, social order, democratic social structure, puritanism, pietism, science
Modern Politics and Government ,4th edition
Author: Alan Ball
School: University of Ibadan
Department: Administration, Social and Management science
Course Code: POS111, POS113
Topics: Modern Politics, Government, politics, study of politics, power, authorty, political conflict.political power, Distribution of power, Political authority, political influence, political culture, Political socialisation, Political Parties, pressure groups, party structures, Electoral systems, Pressure group analysis, Elections, Voting Behaviour, Legislative functions, structure of government, Organisation of Government, Judiciaries, Military, Military control, Political ideologies, political change
Doing Social Research ,2nd edition
Author: Therese Baker
School: University of Ibadan
Department: Administration, Social and Management science
Course Code: SOW102
Topics: Social Research, social-scientific research, survey research, experimental Research, field Research, observational studies, evaluation research, case studies, social research data, data preparation, data analysis
Author: Adeola Adenikinju
School: University of Ibadan
Department: Administration, Social and Management science
Course Code: ECO201
Topics: Economics, demand supply, consumer demand, demand elasticities, Consumer Equilibrium, Theory of Supply, Production Function, cost analysis, revenue, profit Maximization, perfect competition, monopoly, Imperfect Competition, Monopolistic-Competition, oligopoly, Theory of Distribution
Author: Adigun Agbaje, Rotimi Suberu, Enemaku Idachaba
School: University of Ibadan
Department: Administration, Social and Management science
Course Code: POS212
Topics: Political idea, Monarchical Absolutism, Conservatism, Classical Liberalism, Liberalism, Modern Liberalism, Fascism, Anarchism, Socialism, Marxism
Author: Donelson Forsyth
School: University of Ibadan
Department: Administration, Social and Management science
Course Code: PSY205
Topics: studying groups, inclusion, identity, formation, cohesion, development, structure, influence, power, leadership, performance, teams, decision making, conflict, intergroup relations, groups, change, crowds, collectives, group dynamics, individualism, collectivism, personal identity, social identity, affliation, attraction, norms, roles, intermember relations, social network analysis, majority influebce, minority influence, authority, leading groups, leadership emergence, leader effectiveness

Administration, Social and Management science

Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Arts and Humanities



General studies


Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Science and Technology