General Shear Formula Books
Waves , optics and Modern Physics
Author: TA Otunla
School: University of Ibadan
Department: Science and Technology
Course Code: PHY105
Topics: Waves, optics, Modern Physics, Wave-forms, Stationary Waves, Wave Speed, Transfer of Wave Energy, Wave Energy, Periodic Sound Wave, resonance, sound wave, musical note, Doppler Effect, Refraction, Law of Refraction, Apparent Depth, Total Internal Reflection, mirror, lens, Optical Formula, thin lens, Optical Instrument, Lens Aberration, Dispersive Power, atomic models, Atomic Structure, electron, atomic model, Discovery of Electron, hydorgen spectrum, Bohr's model of atom, Bohr's quantum condition, Electron Cloud Model, Wave-Particle Duality of Light, Wave-Particle Duality, X-Ray Production, Nuclear stability, Radioactivity, Ionizing Radiation, Radioactive Decay equation, half-life, Mean Life Time
Operations Research ,10th edition
Author: Hamdy Taha
School: University of Ibadan
Department: Science and Technology
Course Code: STA343
Topics: Operations Research, Operations Research models, linear programming, two-variable linear programming model, modelling, simplex method, sensitivity analysis, artificial starting solution, duality, post-optimal analysis, primal-dual relationships, simplex algorithms, transportation model, assignment mode, network mode, shortest-route problem, Minimal spanning tree algorithm, maximal flow model, critical path model, revised simplex method, revised algorithm, bounded-variables algorithm, parametric linear programming, goal programming, goal programming formulation, goal programming algorithm, integer linear programming, Heuristic programming, greedy heuristic, local search heuristic, metaheuristic, constriant programming, traveling salesperson problem, deterministic dynamic programming, dynamic programming, inventory modelling, probability, probability distribution, decision analysis, games, game theory, probabilistic inventory models, Markov chains, queuing systems, simulation modeling, classical optimization theory, Nonlinear programming algorithms
Research Methods for Social Work ,9th edition
Author: Allen Rubin, Earl Babbie
School: University of Ibadan
Department: Administration, Social and Management science
Course Code: SOW203
Topics: social work, Social Work Research, problem formulation, measurement, Quantitative Inquiry, Qualitative Inquiry, Causal Inference, Experimental Designs, Quasi-Experimental Designs, Single-Case Evaluation Designs, program evaluation, Data Collection Methods, sampling, survey research, Qualitative Research Methods, Qualitative Research, Descriptive Data Analysis, Inferential Data Analysis, Research Proposals, research Reports
Author: MAT UI
School: University of Ibadan
Department: Science and Technology
Course Code: MAT101
Topics: Logarithms, logarithm properties, change of base formula, Equations involving Logarithms
Author: PHY
School: University of Ilorin
Department: Science and Technology
Course Code: PHY125
Topics: Optical Instrument, lens formula, Cartesian Convention, Microscope, Telescope
Author: BCH212
School: University of Ilorin
Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science
Course Code: BCH212
Topics: Carbohydrates, MonosaccharideStereochemistry of carbohydrates, Configuration of carbohydrates, Fischer Projection Formula, D-Monosaccharides, L-Monosaccharides, Amino Sugar, ketose, glucose, Diastereomer, Enantiomer, Mutarotation, Polysaccharide, Disaccharide, Oligosaccharide
Author: Robert thornton morrison, Robert Neilson Boyd
School: University of Ibadan
Department: Science and Technology
Course Code: CHE276
Topics: Organic Chemistry, chemical bond, quantum mechanics, atomic orbitals, electronic configuration, Pauli exclusion principle, molecular orbitals, covalent bond, hybrid orbitals, intramolecular forces, bond dissociation energy, homolysis, heterolysis, bonds polarity, melting point, intermolecular force, boiling point, solubility, acids, bases, isomerism, activation energy, hydrocarbons, methane structure, oxidation, heat of combustion, chlorination control, relative reactivity, reaction mechanisms, chlorination, free radicals, chain reactions inhibitors, transition state, molecular formula, chlorofluorocarbons, qualitative elemental analysis, quantitative elemental analysis, Alkene, free-radical substitution, ethane structure, Higher alkanes, alkyl groups, industrial source, Grignard reagent, halogenation, free radical stability, combustion, greenhouse effect, pyrolysis, cracking, alkane analysis, stereochemistry, stereoisomers, isomer number, tetrahedral carbon, optical activity, plane-polarized light, polarimeter, specific rotation, enantiomerism, chirality, chiral center, enantiomers, racemic modification, Diastereomers, meso structures, conformational isomers, optical purity, Alkyl halides, Nucleophilic aliphatic substitution, homolytic chemistry, heterolytic chemistry, Carbocations, Carbocations structure, alkyl halides analysis, alcohols, ethers, alcohol nomenclature, carbohydrates fermentation, Ethanol, alcohol preparation, alcohol reaction, alcohol oxidation, ethers preparation, Secondary Bonding, carbon-carbon double bond, Unsaturated hydrocarbon, ethylene structure, Propylene, Hybridization, orbital size, butylene, Geometric isomerism, alcohol dehydration, alkene reaction, hydrogen bromide addition, Hydrogenation, Electrophilic addition, Oxymercuration-demercuration, Hydroboration-oxidation, Alkene Free-radical polymerization, allylic Nucleophilic substitution, dienes, isoprene, isoprene rule, acetylene, Cyclic Aliphatic Compounds, cyclic compound stereoisomerism, cyclic ether, crown ethers, aromaticity, Benzene, aliphatic compounds, aromatic compounds, benzene structure, Kekule structure, Benzene ring, aromatic character, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, Naphthalene, Quantitative elemental analysis, Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution, Friedel-Crafts alkylation mechanism, naphthalene electrophilic substitution, Aromatic-Aliphatic Compounds, Arenes, Spectroscopy, mass spectrum, electromagnetic spectrum, nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum, coupling consonants, chemical shift, aldehydes, ketones, Cannizaro reaction, Grignard reagents addition, Tetrahydropyranyl ethers, Iodoform test, Carboxylic Acids, Grignard synthesis, Dicarboxylic acids, acid chlorides, acid anhydrides, amides, esters, Transesterification, Aldol condensation, Wittig reaction, Crossed Claisen condensation, halides, ammonolysis, amide Hofmann degradation, Heterocyclic amines
Elementary mathematics 3 lecture note
Author: Sampor
School: University of Ilorin
Department: Science and Technology
Course Code: MAT112
Topics: graph, limit, continuity, maxima, minima, differentiation, extreme curve sketching, definite integrals, reduction formula, Simpson's rule
Systematics and Morphology of Seed Plants lecture note
Author: PLB202
School: University of Ilorin
Department: Science and Technology
Course Code: PLB202
Topics: Systematic botany, systematic taxonomy, taxonomy analysis, taxonomy synthesis, nomenclature, classification, spermatophytes, gymnosperm, heterosporus, seed, flower, aestuation, stamen, gossypium, floral formula
Author: Haas Jimoh Akanbi
School: University of Ilorin
Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science
Course Code: PHARMACOLOGY300
Topics: Oral administration, Oral drug formulations, Enteric coating, Rectal administration, Intravenous administration, Subcutaneous administration, Intramuscular administration, INJECTION TECHNIQUES, DRUG ELUTING STENTS, DRUG TRAGETING, DRUG NANOTECHNOLOGY
Administration, Social and Management science
Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
Arts and Humanities
General studies
Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science
Science and Technology