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Rhotacized Vowels Books

Intermediate Arabic Conversion

Author: Salman Yunus

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: ARA211

Topics: Intermediate Arabic Conversion, Arabic Alphabets, greeting, family membership, postal services, medical services, school, school mate, transportation, communication, religion, good morals, business transactions, manual, military services, sports, Arabic letters identification, Arabic letters pronunciation, Arabic vowels, Hamzah

Mastering Arabic 1

Author: Jane Wightwick, Mahmoud Gaafar

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: ARA284

Topics: Mastering Arabic, Arabic vowels, family, jobs, family occupations, Arabic emphatic letters, Arabic sun letters, describing, Hamza, middle east, cArabic numbers, counting things in Arabic, Arabic plurals, Arabic colors, eating drinking, education, business

Greek Grammar

Author: Olubiyi Adeniyi Adewale

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: CTH215

Topics: Greek Grammar, Greek alphabets, Greek syllables, Greek accents, Greek verbs, Greek prepositions, Greek Present Passive Indicative, Present Middle Indicative, Personal Pronouns, Demonstrative Pronouns, Deponent Verbs, Present Infinitives, Imperfect Active Indicative, Imperfect Middle Indicative, Passive Indicative, Third Declension, Iota-Subscript, Gamma, Diphthongs, vowels, Punctuation Marks, Verb Parsing, inflection, Noun, article, second declension

The Phonology of English

Author: Demola Jolayemi

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: ENG341

Topics: English phonology, phonetics, phonology, English vowels, English Monophthongs, English Diphthongs, English triphthongs, English consonants, plosives, affricates, fricatives, English Sound Change, English phonemes, generative phonology, Distinctive features Matrix, syllable structure, syllable strength, English phonotactics, English stress, English intonation, Articulatory Phonetics, Acoustic Phonetics, Auditory Phonetics, Segmental Phonemes, Pure Vowel Numbers, Closing Diphthongs, Centering Diphthongs, Bilabial Plosive, Alveolar Plosive, velar plosive, Glottal Plosive, Affricate Sounds, Palato-alveolar Affricate, Labio-dental Fricative, Dental Fricative, Alveolar Fricatives, Palato-alveolar Fricatives, Glottal Fricative, Nasal Sounds, English Minimal Pairs, English Allophones, Phonetic Representation, Phonological Rules, Sonorant

Advanced studies in French phonetics

Author: Mbanefo Eugenia

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: FRE331

Topics: French phonetics, empiricism, objectivity, theoretical constructs, Articulatory phonetics, Kinaesthetic phonetics, Descriptive phonetics, Acoustic phonetics, Auditory phonetics, Combinatory phonetics, Functional phonetics, Phonematics, Prosody, Diachronic phonetics, Applied phonetics, vocal cords, vowels, consonant, Psychoacoustical data, peripheral auditory system, Central auditory system


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Administration, Social and Management science

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Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

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Arts and Humanities

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General studies

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Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

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Science and Technology