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Cyclic Service Influence Books

Introduction to Social Psychology

Author: Gloria Karuri

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: ENT251, PAD251

Topics: Social Psychology, Impression Formation, Social Influence, Impression Management, attribution Process, Theories of Attribution, conformity, compliance, obedience, attitudes, persuasion, prejudice, stereotypes, persuasion, Aggression, Interpersonal Attraction, Theories of Aggression, Reducing Aggression, Pro-social Behavior, Interpersonal Attraction

Psychology The Science of Mind and Behaviour ,8th edition

Author: Richard Gross

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: ENT251

Topics: nervous system, Psychology, sensory processes, parapsychology, States of consciousness, bodily rhythms, addictive behavior, motivation, emotion, learning, conditioning, health psychology, attention, cognitive psychology, Pattern recognition, perception, perceptual abilities, memory, forgetting, language thought, Language acquisition, Problem-solving, decision-making, artificial intelligence, cognition, social psychology, attribution, attitudes, attitude change, prejudice, discrimination, conformity, group influence, obedience, interpersonal relationships, aggression, antisocial behavior, Altruism, prosocial behaviour, developmental psychology, early experience, social development, self concept, cognitive development, moral development, gender development, adolescence, adulthood, old age, exceptional development, individual differences, intelligence, personality, psychological abnormality, psychopathology, treatments, therapies, criminological psychology, free will, determinism, reductionism, nature, nurture

Consumer Behaviour

Author: Lawal Bello

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: MKT824

Topics: Market Segmentation, Consumer Behaviour, Motivation, Involvement, consumer, personality, self-concept, perception, learning, memory, Attitude formation, attitude change, family, household, social group, consumer social class, cultural influence, Decision Making, Consumer Information Processing, Consumer Decision Making, Organizational Buyer Behaviour

Introduction to Political Science

Author: Derin Ologbenla

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: PAD204

Topics: Political Science, Politics, Sovereignty, Power, Authority, Legitimacy, Influence, Political Ideas, political Movements, Constitutionalism, Military Coups, International Relations, International Organisations

Treitel The Law of Contract, 14th edition

Author: Edwin Peel

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Law

Course Code: LAW233, LAW234

Topics: Law of Contract, agreement, conditional agreements, parole evidence rule, mistake, unilateral mistake, misrepresentation, Rescission, duress, undue influence, unconscionable bargains, consumer protection, illegality, restitution, mental incapacity, plurality of parties, plurality of debtors, plurality of creditors, common law doctrine, agency, breach, anticipatory breach, frustration, damages

Business Law, 8th edition

Author: Ewan Macintyre

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Law

Course Code: LAW441, JIL441

Topics: Business Law, legal system, civil courts, criminal courts, legal personnel, legal profession, judiciary, juries, law reform, law reporting, misrepresentation, duress, undue influence, illegal contracts, void contracts, breach of contract, sales of goods, agency, law of torts, negligence, negligent misstatement, private nuisance, public nuisance, strict liability, defamation, vicarious liability, economic torts, credit transactions, partnership, auditor, company registers, annual return, shareholders, resolutions, minority protection, debentures, loan capital, Limited liability partnerships, employment, Public sector equality duty, business property, copyright, patents, trade marks

Leadership and Rural Development

Author: Ademola Ladele

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: AEM511

Topics: Leadership, Rural Development, leader characteristics, leaders selection, group dynamics, group leadership, social power, cultural influence, power structure theories, social power forms, power structure determination, power structure assessment

Human Genetics, 12th edition

Author: Ricki Lewis

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: ANP312

Topics: Human Genetics, genomics, genomes, cells, cell components, cell division, cell death, stem cells, human microbiome, transmission genetics, meiosis, development, aging, reproductive system, gametes, prenatal development, birth defects, maturation, pedigree analysis, Mendel's law, mitochondrial genes, Sex-influenced traits, DNA structure, DNA replication, Sequencing DNA, multifactorial traits, genes, behavior, sleep, intelligence, intellectual disability, drug addiction, mood disorders, Schizophrenia, autism, Gene action, protein translation, gene expression, epigenetics, gene mutation, allelic diseases, population genetics, Constant Allele Frequencies, Nonrandom Mating, genetic drift, mutation, natural selection, eugenics, human ancestry, human origins, immunity genetics, human immune system, altering immunity, abnormal immunity, patenting DNA, modifying DNA, monitoring gene function, gene silencing, genome edition, genetic technology, genetic testing, genetic treatment, genetic counselling, Treating Genetic Disease, cancer genetics, reproductive technologies, infertility, subfertility, assisted reproductive technologies, extra embryos, personal genome sequencing

The English Novel

Author: Afamefuna Ezeaku

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: ENG381

Topics: English Novel, Rise of the English Novel, English Novel origin, Major English Novelists realism, First English Novels, 8th Century English Novels, Background and Influences, 20th Century Novels, prose, fiction, narrative, gothic, allegory, fables, romance, literacy, serial novel, Circulating Library, printing press, Literary Journals, Literary Criticism, Daniel Defoe, Frances Burney, Henry Fielding, Tobias George Smollett

Religion and Society

Author: AR Williams, Olubiyi Adewale

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: CTH151, CRS151

Topics: Nature of society, social institutions, modern society, good society, Measuring Society, Religion, social cohesion, social control, social support, social change, psychotherapy, integrative function, Marxist Critique, Weberian Thesis, Liberation Theology, Religious Behaviour, Belief, ritual, experience, Ecclesiae, Denominations, sects cults, culture, secularization, power, authority, Political Participation, Sexuality, Religious Discourse, family pattern, religious prescription, religious sanctions, marriage family, courtship, mate selection, parenthood, grand parenthood, adoption, divorce, Religious influence, individual health, family health


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Administration, Social and Management science

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Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

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Arts and Humanities

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General studies

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Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

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Science and Technology