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The Ethical Component of Nursing Education

Author: Marcia Sue DeWolf Bosek, Teresa Savage

School: Edo University

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: NSC303

Topics: clinical ethics history, Ethical Decision-Making, decision analysis model, confidentiality, truth-telling, advocacy, research ethics, decision making, genetics, eugenics, genetic testing, linkage analysis, newborn screening, nursing children, nursing adolescents, nursing adult, Women’s Health Nursing, Informed Decision-Making, balancing maternal interests, fetal interests, contraception, abortion, sterilization, menopause, caregiver burden, assisted reproduction, infertility, fetal surgery, prenatal testing, mental health nursing, community nursing, public health nursing, professional nurse issue

Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing ,11th edition

Author: Mariann Harding, Jeffrey Kwong, Dottie Roberts, Debra Hagler, Courtney Reinisch

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: NSG217

Topics: Professional Nursing, Nursing Practice, Health Equity, Culturally Competent Care, Health History, Physical Examination, Patient, Caregiver Teaching, Chronic Illness, Older Adults, Stress Management, Sleep, Sleep Disorders, pain, Palliative Care, End-of-Life Care, Substance Use Disorders, Inflammation, Healing, genetics, Immune Response, Transplantation, infection, cancer, Fluid Imbalance, Electrolyte Imbalance, Acid-Base Imbalance, Homeostasis, Perioperative Care, Intraoperative Care, Postoperative Care, Altered Sensory Input, Visual Problems, auditory problems, Integumentary System, Integumentary Problems, burns, Oxygenation, Ventilation, Respiratory System, Upper Respiratory Problems, Lower Respiratory Problems, Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases, Hematologic System, Hematologic Problems, Cardiovascular System, perfusion, hypertension, Coronary Artery Disease, Acute Coronary Syndrome, heart failure, Dysrhythmias, Inflammatory Disorders, Structural Heart, Disorders, Vascular Disorders, Gastrointestinal System, Nutritional Problems, obesity, Upper Gastrointestinal Problems, Lower Gastrointestinal Problems, Liver, Biliary Tract, Pancreas, Urinary Function, Urinary System, Renal Problems, Urologic Problems, Acute Kidney Injury, Chronic Kidney Disease, Endocrine System, Diabetes Mellitus, Endocrine Problems, Reproductive System, Breast Disorders, Sexually Transmitted Infections, Female Reproductive Problems, Male Reproductive Problems, Nervous System, Acute Intracranial Problems, stroke, Chronic Neurologic Problems, dementia, delirium, Spinal Cord Problems, Peripheral Nerve Problems, Musculoskeletal System, Musculoskeletal Trauma, Orthopedic Surgery, Musculoskeletal Problems, Arthritis, Connective Tissue Diseases, Critical Care, Shock, Sepsis, Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome, Acute Respiratory Failure, Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Emergency Nursing, Disaster Nursing, Nursing

Information Service to Target groups

Author: Akinbo Olaide

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Education

Course Code: LIS227

Topics: Information Service, Information Services to Children, Information Services to Adults, Information Services to the Aged, Information Services to the Hearing Impaired, Information Services to the Blind, Information Services to the Visually Impaired Persons, Information Services to People with Physical Disabilities, Information Services to Individuals in Correctional Facilities, Correctional Facilities, Information Services Available to Hospital Patients

Introduction to Reference Work, Volume I ,8th edition

Author: William Katz

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Education

Course Code: LIS113

Topics: reference work, Electronic Sources, information sources, reference services, Reference Interview, electronic library, Bibliographic Networks, search engines, Bibliography, Electronic Databases, National Union Catalog, Trade Bibliography, national bibilography, Indexing, Abstracting Services, Internet Worldwide Web, index evaluatipn, citation indexes, Encyclopedias, Evaluating Encyclopedias, Adult Encyclopedias, One Volume Encyclopedias, Ready-Reference Sources, Almanacs, Yearbooks, Handbooks, Directories, Biographical Sources, Dictionaries, Government Documents, geographical sources

