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EEE511 Books

Power system fault analysis

Author: Mudathir Funsho Akorede

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Engineering

Course Code: EEE511

Topics: power system fault analysis, electrical faults, fault analysis, fault studies, Three-phase Symmetrical Faults, Thevenin’s Method, Bus Impedance Matrix, Thevenin’s impedance, Unsymmetrical Fault, Sequence Diagrams for Transformers, Constructing Sequence Networks, Sequence Networks, Unbalanced Fault Analysis, Single Line-to-Ground Faults, Fault Current Formulae

Power Systems. The electric power engineering handbook ,3rd edition

Author: Leonard Grigsby

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Engineering

Course Code: EEE511

Topics: power systems, Per-Unit System, Power System, power flow analysis, fault analysis, power system analysis, power system simulation, power system transients, lightning strokes, overvoltage, switching surges, very fast transients, Transmission System Transients, Grounding, Transient Recovery Voltage, Surge Arresters, Insulation Coordination, power system planning, Short-Term Load, Transmission Plan Evaluation, power system reliability, Electricity Pricing, Power Semiconductor Devices, uncontrolled rectifiers, controlled rectifiers, inverters, active filters, power electronics

Power Systems Analysis ,3rd edition

Author: Hadi Saadat

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Engineering

Course Code: EEE511

Topics: Power Systems Analysis, power system, electric power generation, fossil power plants, hydroelectric power plants, solar power, wind power plants, geothermal power, biomass power plants, fuel cell, modern power system, smart grid, energy control center, complex power, complex power balance, power factor corrrection, per phase analysis, balanced three-phase power, generator models, transformer models, per unit system, transformer performance, autotransformers, three-winding transformers, transmission line parameters, line model, line compensation, power flow analysis, bus admittance matric, Gauss-Seidel power flow solution, Newton-Raphson method, power flow programs, synchronous machine, transient analysis, unbalanced fault, stability, swing equation, transoent stability, steady-state stability, power system control, automatic generation control, load frequency control, MATLAB, frequency response, reactive power, voltage control, excitation system


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