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Comparative Study of Religions

Author: PA Ojebode

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: CTH202, CRS202

Topics: Comparative Religion, Asianitic religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Shintoism, Confucianism, Zoroastrianism, Taoism, Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Islam, Bahaism, African Traditional Religion, African Traditional Religion nature, religious dialogue, Hindus scriptures, Hindu caste system, Eight-Fold Path, Shinto festivals, Taoist theology, Taoist texts, Jewish Distinctiveness, Jewish Festivals, Early Christianity, Post-Apostolic Church, Christian persecutions, Ecclesiastical Structure, Early Christianity Writings, Biblical Canon, Ecumenical Councils, Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther, Urich Zwingl, John Calvin, Counter Reformation, Revivalism, Great Awakenings, Restorationism, Ecumenism, Catholic Ecumenism

Philosophy of Religion

Author: Sunday Ola-Oluwa Adenrele

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: CTH233

Topics: Religion philosophy, Theodicy, theism, Theistic Arguments, Atheistic Theories, evil, life after death, science limitations, social change, Greek Philosophy, Religion, Anthropological Theory of Religion, Sociological Theory of Religion, Psychological Theory of Religion, Marxist Theory of Religion, Theological Theory of Religion, Functions of Religion, creation, Cosmic Evolution, Biological Evolution, conflict, conflict resolution, Islamic God, Christian God, Cosmological argument, Moral argument, Teleological argument, Atheism, Anthropodicy

History of the English Language

Author: Innocent Chiluwa

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: ENG211

Topics: English Language History, Anglo-Saxon Conquest, Danish Invasion, Vikings Age, Middle English Period, Norman Conquest, Inkhorn Controversy, Emergence of Dictionaries, Great Vowel Shift, Modern English varieties, American English

French Grammar and Composition 2

Author: Olu Akeusola

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: FRE222

Topics: French Grammar, French Composition, La place de la sémantique dans la théorie de la grammaire générative, La catégorisation des significations sémantiques, La signification syntaxico-sémantique : synonymie et antonymie, La signification syntaxico-sémantique, homonymie et polysémie, méronymie et holonymie, hyponymie, hyperonymie et toponymie. La signification morpho-sémantique morphinique de base d’affixation, les préfixes principaux empruntés au Latin, les préfixes empruntés au Grec

Medieval Islamic Political Thought

Author: Patricia Crone

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: ILS272

Topics: Medieval Islamic Political Thought, Umayyads, Kharijites, Mutazilites, Shiites, Abbasids, Shism, Zaydis, Imamis, Hadith party, Persian tradition, Greek tradition, Ismailis, Sunnis, Muslim, Government, society

The Gospel According to John

Author: DA Carson

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: CTH311

Topics: John Gospel, Prelude to Jesus's public ministry, death of Lazarus, Resurrection Lazarus, unbelief theology, Last supper, Prayer of Jesus, Trial of Jesus, passion of Jesus, greatness of Jesus

The Complete Works of Flavius Josephus

Author: Flavius Josephus, William Whiston

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: CTH412

Topics: Flavius Josephus, Taking of Jerusalem, Antiochus Epiphanes, Death of Herod the great, Vespasian, Siege of Gamala, Jew antiquities, creation, death of Isaac, death of Moses, death of Eli, Death of Saul


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