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Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Books

Diseases of the orbit

Author: TS Oluleye

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science


Topics: proptosis, thyroid eye disease, orbital infection, orbital inflammation pseudotumor, orbital tumor capillary hemangioma, lacrymal gland tumor, rhabdomysacroma, dermoid cycst, metastatic orbital tumors, orbital blowout fracture, congenital orbital malformations, crouzons syndrome, epiphora, blocked nasolacrimal duct, dacryocystitis, amniocele

Pupillary Abnormalities And Significance

Author: FG Adepoju

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science


Topics: Pupillary Reaction, sympathetic pathway, Pupillary Abnormaliteis, Abnormal Pupillary Reactions, Argyll Robertson Pupils, Adie Pupil, Tonic Pupil, Oculomotor nerve palsy, Horner syndrome, Oculosympathetic Palsy


Author: HK Omokanye

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science


Topics: hearing loss, Conductive Hearing loss, Treacher Collins syndrome, mandibulo-facial dysostosis, Ossicular anomalies, PSYCHOLOGICAL HEARING LOSS, noise induced hearing loss, ototoxicity, Senile deafness, presbyacusis, IDIOPATHIC SUDDEN SENSORINEURAL HEARING LOSS, sudden hearing loss, CHILDHOOD DEAFNESS, DEAF MUTISM, Neural plasticity, hearing acuity, deaf-mute, hearing aid, COCHLEAR IMPLANT, AUDITORY BRAIN STEM IMPLANT

Nose and Sinuses Syllabus and Notes

Author: Otorhinolaryngology

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science


Topics: nose infection, sinus infection, CHRONIC SINUSITIS, ACUTE SINUSITIS, CAVERNOUS SINUS THROMBOSIS, TOXIC SHOCK SYNDROME, SEPTAL HEMATOMA, BRAIN ABCESS, MENINGITIS, ORBITAL ABCESS, FUNGAL SINUSITIS, nasal cancer, PARANASAL SINUSES, NOSE SINUSES, ORAL PHARYNX, ORAL CAVITY, CRANIAL NERVES, Hearing Loss, Audiogram, TYMPANOGRAM, Conductive Hearing Loss, Cholesteatoma, Otosclerosis, Sensorineural Hearing Loss, Hereditary Hearing Loss, Noise induced hearing loss, Meneire’s Disease, Presbycusis, AIRWAY PROBLEMS, airway obstruction, Sleepiness Scales, Pulse oxymetry, Polysomnographysnoring, head cancer, neck cancer, dizziness, vertigo, Lymphatic malformations, Cystic hygroma, neck masses, Hemangiomas, TERATOMAS, Thymic cyst, Thyroglossal duct cyst, Granulomatous, Bacterial abscess, Mononucleosis, PEDIATRIC OPHTHALMOLOGY, STRABISMUS, Movement disorder

Musculoskeletal radiology ( Gains of ESOR training )

Author: JO Bamidele

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: RADIOLOGY600

Topics: European School of Radiology, Musculoskeletal imaging, Three-Dimensional Imaging, Elastographic Imaging, Ultrasound Contrast Media, Intrasubstance tear, Pleomorphic sarcoma, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Peripheral Nerve, Achilles Tendinopathy


Author: Radiology

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: RADIOLOGY600

Topics: LATERAL SKULL RADIOGRAPH, skull xray, PITITUARY FOSSA, NORMAL INTRACRANIAL CALCIFICATION, CRANIOSTENOSIS, Arnold chiari, Dandy walker syndrome, HYDROCEPHALUS, EXTRAVENTRICULAR OBSTRUCTION, HYDRANENCEPHALY, ENCEPHALOCELE, Intraventricular hemmorrage, BRAIN NEOPLASMS, cerebral tumours, Sutural diasthesis, Craniopharngioma, Medulloblastoma, Acoustic neuroma, Gliomas

Paediatric Chest Imaging

Author: Radiology

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: RADIOLOGY600

Topics: Chest Imaging, Chest Tubes, Catheters, Endotracheal tube, Nasogastric tube, Central Venous Line, Arterial Catheters, Umbilical arterial catheter, umbilical venous catheter, Thymus gland, Pneumothorax, Pneumomediastinum, Pneumopericardium, Meconium Aspiration, Hyaline Membrane Disease Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia, Pulmonary Inflammatory Disease, Cystic fibrosis, Foreign Body Inhalation

Common fractures in the upper limb

Author: OM Babalola

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: S2

Topics: Shoulder dislocations, clavicle, Humeral fracture, Forearm fracture, monteggia, Galleazzi fracture, Colles fracture, Compartment syndrome, Fasciotomy, Volkmann ischaemic contracture, Open fracture

External fixation indication and techniques

Author: Surgery

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: S2

Topics: external fixator, open fracture, closed fracture, soft tissue compromise, comaprtment syndrome, periarticular fracture, polytrauma, pelvic fracture, uni-plane fixator single bar, spanning external fixation

Pathology, presentation and principles of management of hydrocephalus and spinal dysraphisms

Author: AE Usiholo

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: S2

Topics: Hydrocephalus, Spinal dysraphism, spina bifida occulta, Spina bifida cystica, Cutaneous syndromes


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