CTH432 Books
Author: Eric Omazu
School: National Open University of Nigeria
Department: Arts and Humanities
Course Code: CTH432
Topics: Applied Ethics, Human Rights to Life, terrorism, war, Euthanasia, bioethical issues, suicide, abortion, Stem Cells Research, Stem Cells Therapy, Cloning, Business Ethics, Intellectual Property Rights, Whistleblowing, Animal Rights, Bioterrorism, Environmental Terrorism, Domestic Terrorism, International Terrorism, State Terrorism
Encyclopedia of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy
Author: Baird Callicott, Robert Frodeman
School: National Open University of Nigeria
Department: Arts and Humanities
Course Code: CTH432
Topics: Environmental Ethics
Ethics for journalists, 2nd edition
Author: Richard Keeble
School: National Open University of Nigeria
Department: Arts and Humanities
Course Code: CTH432
Topics: Ethics for journalists, Constraints on journalists, Battling for news peace reporting

Administration, Social and Management science

Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Arts and Humanities



General studies


Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Science and Technology