Psychology in Modules, 13th edition

Author: David Myers, Nathan DeWall

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: PSY102

Topics: Psychology, Psychological Science, Neural Communication, neural system, hormonal system, nervous system, endocrine system, Cerebral Cortex, mind, Consciousness, sleep, dreams, drugs, consciousness, two-track mind, nature, nurture, human diversity, behavior genetics, Evolutionary Psychology, culture, gender diversity, Developmental Issues, Prenatal Development, Newborn, infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, sensation, perception, vision, sensory processing, perceptual processing, Nonvisual senses, learning, Classical Conditioning, cognition, memory, thinking, Forgetting, Memory Construction, Improving Memory, thinking, language, thought, intelligence, Intelligence Assessment, intelligence Dynamics, hunger, sexual motivation, affiliation, achievement, emotions, stress, health, illness, Social Psychology, Social thinking, Social influence, antisocial relations, prosocial relations, personality, Psychodynamic Theories, Humanistic Theories, Trait Theories, Social-Cognitive Theories, Psychological Disorders, Anxiety-Related Disorders, Depressive Disorders, Bipolar Disorders, Schizophrenia, Dissociative Disorders, Personality Disorders, Eating Disorders, Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Therapy, Psychological Therapies, Evaluating Psychotherapies, Biomedical Therapies

Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology ,7th edition

Author: Bryan Kolb, Ian Whishaw

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: PSY311

Topics: Neuropsychology, Human Brain, Nervous System, Neurons, Drugs, Hormones, Behaviour, Brain,  Sensory Systems, Motor System, Cerebral Asymmetry, Neocortical Functions, Parietal Lobes, Cortical Functions, Occipital Lobes, Spatial Cognition, Frontal Lobes, Cortical Networks, Disconnection Syndromes, Language, Emotion, Attention, Consciousness, Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Plasticity, Recovery, Rehabilitation, Adult Brain



School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: ANA201

Topics: connective tissue, connective tissue cells, Embryonic Connective Tissue, Mesenchyme, Mucous connective tissue, Adult connective tissues, Connective Tissue Proper, Loose Connective Tissue, Areolar Tissue, Dense Regular Connective Tissue, Dense regular collagenous connective tissue, Dense regular elastic connective tissue, Dense Irregular Connective Tissue, Elastic Connective Tissue, Reticular Connective Tissue, reticular tissue, Adipose Tissue, Cartilage, Hyaline Cartilage, Fibrocartilage, Elastic cartilage, bone tissue, bone cells, Cancellous bone, compact bone, Blood tissue, Vascular Tissue, connective tissue functions

Principles of Transgender Medicine and Surgery, 2nd edition

Author: Randi Ettner, Stan Monstrey, Eli Coleman

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science


Topics: Transgender identity, Gender Non-conformity, transgender patient, mental health issues, psychotherapy with transgender people, Transgender coming-out process, Adult transgender people, gender dysphoria, transgender youth, disorders of sex development, transsexualism, Male-to-female gender reassignment surgery, female-to-male gender reassignment surgery, Aging transgender, Transgender health care, transgender human rights

Disorders with onset in childhood and adolescent

Author: OC Ogun

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science


Topics: Mental retardation, learning disorders, motor skills disorders, communication disorder, pervasive developmental disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, disruptive behavior disorder, conduct disorder, autistic disorders, adult-like psychotic disorder, learning disabilities, elimination disorder, Tics Disorder, Tourette’s Disorder

Prenatal gene and stem cell therapy

Author: AB Halimi

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science


Topics: gene therapy, genetic disorder, gene transfer, viral vectors, stem cells, Adult Stem Cells, Embryonic Stem Cells, Embryonic Germ Cells, germ cells, Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells


Administration, Social and Management science image

Administration, Social and Management science

Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine image

Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Arts and Humanities image

Arts and Humanities

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Engineering image


General studies image

General studies

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Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science image

Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Science and Technology image

Science and Technology