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Business ethics concepts and cases ,7th edition

Author: Manuel Velasquez

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: ENT224

Topics: Business ethics, Ethical Principles in Business, Business System, Government, Markets, International Trade, Marketplace ethics, Consumer Protection, Marketing, Job Discrimination ethics

Business Ethics

Author: Alex Olusemore Adegbola

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: ENT224

Topics: Moral Development, Reasoning, Business Ethics, Ethics, Justice, Business, Business System, Environmentalism, Ethics of Job Discrimination, Corporations, Corporate Governance, Board of Directors, Investment Banks, Securities Analysis, Creditors, Credit Procedures, Activities of Shareholders, Corporate Takeovers, Merger, Acquisitions, Corporate Social Responsibilities

Business Forecasting

Author: LAWAL Kamaldeen

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: ENT330

Topics: Business Forecasting, business forecasts, Forecasting-External Factors, Forecasting Demand for New Products, Forecasting Demand, Good Forecasting Method, business forecasting limitations, forecasting system, Market Demand Forecasting, Assumptions of Forecasting, Quantitative Forecasting Methods, Qualitative Forecasting Approaches, Methods of Forecasting, Time Series Forecasting Method, Moving Average Method, Simple Moving Average Method, Exponential Smoothing, Weighted Moving Average, trend lines, Least-squares method, Monitoring Forecast, Controlling Forecast, Profit Forecasting, Material Forecasting


Author: Toyosi Daniel, Bilkisu Katagum

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: ENT401

Topics: E-Business, Mobile Telecommunication, internet, website design, internet advertisement, online shopping, E-payments, E-Marketing, E-Market Opportunity Analysis, E-Marketing Plan, Online Strategy Formulation Plan, Market Communication, Branding, Financial Appraisal, Implementation, Control of E-Marketing Plan, E-Business Security, Business Security Challenges, Network Security, network Management, Copyright Law, Electronic Access to Information, Internet Firewall, Fraud Prevention

Business Policy & Strategy 2

Author: ISHOLA Timothy Oladele

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: FMS428, BUS428

Topics: Business Policy, Business Strategy, trategic Management, Environmental Analysis, company assessment, company strategy, strategy implementation, Strategy Evaluation, Strategy Control, Marketing Policy, production Policy, procurement Policy, financial Policy, business ethics

International Business Environments and Operations ,16th edition

Author: John Daniels, Lee Radebaugh, Daniel Sullivan

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: INR372

Topics: International Business Environments, International Business Operations, Globalization, National environmental differences, culture, governmental system, legal system, economic systems, market methods, trade, factor mobility theory, trade protectionism, economic integration, cooperation, Global monetary environment, foreign exchange, global debt, equity market, ethics, social responsibility, corporate policy, corporate strategy, internatioal business, International trading mode, foreign production, foreign operations, functional management, global marketinf, global production, supply chains, global accounting, financial management, human resources

The Business Environment ,8th edition

Author: Ian Worthington, Chris Britton, Ed Thompson

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: MBA817

Topics: Business Environment, Business organisations, external environment, internal environment, global business, political environment, macroeconomic environment, legal environment, Legal structures, structure of firms, Industrial structure, firms, markets, market system, Market structure, International markets, international trade, Strategy, changing environment

International Business Environments and Operations ,16th edition

Author: John Daniels, Lee Radebaugh, Daniel Sullivan

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: MBF845

Topics: International Business Environment, International Business Operation, International Business, Globalization, National environmental differences, culture, governmental systems, legal systems, economic systems, market methods, trade, factor mobility theory, trade protectionism, economic integration, cooperation, global monetary environment, foreign exchange, exchange debt, equity markets, cooperate policy, cooperate strategy, trading internationally, foreign operations, functional management, functional operations, global marketing, global production, supply chains, global accounting, financial management, human resources

Contemporary Canadian Business Law, 12th edition

Author: John Willes, John Willes

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Law

Course Code: JIL447

Topics: Business Law, legal environment, legal system, judicial system, dispute resolution, business regulations, law of torts, Intentional Torts, Negligence, Unintentional Torts, contract law, breach of contract, Law of Sole Proprietorship, Law of Partnership, law of agency, corporation law, securities regulation, employment, labor relations, law of property, law of bailment, sale of goods, law of mortgages, leasehold interests, intellectual property, patents, trademarks, copyright, franchising, consumer protection legislation, debt security, Bankruptcy, Insolvency, insurance law, Restrictive Trade Practices, International Business Law, Environmental Law, Privacy Law

Method Course 1

Author: Gee roophai

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Education

Course Code: EDU213

Topics: Educational mythology, teaching approaching, teaching methods, teaching techniques, Teacher-centered approach, Students-centered approach, Mid-way approach, methods of teaching, lecturing method, Discussion method, field trip method, project method, Demonstration method, √Laboratory method, Questioning method, Discovery method, Collaborating method, inquiry-based method, aim, objectives, goals, evalauation, self assesment, learner assesment, discipline


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