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Dewhurst's textbook of obstetrics and gynecology ,9th edition

Author: Wiley blackwell

School: Achievers University, Owo

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: GYNEA501

Topics: Obstetrics, Gynecology, Maternal physiology, placenta, fetal membranes, normal fetal growth, fetal growth, pre-conception counselling, antenatal care, normal labour, fetal monitoring, analgesia, anaesthesia, puerperium, lactation, neonatal care, spontaenous miscarriage, recurrent miscarriage, ecotopic pregnancy, Trophoblast disease, prenatal diagnosis, prenatal genetics, Obstetric emergencies, Multiple pregnancy, preterm labour, prolonged pregnancy, Hypertensive disorders, renal disease, Obstetric statistics, contraception, menstural cycle, Primary amenorrhoea, ultrasound, Polycystic ovary syndrome, secondary amenorrhoea, Menstrual problems, menorrhagia, primary dysmenorrhagia, Premenstrual syndrome, pelvic infection, Chronic pelvic pain, Endometriosis, infertility, Assisted reproduction, Menopause, postmenopausal woman, Pelvic floor dysfunction, uterovaginal prolapse, Urinary incontinence, Hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, Epithelial ovarian cancer, Sexual dysfunction, Domestic violence, sexual assault


Author: Paediatrics

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science


Topics: skin, epidermis, dermis, skin lesion, skin infection, scabies, Cutaneous larva migrans, Pediculus, pediculosis, impetigo, Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome, ECTHYMA, VIRAL SKIN INFECTIONS, MOLLUSCUM CONTAGIOSUM, viral warts, warts, SUPERFICIAL FUNGAL INFECTIONS, TINEA VERSICOLOR, CANDIDIASIS, Deep mycoses, MELANOGENESIS, Albinism, Hermansky-Pudlak syndromeChédiak-Higashi Syndrome, Cross-McKusick-Breen syndrome, OCULAR ALBINISM, Vitiligo, TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS, Atopic dermatitis

Congenital abnormalities of the nose

Author: Otorhinolaryngology

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science


Topics: Congenital anomalies, nasal deformities, Craniofacial syndromes, Apert syndrome, Nasal hypoplasia, Fraser syndrome, Binder syndrome, Nasal Dermoids, Gliomas, Encephaloceles, Nasal Clefts, Arhinia, Polyrrhinia, Intracranial dermoid, CHOANAL ATRESIA

Color Atlas of Clinical Hematology Molecular and Cellular Basis of Disease ,fifth edition

Author: Victor Hoffbrand, Paresh Vyas, Elias Campo, Torsten Haferlach, Keith Gomez

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: HEM301, HEM401, HEM402, HEM403

