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Chromosome Mutation Books

Introduction to Genetics and Breeding

Author: M Kabir

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: ANP312

Topics: Genetics, Breeding, Chromosomes, heredity, DNA, RNA, Genetic code, Mendelism, inheritance, Mendelian genetics, Mendelian Inheritance, Heritability, Quantitative inheritance, qualitative inheritance, Animal variation, breeding methods, gene action

Introduction to blood and Haematopoiesis (Blood physiology lecture material compilation)

Author: Bond anyaehie, SI Okpala, Ugwu sandra, Nnali Nkechinyere, odoemena celevian

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: PHS201

Topics: Blood, plasma, Erythropoiesis, Lymphopoiesis, Myelopoiesis, Granulopoiesis, Megakaryocytopoiesis, megakaryocytes, serum, Red blood cells, Red blood cell morphology, hemoglobin, Jaundice, Erythroprotein, Hemopoietic growth factor, interlukin, blood group, rhesus factor, chromosome, RH blood group, RH incompatibility, Lewis antigen, Kell system, platelets, Thrombus formation, Thromboxane A2 synthesis, Thrombocytosis, thrombocytopenia, aspirin, white blood cells, Leukocytes, Granulocyte, Monocytes, Lymphocytes, Neutrophils, Basophils, Eosinophils, Leucopoiesis, Macrophages, Diapedesis, chemotaxis, Phagocytosis, Anaemia, Erythrocytes, hemolytic, hemostasis, clotting, blood clot, fibrinogen, hemophilia, thrombocytopenia, thrombus, embolus, immunity, Innate immunity, Acquired Immunity, immunoglobulin, immune response, Humoral immunity, Cell mediated immunity

Molecular Biology of the Cell, 6th edition

Author: Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: ANP201

Topics: Cell Molecular Biology, Cells, genomes, cell chemistry, bioenergetics, proteins, DNA chromosomes, DNA replication, DNA recombination, DNA repair, gene expression control, Membrane Structure, protein sorting, Intracellular Membrane Traffic, Energy Conversion, Mitochondria, Chloroplasts, Cell Signaling, cytoskeleton, cell cycle, cell death, cell junctions, cancer, stem cells, tissue renewal, pathogens, infection, innate immune systems, adaptive immune systems, genetic code, amino acids

Cambridge IGCSE Biology, 3rd Edition

Author: DG MacKean, Dave hayward

School: International Exams

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: IGCSE

Topics: cell structure, cell organization, specimens, diffusion, osmosis, active transport, biological molecules, proteins, DNA structure, water, enzymes, enzyme action, plant nutrition, photosynthesis, leaf structure, human nutrition, diet, alimentary canal, mechanical digestion, chemical digestion, absorption, water uptake, transpiration, translocation, heart, blood, lymphatic vessels. blood, diseases, immunity, human gas exchanges, respiration, aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration, excretion, co-ordination, human nervous control, sense organs, homeostasis, tropic response, drugs, Medicinal drugs, misused drugs, reproduction, Asexual reproduction, Sexual reproduction, human sex hormones, Sexually transmitted infections, inheritance, chromosomes, genes, mitosis, meiosis, Monohybrid inheritance, Variation, adaptive features, selection, Energy flow, food chains, food web, Nutrient cycles, population size, Biotechnology, genetic engineering, food supply, Habitat destruction, pollution, conservation


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Administration, Social and Management science

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Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

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Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

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