Author: Robert thornton morrison, Robert Neilson Boyd
School: University of Ibadan
Department: Science and Technology
Course Code: CHE276
Topics: Organic Chemistry, chemical bond, quantum mechanics, atomic orbitals, electronic configuration, Pauli exclusion principle, molecular orbitals, covalent bond, hybrid orbitals, intramolecular forces, bond dissociation energy, homolysis, heterolysis, bonds polarity, melting point, intermolecular force, boiling point, solubility, acids, bases, isomerism, activation energy, hydrocarbons, methane structure, oxidation, heat of combustion, chlorination control, relative reactivity, reaction mechanisms, chlorination, free radicals, chain reactions inhibitors, transition state, molecular formula, chlorofluorocarbons, qualitative elemental analysis, quantitative elemental analysis, Alkene, free-radical substitution, ethane structure, Higher alkanes, alkyl groups, industrial source, Grignard reagent, halogenation, free radical stability, combustion, greenhouse effect, pyrolysis, cracking, alkane analysis, stereochemistry, stereoisomers, isomer number, tetrahedral carbon, optical activity, plane-polarized light, polarimeter, specific rotation, enantiomerism, chirality, chiral center, enantiomers, racemic modification, Diastereomers, meso structures, conformational isomers, optical purity, Alkyl halides, Nucleophilic aliphatic substitution, homolytic chemistry, heterolytic chemistry, Carbocations, Carbocations structure, alkyl halides analysis, alcohols, ethers, alcohol nomenclature, carbohydrates fermentation, Ethanol, alcohol preparation, alcohol reaction, alcohol oxidation, ethers preparation, Secondary Bonding, carbon-carbon double bond, Unsaturated hydrocarbon, ethylene structure, Propylene, Hybridization, orbital size, butylene, Geometric isomerism, alcohol dehydration, alkene reaction, hydrogen bromide addition, Hydrogenation, Electrophilic addition, Oxymercuration-demercuration, Hydroboration-oxidation, Alkene Free-radical polymerization, allylic Nucleophilic substitution, dienes, isoprene, isoprene rule, acetylene, Cyclic Aliphatic Compounds, cyclic compound stereoisomerism, cyclic ether, crown ethers, aromaticity, Benzene, aliphatic compounds, aromatic compounds, benzene structure, Kekule structure, Benzene ring, aromatic character, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, Naphthalene, Quantitative elemental analysis, Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution, Friedel-Crafts alkylation mechanism, naphthalene electrophilic substitution, Aromatic-Aliphatic Compounds, Arenes, Spectroscopy, mass spectrum, electromagnetic spectrum, nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum, coupling consonants, chemical shift, aldehydes, ketones, Cannizaro reaction, Grignard reagents addition, Tetrahydropyranyl ethers, Iodoform test, Carboxylic Acids, Grignard synthesis, Dicarboxylic acids, acid chlorides, acid anhydrides, amides, esters, Transesterification, Aldol condensation, Wittig reaction, Crossed Claisen condensation, halides, ammonolysis, amide Hofmann degradation, Heterocyclic amines
Clinical Chemistry Principles Techniques Correlations, Eight edition
Author: Michael Bishop, Edward Fody, Larry Schoeff
School: University of Ilorin
Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science
Topics: reagents, centrifugation, hazardous materials, Method Evaluation, Quality Control, Descriptive Statistics, Inferential Statistics, Alphabet Soup, Method Selection, Method Evaluation, Measurement of Imprecision, Interference Studies, COM Studies, Allowable Analytical Error, Multirules RULE, Proficiency Testing, REFERENCE INTERVAL STUDIES, Data Analysis, Diagnostic Efficiency, Lean Six Sigma Methodology Basics, Quality Improvement, Detecting Laboratory Errors, Beer Law, SPECTROPHOTOMETRY, Spectrophotometric Instruments, Spectrophotometer, Spectrophotometer Quality Assurance, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, Flame Photometry, Fluorometry, Basic Instrumentation, Chemiluminescence, Turbidity, Nephelometry, Half-Cells, ELECTROCHEMISTRY, Galvanic cells, Electrolytic Cells, Ion-Selective Electrodes, pH Electrodes, Gas-Sensing Electrodes, Enzyme Electrodes, Coulometric Chloridometers, Anodic Stripping Voltammetry, ELECTROPHORESIS, Electroendosmosis, Isoelectric Focusing, Capillary Electrophoresis, Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis, OSMOMETRY, Freezing