Topics: Gene Transcription, Messenger RNA, DNA Mutation, gene expression, Lineage Commitment, Micro-RNAs, Regulatory Noncoding RNAs, DNA Replication, Telomeres, Cell Cycle, Apoptosis, Cellular Debris, Lysosomes, Protein Ubiquitination,  Clonal Hematologic Disorders, Erythropoiesis, Bone Marrow, Peripheral Blood, Hypochromic Microcytic Anemias, Iron Metabolism, Iron Absorption, Hepcidin, Iron Homeostasis, Iron‐Deficiency Anemia, Hypochromic Anemias, Sideroblastic Anemia, Lead Poisoning, alchohol, Lead Poisoning, Hematopoiesis, Hematopoietic Niche, growth factor signaling, Congenital Erythropoietic Porphyria, Congenital Erythropoietic Protoporphyria, iron overload, porphyrias, megoblastic anemia, Bone Marrow Appearances, Phagocytic Function, Leukocytosis, Leukoerythroblastic Reaction, Neutropenia, Myelokathexis, Lysosomal Storage Diseases, Hereditary Hemolytic Anemia, Hemolytic Anemia, Acquired Hemolytic Anemia, genetic disorders, Thalassemia, α‐Thalassemia, T Cells, B cells, Natural Killer Cells, Lymphocyte Proliferation, Somatic Hypermutation, Lymphocyte Circulation, Lymphocytosis, Lymphadenopathy, Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders, Granulopoiesis, Monocyte Production, Neutrophils, Polymorphs, Mononuclear Phagocytic System, Reticuloendothelial System, Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Aplastic Anemia, Red Cell Aplasia, Congenital Dyserythropoietic Anemias, MYELODYSPLASTIC SYNDROMES, molecular genetics, Mirage Syndrome, Clonal Hematopoiesis, HEMATOLOGIC NEOPLASMS, MYELOID LEUKEMIA, Acute Myeloid Leukemia, MYELOPROLIFERATIVE NEOPLASMS, Chronic Myeloid Leukemia, Chronic Neutrophilic Leukemia, Nonleukemic Myeloproliferative Diseases, Polycythemia Vera, Myelofibrosis, Chronic Eosinophilic Leukemia, Myeloproliferative Disorder, ACUTE LYMPHOBLASTIC LEUKEMIA, Mastocytosis, Paraneoplastic Pemphigus, Myeloid Neoplasm, Lymphoid Neoplasm, Myelodysplastic Neoplasm, Myeloproliferative Neoplasm, Ring Sideroblast, Thrombocytosis, Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukemia, CHRONIC LYMPHOCYTIC LEUKEMIA, Mature B‐Cell Leukemia, Mature T‐C

Health Psychology ,9th edition

Author: Linda Brannon, John Updegraff, Jess Feist

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: SOW102

Topics: Health Psychology, health research, health behavior, stress, pain, coping, Psychoneuroimmunology, immune system, pain, Smoking Tobacco, behavioral health, alcohol, eating, weight, exercising

Introduction to Medical Social Work

Author: JK Mojoyinola

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: SOW105

Topics: Health Care System, Medical Social Work, social work, Social case work, Health Education, Public Health, Medical Advice, Pain, Pain Management, Stress, Stress Management, Health, Illness

Textbook of Family Medicine, Ninth edition

Author: Robert Rakel, David Rakel

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science


Topics: Family Physician, Patient-Centered Medical Home, Psychosocial Influences, Elderly Patient, Dying Patient, Preventive Health Care, Behavioral Change and Patient Empowerment, Medical Literature, Evidence-Based Medicine, Clinical Problem Solving, Integrative Medicine, Establishing Rapport, Interpreting Laboratory Tests, Infectious Diseases, pulmonary medicine, Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, allergy, obstetrics, newborn, Growth, Development, Behavioral Problems, child abuse, gynecology, child abuse, contraception, cardiovascular disease, sports medicine, Orthopedics, Neck pain, Back Pain, Rheumatology Problems, Musculoskeletal Problems, dermatology, Diabetes Mellitus, endocrinology, obesity, nutrition, Gastroenterology, hematology, Urinary Tract Disorders, Neurology, Human Sexuality, Clinical Genomics, Crisis Intervention, Trauma, Disaster, Personality Disorders, anxiety, depression, delirium, dementia, alcohol use disorders, nicotine addiction, substance use disorders

Millers Anesthesia ,2-Volume Set

Author: Michael Gropper, Lars Eriksson, Lee Fleisher, Jeanine Wiener-Kronish, Neal Cohen, Kate Leslie

