STA124 Books
An Introduction to Probability and Statistics, Third Edition
Author: Vijay Rohatgi, AK. Md. Ehsanes Saleh
School: University of Ilorin
Department: Science and Technology
Course Code: STA124
Topics: Probability, Random Variables, Probability Distributions, Moments, Generating Functions, Multiple Random Variables, Degenerate Distribution, Two-Point Distribution, Uniform Distribution on n Points, Sample Statistics, Random Sampling, Basic Asymptotics, Large Sample Theory, Parametric Point Estimation, Neyman–Pearson Theory, Hypotheses Testing, Confidence Estimation, General Linear Hypothesis, Nonparametric Statistical Inference
Author: Irwin Miller, Marylees Miller
School: University of Ilorin
Department: Science and Technology
Course Code: STA124
Topics: probability, Probability Distribution, Probability Densitiy, Mathematical Expectation, Special Probability Distribution, Special Probability Density, Random Variables, Sampling Distributions, Decision Theory, Point Estimation, Interval Estimation, Hypothesis Testing, Regression, Correlation
Introduction to probability and distribution lecture note 3
Author: Favour
School: University of Ilorin
Department: Science and Technology
Course Code: STA124
Topics: linear regression, correlation coefficient, rank correlation, association of attribute
John E. Freunds Mathematical Statistics with Applications, Eighth Edition
Author: Irwin Miller, Marylees Miller
School: University of Ilorin
Department: Science and Technology
Course Code: STA124
Topics: probability, Probability Distribution, Probability Densitiy, Mathematical Expectation, Special Probability Distribution, Special Probability Density, Random Variables, Sampling Distributions, Decision Theory, Point Estimation, Interval Estimation, Hypothesis Testing, Regression, Correlation
Introduction to probability and distribution lecture note 2
Author: Favour
School: University of Ilorin
Department: Science and Technology
Course Code: STA124
Topics: mean of random variable, variance of random variable, continuous random variable, probability density function, probability distribution function, mean continuous of random variable, variance continuous of random variable, discrete distribution, Bernoulli distribution, binomial distribution, Poisson distribution, geometric distribution, uniform distribution, continuous distribution, normal distribution, cumulative distribution function, Bivariate probability distribution, conditional probability distribution function
Introduction to the Theory of Statistics Solutions Manual
Author: Alexander McFarlane Mood, Franklin Graybill, Duane Boes
School: University of Ilorin
Department: Science and Technology
Course Code: STA124
Topics: probability, random variables, distribution function, expectation, moments, chebyshev inequality, Jensen inequality, univariate distribution, discrete distribution, continuous distribution, comments, joint distribution function, conditional distribution, stochastic independence, covariance, correlation, distribution of function, sampling, sampling distribution, sample mean, order statistics, parametric point estimation, point estimators, sufficiency, unbiased estimation, location invariance, scale invariance, Bayes estimator, vector of parameters, parametric interval estimation, confidence interval, test of hypothesis, loss function, Chi-square test, linear model, Nonparametric method, tolerance limit
Introduction to the theory of statistics, Third edition
Author: Alexander McFarlane Mood, Franklin Graybill, Duane Boes
School: University of Ilorin
Department: Science and Technology
Course Code: STA124
Topics: probability, random variables, distribution function, expectation, moments, chebyshev inequality, Jensen inequality, univariate distribution, discrete distribution, continuous distribution, comments, joint distribution function, conditional distribution, stochastic independence, covariance, correlation, distribution of function, sampling, sampling distribution, sample mean, order statistics, parametric point estimation, point estimators, sufficiency, unbiased estimation, location invariance, scale invariance, Bayes estimator, vector of parameters, parametric interval estimation, confidence interval, test of hypothesis, loss function, Chi-square test, linear model, Nonparametric method, tolerance limit
Author: Gireesh babu
School: University of Ilorin
Department: Science and Technology
Course Code: STA124
Topics: bivariate probability distribution, bivariate random variables, standard distribution, law of large numbers
Schaum’s Outline of Statistics, fourth edition
Author: Murray spiegel, Larry stephens
School: University of Ilorin
Department: Science and Technology
Course Code: STA124
Topics: variables, graphs, frequency distribution, mean, median, mode, central tendency, standard deviation, moments, skweness, kurtosis, probability, Binomian distribution, Poisson distribution, Normal distribution, sampling theory, statistical estimation theory, statistical estimation theory, small sampling theory, Chi-square test, curve fitting, method of least squares, analysis of variance, nonparametric test, statistical process, control, process capability
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