Point Osmometer, SURFACE PLASMON RESONANCE, Chromatography, Mass Spectrometry, Chromatographic Procedures, High-Performance Liquid Chromatography, Gas Chromatography, Ionization, Mass Analyzer, Small Molecule Analysis, Clinical Chemistry Automation, Specimen Preparation, Specimen identification, Specimen measurement, Specimen delivery, Reagent Systems, Reagent Delivery, Chemical Reaction, Measurement, Signal Processing, Data Handling, Immunochemical Techniques, Immunoassays, Molecular Theory, Molecular Techniques, Nucleic Acid Chemistry, Nucleic Acid Extraction, Hybridization Techniques, DNA Sequencing, DNA Chip Technology, Point-of-Care Testing, POCT Complexity, POCT Implementation Protocol, Amino Acids, Proteins, plasma proteins, Nonprotein Nitrogen Compounds, urea, uric acid, creatine, ammonia, enzymes, Carbohydrates, hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, Lipids, Lipoproteins, LIPID CHEMISTRY, Electrolytes, water, anion gap, Blood Gases, pH, Buffer Systems, ACID–BASE BALANCE, ACID–BASE HOMEOSTASIS, trace elements, toxic elements
33 Years NEET-AIPMT Chapterwise - Topicwise Solutions Chemistry
Author: MTG Editorial Board
School: International Exams
Course Code: NEET, AIPMT
Topics: chemical combination laws, Dalton's atomic theory, atomic masses, molecular mass, empirical formula, molecular formula, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, atomic number, isotopes, isobars, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, quantum numbers, Pauli exclusion, Hund's rules, atom electronic configuration, ionic radii, ionization enthalpy, electron gain enthalpy, electronegativity, valence, valence electrons, chemical bonding, molecular structure, ionic bond, covalent bond, Lewis structure, valence bond theory, VSEPR theory, Boyle's law, Charles's law, Gay Lussac's law, Avogadro's law, thermodynamics, equilibrium, Redox reaction, hydrogen, Alkali earth metals, alkaline earth metals, organic chemistry, hydrocarbons, alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, aromatic hydrocarbons, Benzene, aromacity, environmental chemistry, solid state, solutions, electrochemistry, chemical kinetics, surface chemistry, coordination compounds, Haloalkanes, alcohols, phenols, ethers, Aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, amines, cyanides, Diazonium, salts, biomolecules, carbohydrates, proteins, hormones, vitamins, nucleic acids, DNA, RNA, polymers
JAMB series remix on chemistry
Author: Samuel Adedara Olaosebikan
Course Code: JAMB
Topics: chemistry, Matter, chemical formula, chemical equations, laws of chemical reaction, atomic structure, electronic configuration, periodicity, chemical bonding, gas laws, kinetic theory of matter, air, air composition, environmental pollution, water, solutions, solubility, acid, bases, salts, salt hydrolysis, stoichiometry, quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis, oxidation reaction, reduction reaction, electrolytes, electrolysis, electrochemical cells, rate of chemical reactions, chemical equilibrium, equilibrium constant, nuclear chemistry, radioactivity, nuclear reaction, hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, phosphorus, chlorine, nitrogen, Sulphur, silicon, metals, organic chemistry
Author: Bryan Earl, Doug Wilford
School: International Exams
Department: Science and Technology
Course Code: IGCSE
Topics: kinetic theory of matter, diffusion, compounds, experimental techniques, elements, separating mixtures, gels, sols, foams, emulsions, atomic structure, atomic bonding, Ionic bonding, covalent bonding, glasses, ceramics, metallic bonding, Stoichiometry, chemical calculations, relative atomic mass, reacting masses, calculating masses, moles, chemical equations, electricity, electrolysis, electroplating, chemical energetics, fossil fuels, chemical energy, cells, batteries, chemical reactions, enzymes, acid, base, alkalis, salt formation, crystal hydrates, salt solubility, titration, periodic table, Alkali metal, alkaline earth metals, halogens, noble gases, transition elements, metal, metal reactions, metal nitrate decomposition, metal carbonate decomposition, metal oxide decomposition, metal reactivity, metal waste, rusting of iron, air, water, ammonia, artificial fertilizer, water cycle, water hardness, sulfur, sulfur dioxide, sulfuric acid, inorganic carbon chemistry, limestone, carbonates, carbon dioxide, organic chemistry, alkanes, alkenes, Biotechnology, alcohols, Carboxylic acids, soaps, detergents, Condensation polymers, biopolymers, Pharmaceuticals, Experimental chemistry
