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Thyroid Gland Books

The thyroid gland and drugs

Author: AU Mbah

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: PHA4

Topics: Intracellular steroid, nuclear steroid, Thiourea agents, Beta-blockers, GOITROGENIC DRUGS, HYPOTHYROIDIXM

Parathyroid glands

Author: Surgery

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: S1

Topics: hypoparathyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, Secondary Hyperparathyroidism, Tertiary hyperparathyroidism

Thyroid Disorders

Author: JK Olarinoye

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: M1

Topics: Hormone Synthesis, Thyroid Hormone, Binding Proteins, Thyroxine Binding Globulin, Thyroxine-Binding Prealbumin, Thyroid Axis Regulation, Thyrotoxicosis, Grave’s Disease, Pretibial myxedema, Thyroid acropachy, Radioiodine Therapy, Thyrotoxic Crisis, Thyroid Storm, hypothyroidism, Myxedema coma

Thyroid gland

Author: Medicine

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: M1

Topics: goitre, Diffuse colloid goitre, Toxic goitre

Bones of the face

Author: Anatomy

School: Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: ANA211

Topics: Orbicularis oculi, Corrugator supercilli, Levator palpebral superioris, Procerus, eyelid, Depressor Septi Nasi, Orbicularis Oris, Buccinator Muscles, CAROTID ARTERIES, internal carotid artery, external carotid artery, carotid artery, thyroid gland, THYROID HORMOME, Goiter, Thyroiditis, Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism, Grave's disease, Thyroid cancer, Thyroid nodule, Thyroid storm, Iodine deficiency, parathyroid glands, pterygopalatine fossae, Pharynx, nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx, glossopharyngeal nerve, pharyngeal muscles, Superior constrictor Muscle, Middle constrictor Muscle, Inferior constrictor Muscle, Stylopharyngeus Muscle, Palatopharygeus Muscle, Salpingopharyngeus Muscle, Pharyngitis, Pharyngeal cancer

Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations,13th edition

Author: Victor Eroschenko

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: ANAT205, ANAT206, ANAT303

Topics: Histologic methods, tissue preparation, histologic slide interpretation, cell, cytoplasm, light, transmission electron microscopy, Epithelial Tissue, Glandular Tissue, connective tissue, hematopoietic tissue, blood, bone marrow, skeletal tissue, cartilage, bone, Skeletal Muscle, cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, nervous tissue, central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, circulatory system, immune system, thin skin, thick skin, oral cavity, major salivary gland, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, pancreas, gall bladder, urinary system, hormones, pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, adrenal gland, reproductive system, testis, ovary, uterus, cervix, vagina, placenta, mammary gland, visual system, auditory system

Clinical anatomy, physiology and pathology immunology of pituitary & adrenal glands

Author: CI Okafor

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: M1

Topics: NEUROSECRETORY CELLS, HYPOTHALAMUS, NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY, neurohypophyseal pathway, neurometabolic pathway, Pituitary Gland, Anterior Pituitary, adrenal gland, pituitary gland, Pituitary Hormone, Somatotropine Hormones, Glycoprotein Hormones, Anterior pituitary hormones, prolactin, Neurohypophysis, Vasopressin, Oxytocin, adrenal cortex, adrenal medulla, zona glomerulosa, zona fasiculata, zona reticularis, Steroidogenesis, Adrenal diseases, ALDOSTERONE, cortisol

Endocrine system

Author: OF Smith

School: Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: ANP211

Topics: endocrine system, hormones, endocrine glands, Hypothalamus, Thyrotropin-releasing hormone, Gonadotropin releasing hormone, Growth hormone releasing hormone, Corticotropin-releasing hormone, Somatostatin, Thyroid stimulating hormone, pituitary gland, Adrenocorticotropic hormone, Follicle stimulating hormone, Leutinizing hormone, Prolactin hormone, anterior lobe, Antidiuretic hormone, sex hormones, Adrenal glands, Mineralocorticoid hormone, Pancreatic hormones, hormonal dysfunctions, thyroid gland, thymus gland, pineal gland

Thyroid dysfunction

Author: CB Nwatu

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: PAT301

Topics: Thyroid Hormones, Hyperthyroidism, Grave’s Disease, Pre-tibial Myxedema, HYPOTHYROIDISM

The Thyroid hormones

Author: BCH

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: BCH300

Topics: Thyroid hormones, Metabolic homeostasis


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