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Gastrointestinal Neuroendocrine Tumors Books

Bailey & Love’s Short Practice of Surgery, 27th edition

Author: Norman Williams, Ronan O'Connell, Andrew McCaskie

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: S1, S2, S3

Topics: Metabolic response to injury, shock, blood transfusion, wound, healing, tissue repair, tissue engineering, regeneration, tissue regeneration, surgical infection, tropical infection, tropical infestation, surgical skills, anatamoses, laparoscopic surgery, robotic surgery, paediatric surgery, oncology, surgical audit, surgical research, surgical ethics, surgical law, diagnostic imaging, gastrointestinal endoscopy, tissue diagnosis, molecular diagnosis, preoperative care, high-risk surgical patient, anesthesia, pain relief, nutrition, fluid therapy, postoperative care, day case surgery.trauma, Traumatic brain injury, neck, spine, maxillofaical trauma, Torso trauma, extremity trauma, disaster surgery, conflict surgery, cranial neurosurgery, eye, orbit, cleft lip, palate, ear, nose, sinuse, pharynx, larynx, oral cavity malignancy, salivary gland, musculoskeletal disease, sports medicine, sports injury, orthopaedics, breast, endocrine, musculoskeletal tumor, burn, cardiac surgery, thorax, burn, plastic surgery, reconstructive surgery, arterial disorder

Oxford Handbook of General Practice, Fifth Edition

Author: Chantal Simon, Hazel Everitt, Francoise van Dorp, Matthew Burke

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science


Topics: Practice management, Consulting, primary care, medicines, prescribing, minor surgery, healthy living, chronic disease, elderly care, Cardiology, vascular disease, respiratory medicine, endocrinology, gastrointestinal medicine, renal medicine, renal medicine, urology, musculoskeletal problems, neurology, dermatology, Infectious disease, haematology, immunology, breast disease, Gynaecology, sexual health, contraception, child health, Ear, nose, throat, ophthalmology, mental health, cancer care, palliative care, emergencies

Taylor’s Manual of Family Medicine ,Fifth edition

Author: Paul Paulman, Audrey Paulman, Kimberly Jarzynka, Nathan Falk

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science


Topics: Disease Prevention, Health Promotion, Health Maintenance, Health Care, Weight Loss, fatigue, dizziness, cough, chest pain, abdominal pain, jaundice, edema, Pelvic Pain, back pain, Anaphylaxis, Ambulatory Care, bronchospasm, drug over dose, epistaxis, syncope, cerebral concussions, delirium, developmental problems, inspiratory stridor, croup, epiglottis, reactive airway disease, viral exanthems, musculoskeletal problems, enuresis, poisoning, behavioral problems, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, human behavior, anxiety disorder, depression, alcoholism, sexual dysfunction, eating disorders, sleep-wake disorders, drug misuse disorders, nervous system disorders, migraine headaches, nonmigraine headaches, meningitis, seizure, Ischemic attack, movement disorders, Alzheimer disease, Peripheral Neuropathy, Eye Problems, Conjunctivitis, Cataracts, Glaucoma, Macular degeneration, Ocular Emergencies, ear problems, nose problems, throat problems, cardiovascular problems, respiratory problems, gastrointestinal problems, renal problems, urologic problem

