GRE Books
Sales Force Management ,12th Edition
Author: Mark Johnston, Greg Marshall
School: National Open University of Nigeria
Department: Administration, Social and Management science
Course Code: MKT306
Topics: Sales Force Management, selling, buying, sales effort, sales Management, Salesperson Performance, sales program, Salesperson, Sales Force Recruitment, Sales Force Selection, Sales Training, Salesperson Compensation, Salesperson Incentives, Cost Analysis, Salesperson Performance
Introduction to information theory and data compression ,2nd edition
Author: Darrel Hankerson, Greg Harris, Peter Johnson
School: National Open University of Nigeria
Department: Science and Technology
Course Code: CIT891
Topics: information theory, data compression, Elementary Probability, Discrete memoryless channels, channels, channel capacity, coding theory, Lossless Data Compression, data compression, Arithmetic Coding, higher-order modeling, Higher-order arithmetic coding, Gallager’s method, Knuth’s algorithm, Dictionary Methods, Transform Methods, Image Compression
Management of a Sales Force ,12th edition
Author: Rosann Spiro, William Stanton, Gregory Rich
School: National Open University of Nigeria
Department: Administration, Social and Management science
Course Code: MKT306
Topics: Sales Force management, Strategic Sales Force Management, Personal Selling Process, Sales Force Organization, Recruiting Salespeople, Sales Training Program, Sales Force Operations, Sales Force Compensation, Sales Force Quotas, Sales Force Quotas Expenses, Forecasting Sales, Developing Budgets, Sales Territories, sales planning, Sales Volume, Sales Volume analysis, Marketing Cost, Profitability Analysis, Salesperson’s Performance, Sales Managers
Author: P McDonald, RA Edwards, JFD Greenhalgh, CA Morgan, LA Sinclair
School: National Open University of Nigeria
Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
Course Code: ANP202
Topics: Animal Nutrition, water, carbohydrates, monosaccharide, oligosaccharide, lipids, fats, glycolipids, phospholipids, steroids, terpenes, protein, nucleic acid, amino acid, peptide, vitamins, fat-soluble vitamins, Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, hypervitaminosis, minerals, acid-base balance, enzymes, digestion, metabolism, protein synthesis, carbohydrate synthesis, digestibility, food energy value, food evaluation, crude protein, lactation, food intake, grass, forage crops, legumes, silage, hay, artificially dried forages, straws, chaff, roots, tubers, cereal grains, cereal by-products, protein concentrates, food additives, animal products
Handbook of dairy foods and nutrition, 3rd edition
Author: Gregory Miller, Judith Jarvis, Lois McBean
School: National Open University of Nigeria
Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
Course Code: ANP303
Topics: dairy foods, nutrition, energy, protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins, Pasteurized Milk Ordinance, milk treatments, milk products, flavored milk, cheese, Whey products, dairy foods, dairy nutrients, coronary heart disease, dietary fatty acids, dietary cholesterol, hypertension, cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer, Conjugated Linoleic Acid, Sphingolipids, Butyric Acid, milk proteins, bone health, Fluoridation, Lactose Digestion, lactase expression decline, Lactose Maldigestion, milk intolerance, Cow’s Milk Allergy
Author: Lisa Green
School: National Open University of Nigeria
Department: Arts and Humanities
Course Code: ENG313
Topics: African American English, lexicons, lexicon structures, slang, Aspectual markers, verbal markers, Preverbal markers, phonology, Final consonant sounds, Devoicing, sound patterns, phonological patterns, speech events, verbal strategies, nonverbal communication expressions
Essentials of Health Information Management Principles and Practices,Second Edition
Author: Michelle Green, Mary Bowie
School: Kazaure School of Health Technology, Kazaure Jigawa State
Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science
Course Code: HIM111
Topics: health care delivery systems, health care delivery, Health Care Facility Ownership, Health Care Facility Organizational Structure, Cancer Registry, Health Information Management Professionals, Health Care Settings, Acute Care Facilities, Ambulatory care, Outpatient Care, Behavioral Health Care Facilities, Home Care, Hospice, Long-Term Care, Managed Care, Patient Record, Hospital Outpatient Record, Physician Office Record, Numbering Systems, Filing Systems, Filing Equipment, File Folders, Indexes, Registers, Health Data Collection, Case Abstracting
Philosophies and Great Personalities of Peace
Author: MLA Salawu
School: National Open University of Nigeria
Department: Administration, Social and Management science
Course Code: PCR311
Topics: Philosophies of Peace, Great Personalities of Peace, African Philosophy, western philosophy, Eastern Philosophy, Confucius, Non-Violent Resistance Philosophy, Political philosophy, peace facilitation, Epistemology, philosophy, Apriori Knowledge, Aposteriori Knowledge, ethics, Normative Science, Synthetic Apriori Knowledge, logic, Self-Segregation, Aggressive Response, Acculturation, Negotiation
A Brief History of Ancient Greece Politics, Society, and Culture
Author: Sarah Pomeroy, Stanley Burstein, Walter Donlan, Jennifer Tolbert Roberts
School: National Open University of Nigeria
Department: Administration, Social and Management science
Course Code: INR222
Topics: early Greece, bronze age, Greece dark age, Homeric society, Archaic Greece, hoplite army, archaic age tyrants, panhellenic institutions, sparta, spartan economy, spartan economy, peloponnesian league, spartan mirage, persian, persian war, greek economy, peloponnesian war, Alexander the great
Greek Tragedy (Routledge Classics) ,4th edition
Author: HDF Kitto
School: University of Ibadan
Department: Arts and Humanities
Course Code: ENG112
Topics: Greek Tragedy, lyrical tragedy, old tragedy, Oresteia, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripidean tragedy
Administration, Social and Management science
Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
Arts and Humanities
General studies
Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science
Science and Technology