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MCB208 Books

Prescott's Microbiology, 10th edition

Author: Joanne Willey, Linda Sherwood, Christopher Woolverton

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: MCB208, MCB206, MCB307, MCB425, PHS207

Topics: Microscopy, Bacterial sturcture, archaeal cell structure, virus, acellular infections agent, antimicrobial chemotheraphy, microbial growth, microbial metabolism, metabolism, catabolism, anabolism, Bacterial genome replication, Eukaryotic genome, genetic variation, recombinant DNA technology, microbial taxonmy, archea, microbial genomics, Deinococci, Mollicutes, Nonproteobacterial Gram-Negative Bacteria, actinobacteria, prostits, proteobacteria, fungi, eumycota, firmicute, microbial interaction, ecology, biological cycling, climate change, innate host resistance, microbial ecology, pathogenicity, host response, innate host resistance, infrction, human disease, microbial disease, prion, environmental biology

Structure and functional anatomy of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells

Author: MA Oke

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: MCB208

Topics: eukaryotic cell, Plasma membrane, Nucleus, Mitochondrion, Chloroplast, Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, Golgi apparatus, Lysosome, Peroxisome, Ribosome, Vacuole, cytoplasm, cytoskeleton, cillia, flagella


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