Current Diagnosis Treatment Obstetrics Gynecology, Eleventh Edition

Author: Alan DeCherney, Lauren Nathan, Murphy Goodwin, Neri Laufer, Ashley Roman

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science


Topics: Genetic Disorders, Sex Chromosome Abnormalities, Urogenital System, Congenital Anomalies, Genital Tract, Breast, normal pregnancy, labor, delivery, Neonatal Physiology, fetal physiology, Maternal Physiology, Newborn Assessment, Newborn Care, Puerperium, pregnancy risk, Late Pregnancy Complications, Congenital Fetal Infections, Disproportionate Fetal Growth, Multiple Gestation, Third-Trimester Vaginal Bleeding, Malpresentation, Cord Prolapse, Operative Delivery, Postpartum Hemorrhage, Abnormal Puerperium, Neonatal Resuscitation, Critical Care Obstetrics, Obstetric Analgesia, Obstetric Anesthesia, Surgical Disorders, Hypertension, Pulmonary Disorders, cardiac disorders, Urinary Tract Disorders, Gastrointestinal Disorders, Dermatologic Disorders, Diabetes Mellitus, Gynecologic History, Gynecologic examination, Pediatric Gynecology, Adolescent Gynecology, Uterine Bleeding, Menstruation, Urinary Incontinence, Pelvic Floor Disorders, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Pelvic Infections, Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, Gynecologic Oncology

Muir’s textbook of pathology ,Fifteenth edition

Author: CS Herrington

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: PATHOLOGY

Topics: Applications of pathology, Normal cellular functions, disease, immunology, Clinical genetics, Cell injury, inflammation, repair, Cancer, benign tumours, systemic pathology, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, lymphoreticular system, bone marrow, gastrointestinal system, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, nervous systems, eye, locomotor system, kidney, urinary tract, female reproductive system, breast, male reproductive system, Endocrine system, skin, infection

Robbins and Cotran Atlas of Pathology ,Third edition

Author: Edward Klatt

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: PATHOLOGY

Topics: Blood Vessels, Heart, Hematopathology, Red Blood Cell Disorders, lung, head, neck, Gastrointestinal Tract, liver, biliary tract, pancreas, kidney, lower urinary tract, male genital system, female genital tract, breast, endocrine system, skin, bones, joints, soft tissue muscle, Central Nervous System, eye

The path to Pathology practical (Morbid Anatomy)

Author: FADO

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science


Topics: central nervous system, cardiovascular system, hepatic system, spleen, respiratory system, urogenital system, renal system, gastrointestinal system, histology

Robbins and Cotran Review of Pathology,Fourth edition

Author: Edward Klatt, Vinay Kumar

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: PATHOLOGY

Topics: Cellular Pathology, Inflammation, Repair, Hemodynamic Disorders, Genetic Disorders, Immune System Diseases, Neoplastic Disorders, Infectious Diseases, Environmental Diseases, Nutritional Diseases, Diseases of Infancy, Diseases of Childhood, Hematopathology of White Blood Cells, blood vessels, heart, Hematopathology, Hemato pathology of Red Blood Cells, Bleeding Disorders, lung, head, neck, Gastrointestinal Tract, liver, biliary tract, pancreas, kidney, lower urinary tract, male genital system, female genital tract, breast, endocrine system, skin, bones, joints, soft tissue muscle, Central Nervous System, eye

Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease ,Tenth edition

Author: Vinay Kumar, Abul Abbas, Jon Aster, Jerrold Turner

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: PATHOLOGY

Topics: Cell Injury, Cell Death, Adaptation, inflammation, repair, hemodynamic disorders, Thromboembolic Disease, shock, genetic disorders, immune system, neoplasia, infectious disease, environmental diseases, Nutritional Diseases, Diseases of Infancy, Diseases of Childhood, Hematopathology of White Blood Cells, blood vessels, heart, Hematopathology, Hemato pathology of Red Blood Cells, Bleeding Disorders, lung, head, neck, Gastrointestinal Tract, liver, biliary tract, pancreas, kidney, lower urinary tract, male genital system, female genital tract, breast, endocrine system, skin, bones, joints, soft tissue muscle, Central Nervous System, eye

Pharmacology Mnemonics

Author: Medical Study Centre

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: PHARMACOLOGY400

Topics: Zero order kinetics drugs, P450 inhibitors, P450 inducers, Enzymes Inhibitors, ototoxicity causative agents, enzymes inhibitor, acetylation, teratogenic drugs, non-antibiotics, therapeutic index formula, autoinduction, non-competitive inhibitor drugs, Enzyme inducers, acetylation drugs, Gastrointestinal mediated receptors, TORSADES DE POINTES, microsomal enzyme inhibitor, hit n run drugs, propranolol


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Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

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