Author: LO Abdur-Rahman
School: University of Ilorin
Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science
Course Code: S1
Topics: inguinoscrotal descent, testicular descent, Undescend testis, Testicular retraction, Cannilicular testis, Intra-Abdominal testes, Ectopic testicle, Absent testicle, Retractile testis, Concealed Laparoscopic Orchiopexy, hydrocele
Author: NA Adeleke
School: University of Ilorin
Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science
Course Code: S1
Topics: Sella turcica, Parasellar structure, Posterior pituitary hormones, Anterior pituitary hormones, Anterior Pituitary
Author: Surgery
School: University of Ilorin
Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science
Course Code: S1
Topics: Goitre, Simple goitre, non-toxic goitre, Toxic goitre, thyroiditis
Author: surgery
School: University of Ilorin
Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science
Course Code: S1
Topics: open fracture, open fracture grade, fixation
Atlas of Human Anatomy ,7th edition
Author: Frank Netter
School: University of Ilorin
Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science
Course Code: ANA201, ANA209, ANA302, ANA304, ANA307
Topics: Body Planes, Surface Anatomy, Lymphatic System, vein, artery, skin, Pilosebaceous Unit, skeletal system, Appendicular Skeleton, Joint, bone, Muscular System, Gastrointestinal System, Endocrine System, neuron, synapse, Peripheral nerve, head, neck, Superficial Arteries, ligament, skul, calvaria, cranial base, foramina, Pterygoid Fossae, mandible, Temporomandibular Joint, Cervical Vertebrae, Craniocervical Ligament, Cervical Fasciae, Infrahyoid, Suprahyoid Muscle, Cervical Muscle, Carotid Artery, nose, nasal region, nasal cavity, nasal septum, Bony Nasal Septum, Paranasal Sinus, Salivary Glands, Facial Nerve Branch, Parotid Gland, Mastication, Maxillary Artery, Proximal Maxillary, Superficial Temporal Artery, Mandibular Nerve, Infratemporal Fossa, Ophthalmic nerve, Maxillary nerve, Oral Cavity, tongue, fauces, teeth, Pharynx, Pharyngeal Region, Thyroid Gland, Larynx, Parathyroid Gland, Eyelid, Lacrimal Apparatus, Extrinsic Eye Muscle, orbit, eyeball, lens, ear, Tympanic Cavity, Cochlea, Membranous Labyrinth, bony Labyrinth, Meninges, Diploic Veins, Meningeal Arteries, Meninges Veins, Superficial Cerebral Veins, Dural Venous Sinus, Dural Venous Sinus, brain, Cerebrospinal Fluid, Basal Nuclei, Ganglia, Thalamus, Hippocampus, Fornix, brain stem, Cerebellum, Cranial Nerve, Cervical Nerve, Olfactory Nerve, Optic Nerve, Oculomotor Nerve, Trochlear Nerve, Abducens Nerve, Trigeminal Nerve, Facial Nerve, Vestibulocochlear Nerve, Glossopharyngeal Nerve, Vagus Nerve, Accessory Nerve, Hypoglossal Nerve, Cervical Plexus, Autonomic Nerve, Ciliary Ganglion, Pterygopalatine, Submandibular Ganglia, Otic Ganglion, Taste Pathways, Cerebral Vasculature, Cerebral Arterial Circle of Willis, Hypothalamus, Hypophysis, Cranial Imaging, back, spinal cord, Vertebral Column, Thoracic Vertebrae, Lumbar Vertebrae, Vertebrae, Sacrum, Coccyx, Vertebral Ligaments, Anterior Rami, Dermatomes, Sympathetic Nervous System, Parasympathetic Nervous System, Spinal Meninges, Nerve Roots, Spinal Nerve Origin, Vertebral Veins, Suboccipital Triangle, Muscles of Back, Thoracic Spinal Nerve, Mammary Gland, thorax, Lung, body wall, heart, Mediastinum
Author: Kay
School: University of Ilorin
Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science
Course Code: ANA203
Topics: cell cycle, mitosis, meiosis, Mendel, chromosome, Chromosomal aberration, Mendelian diseases, pattern of inheritance, molecular biology, genetic code, blood group, genetic disorder, genetic counselling, cytogenesis, Y-linked disorder
Gross anatomy of cardiovascular system
Author: Ade Alabi
School: University of Ilorin
Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science
Course Code: ANA204
Topics: heart, pericardium, fibrous pericardium, serous pericardium, pericardial cavity, heart wall, right ventricle, right atrioventricular valve, tricuspid valve, pulmonary orfice, pulmonary valve, semiluna valve, laeft atrium, left ventricle, left atrioventricular orfice, atrioventricular valve, aortic orfice, aortic valve, interventricular septum, mypcardial thickness, heart valve, left coronary artery, right coronary artery, aorta, great vessels, aortic arch
Development of the Heart ( Cardiogenesis )
Author: Omotoso
School: University of Ilorin
Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science
Course Code: ANA205
Topics: primitive heart tube, embryonic disc, Primitive Heart, primordial Atrium, Sinus venosus, Primordial pulmonary vein, interventricular septum, Ventricles, Ventricular Walls, Bulbus Cordis, Truncus Arteriosus, Atrioventricular Valves, aortic valves, pulmonary valves, conducting system, Atrial Septal defects, ostium secundum defect, endocardial cushion defect, sinus venosus defect, Ventricular Septal Defects
Author: Happiness
School: University of Ilorin
Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science
Course Code: BCH221, BCH222, BCH223, BCH224, BCH225, BCH226
Topics: blood, respiratory system embryology, lung bud formation, red blood cell metabolism, rappaport pathway, organic phosphate, plasmaprotein, blood fluidity, hemoglobin, heme, globin chain, buffering effect, porphyrins, haemins, porphyrias, bile pigment, Jaundice, cholestrol, cholestrol synthesis, cholestrol catabolism, bile acid, bile salt, blood lipid, chylomicrons, lipoprotein, plasma lipoprotein, TAG, Phospholipid biosynthesis, patent ductus arteriosus, fetal circulation, cyanotic heart disease, acyanotic heart disease, fallot, down syndrome
Oxidation of fatty acids material
Author: BCH
School: University of Ilorin
Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science
Course Code: BCH225
Topics: Long-chain fatty acid, unsaturated fatty acid, odd-chain-length fatty acid, medium-chain-length fatty acid, very-long-chain-length fatty acid, long-chain branched-chain fatty acid
Administration, Social and Management science
Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
Arts and Humanities
General studies
Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science
Science and Technology