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Centrifugal Force Books

Principles of General Chemistry ,3rd edition

Author: Martin Silberberg

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CHM101, CHM112, CHM122

Topics: matter, chemical reactions, gases, Kinetic Molecular Theory, Thermochemistry, Energy Flow, Chemical Change, Quantum Theory, Atomic Structure, Electron Configuration, Chemical Periodicity, Chemical Bonding, Shapes of Molecules.Covalent Bonding, Intermolecular Forces, Periodic Patterns, solutions, Organic Compounds, carbon, Mechanisms of Chemical Reactions, Acid-Base Equilibria, Ionic Equilibria, Thermodynamics, Entropy, Free Energy, Electrochemistry, Chemical Change, Electrical Work, Transition Element, Nuclear Reactions

Student Solutions Manual to accompany Principles of General Chemistry

Author: Martin Silberberg, Patricia Amateis

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CHM101, CHM112, CHM122

Topics: matter, chemical reactions, gases, Kinetic Molecular Theory, Thermochemistry, Energy Flow, Chemical Change, Quantum Theory, Atomic Structure, Electron Configuration, Chemical Periodicity, Chemical Bonding, Shapes of Molecules.Covalent Bonding, Intermolecular Forces, Periodic Patterns, solutions, Organic Compounds, carbon, Mechanisms of Chemical Reactions, Acid-Base Equilibria, Ionic Equilibria, Thermodynamics, Entropy, Free Energy, Electrochemistry, Chemical Change, Electrical Work, Transition Element, Nuclear Reactions

Sociology of Law

Author: AS Maliki

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: CSS112

Topics: Sociology of Law, Concepts of Law, School of Jurisprudence, Jurisprudence, Analytical School of Jurisprudence, Positivist School of Jurisprudence, Historical School of Jurisprudence, Sociological School of Jurisprudence, Morality, custom, force, justice freedom, rule of law, Nigerian Legal System, Legal Order of Nigeria, Social Change, Legal Structure of Nigeria

Military Intelligence Strategic Planning and Operational Tactics Design

Author: Sylvester Anya

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: CSS843

Topics: Military Intelligence, Operational Tactics Design, Intelligence Failure, National Intelligence, Principles of War, Special Operations Forces, Guerrilla Warfare, Counter-Guerrilla Warfare

Fundamental Principles of International Relations

Author: Martin Rochester

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: INR251

Topics: International Relations, foreign policy, international politics, states, diplomacy, bargaining, statecraft, war, use of armed forces, international organization, international law, global problem-solving, international security, human rights, human development, world economy, promoting prosperity, sovereignity, global governance

International Law ,8th edition

Author: Malcolm Shaw

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: INR331

Topics: International Law, Development of International Law, International Law, Municipal Law, Subjects of International Law, International Protection of Human Rights, Individual Criminal Responsibility in International Law, recognition, territory, law of the sea, Jurisdiction, Immunities from Jurisdiction, state responsibility, International Environmental Law, Law of Treaties, state succession, Settlement of Disputes, use of force, International Humanitarian Law

The Economy Today ,12th edition

Author: Bradley Schiller

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: ECO449

Topics: SCARCITY, PRODUCTION POSSIBILITIES, ECONOMIC GROWTH, BASIC DECISIONS, choice, circular flow, demand, supply, equilibrium, market outcomes, market failure, taxation, government failure, National income accounting, flow of income, measures of income, unemployment, labor force, measuring unemployment, human costs, inflation, measuring inflation, price stability, causes of inflation, business cycle, cyclical instability, macro equilibrium, consumption, consumption function, investment, net export spending, macro failure, aggregate demand, multiplier process, fiscal policy, fiscal stimulus, fiscal restraint, taxes, spending, fiscal guidelines, deficit, debt, external debt, money, banks, money multiplier, money supply, monetary tools, federal reserve system, monetary policy, money market, interest rates, spending, policy constraints, MONETARIST PERSPECTIVE, AGGREGATE SUPPLY, AGGREGATE SUPPLY curve, tax incentives, HUMAN CAPITAL INVESTMENT, deregulation, INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT

Modern Principles of Economics ,3rd edition

Author: Tyler Cowen, Alex Tabarrok

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: ECO711

Topics: Power of Trade, Comparative Advantage, supply, demand, equilbrium, elasticity, tax, subsidy, price system, Price Ceiling, price Floor, International Trade, Externalities, firm, factor markets, cost, profit maximization, monopoly, price discrimination, pricing strategy, oligopoly, game theory, monopolistic competition, advertising, labor markets, governement, public goods, political economy, public choice, public policy, Decision Making, stock markets, personal finance, asymmetric information, moral hazard, adverse selection, consumer choice, economic growth, Gross domestic product, wealth of nations, growth, capital accumulation, saving, investment, financial system, business fluctuations, Unemployment, Labor Force Participation, Inflation, Quantity Theory of Money, aggregate demand, aggregate supply, The Federal Reserve System, Open Market Operations, Monetary Policy, federal budget, taxes, spending, fiscal policy, international economics, international finance

The Oxford Handbook of International Organizations

Author: Jacob Katz Cogan, Ian Hurd, Ian Johnstone

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: INR422

Topics: International Organizations, INTERNATIONAL LAW, WORLD POLITICS, FORMAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS, SUPRANATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS, PRIVATE TRANSNATIONAL GOVERNANCE, PEACE OPERATIONS, COUNTERTERRORISM, TRANSNATIONAL CRIME, NON-PROLIFERATION, DISARMAMENT, HUMAN RIGHTS, criminal justice, humanitarian action, refugees, internally displaced persons, trade, international finance, economic relations, economic integration, development, environment, health, labor, religion, democracy promotion, lawmaking, monitoring process, sanctions, use of force, dispute settlement, information gathering, information analysis, information dissemination, civil society, INTERNATIONAL ADJUDICATIVE BODIES, CONSTITUENT INSTRUMENTS, PRIVILEGES, IMMUNITIES, INTERNATIONAL ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNALS

Industrial Marketing

Author: CI Okeke

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: MKT859

Topics: Industrial Marketing, Organizational Buying Process, Industrial Buying Issues, Industrial Marketing, Consumer Marketing, Industrial Customer, Sales Force Management, Industrial Markets, Industrial Products, Communication Management-Forms, Integrated Communication, Distribution Decisions, Industrial Marketing Strategy, Industrial Strategic Marketing Planning


Administration, Social and Management science image

Administration, Social and Management science

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Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

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Arts and Humanities

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Engineering image


General studies image

General studies

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Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science image

Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Science and Technology image

Science and Technology