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Angular-Momentum Principle Books

Principles of Cooperative Practices

Author: Otunaiya Abiodun Olanrewaju

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: ARD308

Topics: Cooperative Practices, Cooperative Societies, Cooperative Agribusiness ventures, Agricultural Cooperatives, Cooperative Books, Cooperative Records, Loan Management, Cooperative Finance, Cooperative Financial Statement, Cooperative Management, Cooperatives Meetings, Cooperative Inspection, Cooperative Audit, Cooperatives Liquidation, Cooperatives Dissolution

Principles of Irrigation and Drainage

Author: Alfred Augustine

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: CRP306

Topics: Irrigation, Drainage, Soil-water-plant-atmosphere relationship, Irrigation requirement, Consumptive water use, evapotranspiration, Irrigation scheduling, Irrigation resources, irrigation equipment maintenance, Irrigation systems, Irrigation techniques, soil reaction, soil erosion, soil drainage, Soil salinity, soil alkalinity, soil acidity

Principles of Agricultural Business Management

Author: Emem Bassey Inyang

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: AEA509

Topics: Agricultural Business Management, farm management decision, Agribusiness Enterprise Selection Guide, Nigerian Agricultural Development Policies, Marketing strategy, marketing, Organizational management, leadership

Principles of Plant Genetics and Breeding, 2nd Edition

Author: George Acquaah

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: ANP309

Topics: Plant Genetics, plant Breeding, population genetics, quantitative genetics, reproductive systems, allogamy, hybridization, clonal propagation, germplasm, Plant domestication, Plant genetic resources, morphological traits, Breeding self-pollinated species, Breeding cross-pollinated species, Breeding hybrid cultivars, Breeding clonally propagated species, molecular breeding, molecular markers, genes mapping, Molecular genetic modifications, genome-wide genetics, Seed certification, commercial seed release, International plant breeding efforts, Breeding selected crops, breeding wheat, breeding corn, breeding rice, breeding sorghum, breeding, soybean, breeding peanut, breeding potato, breeding cotton, breeding tomato, breeding cucumber, breeding roses

Principles of Soil Chemistry, 4th Edition

Author: Kim Tan

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: SLM301

Topics: Soil Chemistry, analytical chemistry, geochemistry, Particle Accelerators, Synchrotrons, Stanford Linear Accelerator, Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator, Fermi National Laboratory Accelerator, Brookhaven Realistic Heavy Ion Collider, quarks, leptons, Atomic Numbers, Avogadro’s Number, atomic orbitals, Acid–Base Titrations, Precipitation, Complex Reactions, Chemical Units, Molarity, Molality, Radioactivity, isotopes, mole fractions, Soil Composition, Electrochemical Potentials, carbon dating, Electrochemical Cells, Nernst Equation, Electron Activity, chemical potential, membrane potential, Soil Gas, Oxygen Revolution, soil aeration, soil aerification, Soil Air Quality, Hydrotropism, Hypoxia, soil water chemistry, Oxygen Demand of Water, Total Soil Water Potential, Matric Potential, Pressure Potential, Osmotic Potential, Gravitational Potential, Plant–Soil–Water Energy Relation, water dissociation, Colloidal Chemistry, Colloidal System, soil humus, Carbohydrates, Amino Acids, Peptides, Proteins, Nucleic Acids, lipids, Lignins, humic matter, Electron Microscopy, Clay Minerals, Surface Potential, Electric Double Layer, Helmholtz Double-Layer Theory, Gouy–Chapman Double-Layer Theory, Adsorption Isotherms, soil adsorption, water adsorption, Cation Exchange, Cation Exchange Reactions, Cation Exchange Capacity, Langmuir–Vageler Equation, Mono-Divalent Cation Exchange Reaction, Mono-Monovalent Cation Exchange Reaction, Anion Exchange, Phosphate Retention, Phosphate fixation, Phosphate Potential, Soil Reaction, Acid–Base Chemistry, Weathering, Coordination Theory, Complex Formation, chelation, Metal–Organic Complex Reactions, Clay–Organic Compound Complexes

Principles and practice of soil science, 4th edition

Author: Robert White

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: SLM516

Topics: soil science, soil habitat, soil mineral components, soil organisms, soil organic matter, soil structure, soil micromorphology, soil porosity, soil-forming factors, climate, hydrologic cycle, soil temperature, evaporation, cation exchange, Anion adsorption, Clay–organic matter interactions, soil aeration, soil respiration, soil profile, Hydromorphic soils, Salt-affected soils, nutrient cycling, phosphorus, sulphur, potassium, calcium, magnesium, trace elements, soil management, soil acidity, liming, soil erosion, fertilizers, pesticides, nitrogen fertilizers, phosphate fertilizers, plant protection, problem soils, soil drainage, soil information systems, soil survey methods, soil quality

Standing on Principles Collected Essays

Author: Tom Beauchamp

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: PHL242

Topics: codes, declarations, human subjects research ethical guidance, principlism, informed consent, health care ethics, biomedical ethics, morality

Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, 2nd edition

Author: Douglas Brown

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: ARA284

Topics: Language, Learning, Teaching, First Language Acquisition, Dispelling Myths, Hemispheric Lateralization, Anthropological Evidence, Human Learning, Individual Differences, Ambiguity Tolerance, Left-Brain dominance, Right-Brain Dominance, Autonomy, Awareness, Compensatory Strategies, Self-Esteem, Attribution Theory, Self-Efficacy, Motivation, Language, Culture, Identity, Teaching Intercultural Competence, Communicative Competence speech acts, Language Functions, Interactional Competence, discourse analysis, Written Discourse, Intercultural Rhetoric, Pragmatics, Sociopragmatics, Pragmalinguistics, Corpus Analysis, Nonverbal Communication, Kinesics, Interlanguage, Learner Language, learner errors, error Treatment

Essentials of Health Information Management Principles and Practices,Second Edition

Author: Michelle Green, Mary Bowie

School: Kazaure School of Health Technology, Kazaure Jigawa State

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: HIM111

Topics: health care delivery systems, health care delivery, Health Care Facility Ownership, Health Care Facility Organizational Structure, Cancer Registry, Health Information Management Professionals, Health Care Settings, Acute Care Facilities, Ambulatory care, Outpatient Care, Behavioral Health Care Facilities, Home Care, Hospice, Long-Term Care, Managed Care, Patient Record, Hospital Outpatient Record, Physician Office Record, Numbering Systems, Filing Systems, Filing Equipment, File Folders, Indexes, Registers, Health Data Collection, Case Abstracting

Periodic properties of the atoms of an element


School: Federal University of Technology, Minna

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CHM112

Topics: electronic configuration, atomic orbitals, orbital diagram, Aufbau principle, Hund's rule, shielding effect, effective nuclear charge, diamagnetism, paramagnetism, Bohr's theory, Bohr model, correspondence principle, De broglie wavelength, De broglie equations, uncertainty principle, hydrogen atom, Schrodinger equation, classical praticles, quantum particles, Quantum numbers, Azimuthal Quantum Number, principal Quantum Number, Spin Projection Quantum Number, Pauli Exclusion Principle, Exclusion Principle, Physical Phenomena, covalent bonds, covalent compounds, Ionic Compounds, Hybridization, Pi bond formation, Pi bond, ethylene bonding


Administration, Social and Management science image

Administration, Social and Management science

Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine image

Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Arts and Humanities image

Arts and Humanities

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General studies

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Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science image

Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Science and Technology image

Science and Technology