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A Brief History of Egypt

Author: Arthur Goldschmidt

School: Edo University

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: HIS113

Topics: Egypt, Ancient Egypt, Persian rule, Greek rule, Roman rule, Arab rule, early westernizing reform, British occupation, Nationalist resistance, Ambiguous independence, Military rule, Arab nationalism, Arab socialism, Anwar Sadat, contemporary Egypt

Genetics (lecture 7)

Author: Titilayo

School: Lagos State University

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: BIO205

Topics: Genetic, hereditary, Gregor Mendel, Genetic terminology, Monohybrid crosses, patterns of inheritance, dihybrid crosses, test, cross, Mendelian Genetics, punnett square, Principle of Independent Assortment, incomplete dominance

Computer Algorithms

Author: Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, Sanguthevar Rajasekaran

School: Edo University

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CMP315

Topics: Computer Algorithms, pseudocode conventions, recursive algorithms, performance analysis, randomized algorithms, primality testing, elementary data structures, binary search trees, cost amortization, prority queues, sets, graphs, graph representation, merge sort, quick sort, Strassen's matrix multiplication, convex hull, greedy method, knapsack problem, tree vertex splitting, prim's algorithm, dynamic programming, reliability design, backtracking, graph coloring, least cost search, algebraic problems, fast Fourier transform, lower bound theory, comparison trees, ordered searching, Cook's theorem, approximation algorithms, absolute algorithms, polynomial time approximation schemes, mesh algorithms, packet routing, hyper algorithms, PPR routing

Advanced engineering mathematics

Author: Ken Stroud, Dexter Booth

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ENG307, ENG308

Topics: Advanced engineering mathematics, numerical solution, Newton-Raphson iterative method, numerical methods, linear interpolation, graphical interpolation, Lagrange interpolation, Laplace transform, convolution theorem, periodic functions, Z transform, difference equations, Invariant linear systems, Differential equations, Fourier series, harmonics, Dirichlet conditions, Gibbs’ phenomenon, Complex Fourier series, complex spectra, Fourier’s integral theorem, Leibnitz-Maclaurin method, power series, Cauchy-Euler equi-dimensional equations, Leibnitz theorem, Bessel’s equation, Gamma functions, Bessel functions, Legendre’s equation, Legendre polynomials, Rodrigue’s formula, Sturm-Liouville systems, Orthogonality, Taylor’s series, First-order differential equations, Euler's method, Runge-Kutta method, Matrix algebra, Matrix transformation, Eigenvalues, direction fields, phase plane analysis, nonlinear systems, dynamical systems, Bifurcation, partial differentiation, Elliptic equations, Hyperbolic equations, Parabolic equations, multiple integration, Green’s theorem, integral functions, error function, elliptic functions, vector analysis, Curvilinear coordinates, complex analysis, complex mapping, Maclaurin series, optimization, linear programming, Linear inequalities

Fundamentals of Petroleum and Petrochemical Engineering

Author: uttam ray Chaudhuri

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PET202

Topics: Crude Petroleum Oil, Seismic Survey, Gravimetric Method, Magnetometric Method, Petroleum Products and Test Methods, Crude Oil Analysis, Domestic Fuels, Automotive Fuels, High Speed Diesel, Aviation Fuels, Furnace Fuels, Lubricating Oils, De-Ethaniser, Meroxing and Caustic Wash, Naphtha Redistillation, Naphtha Pretreatment, Naphtha Platinum Reforming (Platforming), Hydrofi nishing, Bearing Lubricant, Lubricating Oil and Grease, Petrochemicals, 6 Offsite Facilities, Material and Energy Balances, Heat Exchangers

The Aeneid

Author: Virgil, Robert Fagles, Bernard Knox

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: CLC102

Topics: roman literature, Troy, Queen of Carthage, Anchises, camilla, Greece

The Iliad (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)

Author: Homer, Robert fagles, Bernard Knox

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: CLC101

Topics: Achilles, Diornedes, hector, troy, ajax, Agamemnon, trojan, hera, zeus, Achaean army, Patroclus, Menelaus, Olympian Gods, Priam, Greek literature

The Iliad - A New Translation

Author: Caroline Alexander, Homer

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: CLC101

Topics: Greek literature, Roman gods, Atreus, Aeacus, Prim

Introduction to the design and analysis of algorithms ,3rd edition solutions manual

Author: Thomas Cormen, Charles Leiserson, Ronald Rivest, Clifford Stein

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CSC242

Topics: algorithm design, algorithm analysis, Algorithm Efficiency, Algorithm Efficiency analysis, Brute Force, Exhaustive Search, Decrease-and-Conquer, Divide-and-Conquer, Transform-and-Conquer, Space and Time Trade-Offs, Dynamic Programming, Greedy Technique, Iterative Improvement, Algorithm Power

Introduction to French

Author: GES108

School: University of Ibadan

Department: General studies

Course Code: GES108

Topics: French, French Alphabet, French vowel, French consonant, Greetings in French, Definite article, Indefinite Article, french verb, adjective, pronoun, Le Passé Composé, past tense, L’Imparfait


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Administration, Social and Management science

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Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

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Arts and Humanities

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General studies

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Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

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Science and Technology