Principles of Physical Chemistry
Author: Madan Pathania, BR Puri, LR Sharma
School: Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta
Department: Science and Technology
Course Code: CHM101
Topics: Physical Chemistry, atomic spectra, chemical bonding, molecular quantum mechanics, molecular spectroscopy, gaseous state, liquid state, liquid crystals, mesomorphic state, first law of thermodynamics, second law of thermodynamics, third law of thermodynamics, thermochemistry, chemical equilibria, phase equilibria, Nernst distribution law, Ionic equilibria, elctrolytic conductance, electrolytic transferance, classical statistical mechanics, chemical kinetics, photochemistry, catalysts, solid state, collodial state, surface chemistry, mass spectrometry, macromolecules, irreversible thermodynamics
Chemistry, 10th Edition Student Solutions Manual
Author: Raymond Chang, Kenneth Goldsby
School: University of Ibadan
Department: Science and Technology
Course Code: CHE127, CHE157, CHE177, CHE257, CHE327, CHE428
Topics: Atom, molecule, ion, chemical reaction, Gas, thermochemistry, quantum theory, chemical bonding, intermolecular forces, chemical kinetics, chemical equilibrium, acid, base, Acid-base equilibria, solubility equilibria, entropy, free energy, equilibrium, electrochemistry, Nuclear chemistry, Metallurgy, Transition metal, organic chemistry, polymer
Author: Raymond Chang, Kenneth Goldsby
School: University of Ibadan
Department: Science and Technology
Course Code: CHE127, CHE157, CHE177, CHE257, CHE327, CHE428
Topics: Atom, molecule, ion, chemical reaction, Gas, thermochemistry, quantum theory, chemical bonding, intermolecular forces, chemical kinetics, chemical equilibrium, acid, base, Acid-base equilibria, solubility equilibria, entropy, free energy, equilibrium, electrochemistry, Nuclear chemistry, Metallurgy, Transition metal, organic chemistry, polymer
Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, Ninth Edition
Author: Douglas Skoog, Donald West, James Holler, Stanley Crouch
School: University of Ilorin
Department: Science and Technology
Course Code: CHM213
Topics: Chemicals, Apparatus, Unit Operations of Analytical Chemistry, Using Spreadsheets in Analytical Chemistry, Random error, Statistical Data Treatment, Statistical Data Evaluation, Sampling, Standardization, Calibration, Aqueous Solutions, Chemical Equilibria, Effect of Electrolytes on Chemical Equilibria, Complex Acid Systems, Complex Base Systems, Gravimetric Methods of Analysis, Neutralization Titration, Complexation Reaction, Precipitation Reaction, Electrochemistry, Standard Electrode Potential, Spectrochemical Method, Oxidation Titration, Reduction Titration, Potentiometry, Optical Spectrometry, Molecular Absorption Spectrometry, Bulk Electrolysis, Electrogravimetry, Coulometry, Molecular Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Voltammetry, Atomic Spectroscopy, Mass Spectrometry, Kinetic Methods of Analysis, Analytical Separations, Gas Chromatography, High-Performance Liquid Chromatography, Spectrometry
Student's solution manual Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, Ninth Edition
Author: Douglas Skoog, Donald West, James Holler, Stanley Crouch
School: University of Ilorin
Department: Science and Technology
Course Code: CHM213
Topics: Chemicals, Apparatus, Unit Operations of Analytical Chemistry, Using Spreadsheets in Analytical Chemistry, Random error, Statistical Data Treatment, Statistical Data Evaluation, Sampling, Standardization, Calibration, Aqueous Solutions, Chemical Equilibria, Effect of Electrolytes on Chemical Equilibria, Complex Acid Systems, Complex Base Systems, Gravimetric Methods of Analysis, Neutralization Titration, Complexation Reaction, Precipitation Reaction, Electrochemistry, Standard Electrode Potential, Spectrochemical Method, Oxidation Titration, Reduction Titration, Potentiometry, Optical Spectrometry, Molecular Absorption Spectrometry, Bulk Electrolysis, Electrogravimetry, Coulometry, Molecular Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Voltammetry, Atomic Spectroscopy, Mass Spectrometry, Kinetic Methods of Analysis, Analytical Separations, Gas Chromatography, High-Performance Liquid Chromatography, Spectrometry
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