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Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing ,11th edition

Author: Mariann Harding, Jeffrey Kwong, Dottie Roberts, Debra Hagler, Courtney Reinisch

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: NSG217

Topics: Professional Nursing, Nursing Practice, Health Equity, Culturally Competent Care, Health History, Physical Examination, Patient, Caregiver Teaching, Chronic Illness, Older Adults, Stress Management, Sleep, Sleep Disorders, pain, Palliative Care, End-of-Life Care, Substance Use Disorders, Inflammation, Healing, genetics, Immune Response, Transplantation, infection, cancer, Fluid Imbalance, Electrolyte Imbalance, Acid-Base Imbalance, Homeostasis, Perioperative Care, Intraoperative Care, Postoperative Care, Altered Sensory Input, Visual Problems, auditory problems, Integumentary System, Integumentary Problems, burns, Oxygenation, Ventilation, Respiratory System, Upper Respiratory Problems, Lower Respiratory Problems, Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases, Hematologic System, Hematologic Problems, Cardiovascular System, perfusion, hypertension, Coronary Artery Disease, Acute Coronary Syndrome, heart failure, Dysrhythmias, Inflammatory Disorders, Structural Heart, Disorders, Vascular Disorders, Gastrointestinal System, Nutritional Problems, obesity, Upper Gastrointestinal Problems, Lower Gastrointestinal Problems, Liver, Biliary Tract, Pancreas, Urinary Function, Urinary System, Renal Problems, Urologic Problems, Acute Kidney Injury, Chronic Kidney Disease, Endocrine System, Diabetes Mellitus, Endocrine Problems, Reproductive System, Breast Disorders, Sexually Transmitted Infections, Female Reproductive Problems, Male Reproductive Problems, Nervous System, Acute Intracranial Problems, stroke, Chronic Neurologic Problems, dementia, delirium, Spinal Cord Problems, Peripheral Nerve Problems, Musculoskeletal System, Musculoskeletal Trauma, Orthopedic Surgery, Musculoskeletal Problems, Arthritis, Connective Tissue Diseases, Critical Care, Shock, Sepsis, Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome, Acute Respiratory Failure, Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Emergency Nursing, Disaster Nursing, Nursing


Author: ANA

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: ANA302

Topics: Vertebral canal, Epidural space, Spinal Meninges


Author: ANA

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: ANA302

Topics: Neurulation, Neural tube, Spinal cord, Medulla, Pons, Midbrain, diencephalon, cerebrium, Cortical formation, Congenital malformations

Cunningham’s Manual of Practical Anatomy Volume 3,16th edition_ Head, neck and brain

Author: Rachel Koshi

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: ANA302, ANA304

Topics: Head, neck, brain, cervical vertebrae, skull, scalp, face, back, neck, cranial cavity, prevertebral region, orbit, eyeball, parotid region, submandibular region, mouth, larynx, vertebral canal, spinal cord, brainsterm, cerebellum, diencephalon, cerebrum, ventricular system

Principles of Neural Science,5th Edition

Author: Eric Kandel, James Schwartz, Thomas Jessell, Steven Siegelbaum, AJ Hudspeth

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: PSY311

Topics: Neural Science, brain, behaviour, Nerve Cells, Neural Circuitry, Genes, Nervous System, Ion channels, Membrane Potential, Propagated Signaling, synaptic transmission, Transmitter Release, Perception, cognition, Functional Imaging of Cognition, sensory coding, Somatosensory System, Receptors, Central Pathways, touch, pain, Low-Level Visual Processing, retina, Intermediate-Level Visual Processing, Visual Primitives, High-Level Visual Processing, Cognitive Influences, visual processing, action, inner ear, Auditory Central Nervous System, smell, taste, chemical sense, movement, motor unit, muscle action, spinal reflexes, locomotion, Voluntary Movement, Primary Motor Cortex, Control of Gaze, Vestibular System, posture, Cerebellum, Basal Ganglia, Neural information, Autonomic Motor System, Hypothalamus, brain stem, emotions, feeling, Homeostasis, Motivation, Addictive States, Seizures, Epilepsy, Sleep, Dreaming, Aging Brain, language, thought, affect, learning, memory, Prefrontal Cortex, Hippocampus, Explicit Memory Storage

Introduction to Psycho-Biological Basis of Behaviour

Author: Adebayo Adejumo

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: PSY101

Topics: Nerve Cell Bodies, neurones, Nerve Impulse, Nervous System, brain, Spinal Cord, Peripheral Nervous System, Mind-Brain Relationship, Endocrine System, hormones, Pituitary Gland, pineal gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, adrenal cortex, adrenal cortex, adrenal medulla, pancreas, ovaries, testis, Consciousness, sleep, sleep disorders, stages of sleep, dream, hypnosis, drugs, awareness, drug abuse, Perception, Sensation, eyes, vision, sight, ears, hearing, Perception of Smell, Taste, tongue, nose, Olfactory Information, Somatosensation, pain sensation, types of pain, Physiological Pain, human motivation, Theories of Motivation, Cognitive Theories, Cognitive Dissonance


Author: OA Iyiola

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: ZLY106

Topics: Nervous system, Neurochemicals, Reflex actions, Reflex arc, Synapse, Action potential, Resting Potential, Nerve Impulse, spinal cord, brain, neurons

Clinical Anatomy Applied Anatomy for Students and Junior Doctors,14th Edition

Author: Harold Ellis, Vishy Mahadevan

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: ANA209, ANA204, ANA302, ANA307

Topics: Thorax, Abdomen, pelvis, upper limb, lower limb, head, neck, nervous system, brain, spinal cord, cranial nerves, special senses, autonomic nervous system, trachea, lungs, pleura, thoraic cage, Peritoneal cavity, gastrointestinal tract, gastrointestinal adnexae, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen, urinary tract, ligamentous pelvis, pelvic floor, perineum

Nervous systems

Author: Abdulkareem

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: ZLY410

Topics: Neuroglial cell, glia, Neuron, Neurosecretory Cell, Spinal Nerve, Cranial Nerve, Autonomic Nervous System, Central Nervous System

Management of lung cancer

Author: OB Ojuawo

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: M1

Topics: Small cell lung cancer, Adenocarcinoma, Large cell carcinoma, Squamous cell carcinoma, Pulmonary Carcinoid Tumour, metastatic disease, Superior venacava obstruction syndrome, Mechanical obstruction syndromes, pancoast tumor, acute spinal cord compression, Paraneoplastic, Bronchoscopy, CXR, Biopsy, Sputum cytology


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Administration, Social and Management science

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Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

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Arts and Humanities

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General studies

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Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

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Science and Technology