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science


Topics: Modern Anesthetic Practice, Perioperative Medicine, Anesthesia Practice, Patient Simulation, Anesthesia Care, ANESTHETIC PHYSIOLOGY, Consciousness, Memory, Anesthesia, Sleep Medicine, Cerebral Physiology, Anesthetic Drugs, Neuromuscular Physiology, Pharmacology, Inhaled Anesthetics, Inhaled Anesthetic Pharmacokinetics, Pulmonary Pharmacology, Inhaled Anesthetics, Opioids, Nonopioid Pain Medications, Intravenous Drug Delivery Systems, Neuromuscular Blocking Drugs, Neuromuscular Blockade, Local Anesthetics, ANESTHESIA MANAGEMENT, Preoperative Evaluation, Cardiovascular Monitoring, Perioperative Echocardiography, Implantable Cardiac Pulse Generators, Pacemakers, Cardioverter, Defibrillators, Neurologic Monitoring, Monitoring Brain State, Respiratory Monitoring, Perioperative Ischemia, Nephrotoxic Injury, Neuromuscular Monitoring, Airway Management, Spinal Anesthesia, Epidural Anesthesia, Caudal Anesthesia, Peripheral Nerve Blocks, Perioperative Fluid, Electrolyte Therapy, Perioperative Acid-Base Balance, Patient Blood Management, Transfusion Therapy, Coagulation, Palliative Medicine, Thoracic Surgery, Cardiac Surgical Procedures, Cardiac Catherization, Electroconversion, Vascular Surgery, Neurologic Surgery, Neurointerventions, Bariatric Surgery, Organ Transplantation, Organ Procurement, Obstetrics, Fetal Surgery, Fetal Theraphy, Orthopaedic Surgery, Geriatric Anesthesia, Emergency Care, prehospital care, trauma, Anesthesiologist, Ophthalmic Surgery, Otolaryngologic Surgery, Head-Neck Surgery, Robotic Surgery, Ambulatory Surgery, Outpatient Surgery, Non-Operating Room Anesthesia, PEDIATRIC ANESTHESIA, Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, Pediatric Intensive Care, Neonatal Intensive Care, POSTOPERATIVE CARE, Postanesthesia Care Unit, Acute Postoperative Pain, Cognitive Dysfunction, CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE, Critical Care Anesthesiology, Neurocritical Care, Electrical Burns

Morgan Mikhail’s Clinical Anesthesiology ,6th edition

Author: John Butterworth, David Mackey, John Wasnick

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science


Topics: Breathing Systems, Operating Room Environment, Anesthesia Workstation, Cardiovascular Monitoring, Noncardiovascular Monitoring, Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacological Principles, Inhalation Anesthetics, Intravenous Anesthetics, Analgesic Agents, Neuromuscular Blocking Agents, Cholinesterase Inhibitors, Pharmacological Antagonists, Anticholinergic Drugs, Adrenergic Agonists, Adrenergic Antagonists, Hypotensive Agents, Local Anesthetics, Adjuncts to Anesthesia, Anesthetic Management, Preoperative Assessment, Premedication, Perioperative Documentation, Airway Management, Cardiovascular Physiology, Anesthesia, Cardiovascular Surgery Anesthesia, Cardiovascular Anesthesia, Respiratory Anesthesia, Thoracic Surgery Anesthesia, Neurosurgery Anesthesia, Kidney Anesthesia, Genitourinary Surgery Anesthesia, Hepatic Anesthesia, Ophthalmic Surgery Anesthesia, Otolaryngology surgery Anesthesia, Head & Neck Surgery Anesthesia, Orthopedic Surgery Anesthesia, Trauma & Emergency Surgery Anesthesia, Obstetric Anesthesia, Pediatric Anesthesia, Geriatric Anesthesia, Ambulatory Anesthesia, Non–Operating Room Anesthesia, Regional Anesthesia, Pain Management, Spinal Block, Epidural Block, Caudal Block, Peripheral Nerve Block, Chronic Pain Management, Enhanced Recovery Protocol, Critical Care Medicine, Acid–Base Management, Fluid Management, Blood Component Therapy, Thermoregulation, Hypothermia, Malignant Hyperthermia, Anesthetic Complications, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, Postanesthesia Care, Inhalation Therapy, Mechanical Ventilation

Introduction to Cytogenetics and Diagnosis of Genetic Disorders

Author: Halima Aliyu

School: Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: PATH306

Topics: Cytogenetics, genetic disorders Diagnosis, Karyotype, Mosaicism, Down’s syndrome, Turner Syndrome, Klinefelter’s syndrome


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